- What about the fakes?
- Isn't it true that these strange constructions in our
cereal crops are of human construction? Don't they have to be ~entirely~
of human construction for the skeptic's position to have the required validity?
Just ONE 'genuine' circle, consider, and the game a'foot is altogether
- ...And Crop Circles get faked. Sure. But, when those
'fakes' occur... don't we, generally, know who the fakers ~are~? Don't
THEY tell us who they are? Don't they strut and crow and smirk and patronize?
- Aren't they stealthy people haters named "Doug"
and "Dave," even as these self-aggrandizing psychopaths die off
and evolve, change their names with the years, upgrade their techniques
over time, and justify or attempt to legitimize their crass sociopathy...
as art? Could it be that these offensive fakers are behind ~all~ the circles?
Builders of ~all~ the constructions? Composers of all these glyphs?
- Yes?
- Then how is it, as Robert Nichol intimates in his compellingly
sincere new film documentary "StarDreams", that these alleged
'hoaxers' always finish what they start? Where are the failed attempts?
Where do they 'practice' their completeness of vision, this exponential
magnitude of astonishing endeavor... this meticulous 'perfection' of flawlessly
breathtaking execution and timing... and... ...Where are the 'blunders'
in these huge constructions, extant, otherwise abundantly found in other
human executions of complicated tasks?
- Why are the 'greater' circles never duplicated? Why
don't we see a balanced explanation for complex circle construction making
it into the "National Geographic" or a Postmodern Art periodical.
Spin me a "Catherine's Wheel", again -- 'Doug'! Stomp out an
"Adams Grave," for me -- 'Dave'.
- Speaking of art and artists, where ~is~ this extremely
improbable army of gifted performers "without egos" (astoundingly
selfless and undeniably talented men and women), anyway? Flatly, these
uncharacteristically secretive persons are REQUIRED to execute (...without
the smallest flaw, remember!) the delicate artistic balances of line and
curve, light and shadow... amidst other conventions of accomplished artistry
(...to include knowledge regarding the sacred or eternal geometrical...
or the strict adherence to the enlightened measure, or an educated unity
in utility that is an artistic "golden mean"...), and this over
a HUGE area on an entirely unique canvas!
- These 'artists' ARE the real deal... reader ...And we
haven't a ~clue~ who they really are! No. We're too well rewarded by
society for not wanting to find out, for not being brave, and for not seeking
out those clues. We're punished effectively for obstinately seeking them
too... served painful irony in the form of reward for negative back-stepping
behavior and punishment for the positive forward-looking pursuit of same.
- Verily, WHO hoaxes roughly tens of tens of quality circles
a year, world-wide, for the last ten years? Who operates with no professional
'recognition', no lucrative 'pay-off' -- no 'reward' of any kind? Who?
- Clearly, few to none. Those who do ~are~ known to us,
ply their trade for money, and even have their own trendy flash-fronted
websites. No... it becomes obvious as one scratches the surface of this
thing that these people are NOT the whole show. Something's hidden behind
the official cultural tarp that is our corrupted and duplicitous mainstream...
- Moreover, artists produce their work to be associated
with it, to be defined by it, to be enriched by it... materially AND intellectually.
I'm an artist of small note and legitimate award and I feel that's a fair
statement. We won't ordinarily BE the artistic Samaritan (rare creature,
THAT!) who disappears from the scene of the artistic 'accident' before
they can be celebrated and feted by admiring fellow humans. An artist
~signs~ his work, boyo! It's been that way since the renaissance from
the middle ages, reader, and even before that the interested knew who their
artists were.
- ...And those people of the renaissance were baffled by
(officially intimidated by) CropCircles then too, remember. Crop circles
have ~long~ legs of history.
- Let's cut to the chase. Most circles could ~be~ FAKE,
respected reader. But MANY are ~not~ I suspect! Nichols suggests in "StarDreams"
that this should, at least, give the reader pause... even if it does NOT
fuel an ongoing epiphany of boundless optimism for the reader... like it
does for ~this~ writer.
- Guilty!
- This writer wept with joy during the first of what has
been (and will continue to be) many viewings of Robert Nichol's documentary.
They are cathartic and appreciating tears, astonished and inspired tears...
thankful and enlightened tears. They are tears that elevate, reassure,
and validate. They are tears that cement conviction, legitimize confidence,
and lubricate assurance, too. But assurance for, confidence about, and
conviction with regard to... what?
- Ok... a few of the high points.
- ...That reality is more fully featured and abundant than
we are otherwise manipulated to believe by our duplicitous culture? That
we are not now, have ever been, or will ever ~be~ alone in the unending
light and darkness that is the expanding and changing universe? That 'existence'
is not so much a 'competition to survive' as it is a 'cooperation to understand'?
That we (you and I!) are the entire universe trying to comprehend itself?
Finally, that it is the individual understanding (...the understanding
individual!) that is truly key?
- You ~matter~, reader, forgetting for a moment that I
do, too. ~You~, reader, are the person that's reached out to with these
crop glyphs. That's the message of "StarDreams". The individual
is ~key~.
- It's all about people, individual persons, Nichol implies...
persons who can open their minds and hearts to an immensity of creative
purpose, a plethora of quality potentials, and an infinity of efficacious
intellectual productivity...! It's all about people willing to break
free, at last, of the attitude we have collectively regarding an aggregate
Earth we presently abuse like an unvalued rental property... and return
to it the respect the truly intelligent would give ~any~ living creature!
We would treat the aggregate Earth (you and I and everything else 'on',
'in', 'about' or 'of' this Earth!) as we ourselves would be efficaciously
treated. For this, you and I would inherit the stars! What do we lose?
Nothing. What do we gain? Everything. That's not the ~end~ of conviction,
confidence, and assurance by any stretch!
- Nichol's documentary is filled with individual persons,
none of them seeming to scramble for individual recognition regarding the
phenomenon, but standing out like individually shining stars for their
lack of apparent desire to do so! It is easy to have 'regard' for these
people - these individuals. The watcher can bask in the rich warm golden
glow of the sincerity and honesty these folks are effused with, and be
reassured by their integrity and frankness and openness and truthfulness...
These are serious people, intelligent and educated people... scientists,
philosophers, researchers, and persons ~without~ a lot of formal education.
I found myself loving all these persons in the absolute best and most
efficacious sense of that word. ...And ~these~ persons love, without doubt
and beyond question, those 'artists' who compose the strange glyphs on
a parchment that we can EAT. Think about ~that~.
- Is there analogy there? I think Mr. Nichols thinks so.
I think so, too.
- ~Who~ are these anonymous teams of selfless and talented
artists manufacturing those compelling images? Who captivates our collective
human intelligence so universally and further compels, at the same time,
such intelligent love? Well -- they are artists, likely, NOT beholden
to human agency, institution, government, culture or religion. They are,
likely, NOT artists who celebrate the soulless corporate while they venerate
the cloistered celibate! They are likely NOT artists who pander to duplicitous
media while they sell their souls to officious and psychopathic sponsors.
They are likely NOT artists who would dupe and disrespect you like they
were doing you a favor. They are likely NOT 'artists' we would... know.
- ...It's ironic that they are likely artists we have always
known (just forgotten, I'll bet)...
- ...Be that as it may, their works are charming letters
thoughtfully composed, magically engineered, beautifully rendered, and
then "slid under the doors" of our consciousness while we're
not looking... by 'someone' or some 'thing' who would attempt a communication
of some 'type' perhaps as nourishing to us as the grain that the artists
compose in, on levels, quite simply, that we are incapable of appreciating,
as yet. I'm gratified they take the time... and further gratified that
Robert Nichol has produced something about this ...evolving reality...
...so enduring, informational, and prescient... that I'm moved joyful tears.
Thank you, sir.
- Further information on the film can be accessed at www.stardreams-cropcircles.com
. See this film.
- ...One more illustrative point before I go. Early this
century William Gazecki produced an equally fine documentary about Crop
Circles (I was ~as~ excited about!) called "Quest for Truth",
and I provided, for it, a similar review. On the radio a few weeks ago
Robert Nichol was interviewed and pointedly asked a question that compared
his film with Gazecki's. I wondered if Nichol would ruffle his feathers,
even if only a little bit, that ~his~ was the better film. That didn't
- Rather, he embraced Gazecki's film as his own, graciously
making indication that both films were short chapters in the same massive
non-fiction, the same story that needed to be told. He implied that Gazecki's
more pragmatic approach complemented the more metaphysical approach he'd
employed and that the films, taken together, made for a more inclusive
accounting of the ~more complete~ story... a stepping stone to even MORE
inclusive chapters...
- No reflexive competition here, good reader. Nichol's
reflex, his astonishingly TELLING reflex, was for reflecting cooperation.
Is that what the circles do to you? If so, I'll have more of that, thank
you. See the sedition?
- I've seen both films numerous times, and I can attest
that the documentaries complement one another, magnificently. Do not tell
yourself that because you have seen one film that you have seen the other.
That would be unfortunate and inaccurate. Seriously, I think it would
be synergistic if these gentlemen could get together, somehow, and provide
both films in a boxed set or package. The films are extremely powerful
individually, but together they are, I think, greater than the sum of their
parts. See these films and begin to 'understand'.
- That's enough -- read on!
- alienview@adelphia.net www.AlienView.net ...content to
read, content to hear, content to see.....