- Have you ever noticed that it's we, average citizens
who know what's going on long before politicians in high places get wind
of it? Have you noticed more and more people speaking different languages
at the supermarket? Schools? Movies? At your local bank? Have you noticed
radio stations and TV crackling with Spanish or other languages in our
English speaking America? Have you seen more people disrespecting the singing
of our national anthem? Have you noticed our laws being broken such as
red lights being run or people fleeing accident scenes where they were
the cause? Have you noticed more trash in our state and national parks,
especially in California, Texas and Georgia?
Have you noticed more flags being flown from other countries instead of
Old Glory? Did you know that more Mexican flags fly from houses, cars and
establishments in California more than the Stars and Stripes? Have you
noticed what has happened to the Golden Bear State? Texas? Arizona? How
about Georgia or Miami, Florida?
Have you ever been incredulous about hearing something that sounded so
preposterous that it "couldn't be true? Take a second look.
You are watching the "Coming Breakup of America. That's right. Your
country. It is moving methodically, perversely, steadily and provocatively
across our land. Our Congress is aiding it at the highest levels. It is
a nation-destroying experiment being forced on Americans that will prove
more disastrous than 9/11.
Last week, I read a book, "Civil War Two: The Coming Breakup of America
by Thomas W. Chittum. This book paints a grim picture of what is happening
to our country. At first, I was incredulous at his supposition. But half
way through the book, his research was so profound and SO evident that
it became a page-turner. It provided a sickening look into the methodology
and process whereby my own country was being destroyed before my eyes.
"History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen,
said Enoch Powell. Today, America fights a war 10,000 miles away while
its own borders suffer an invasion so vast, so powerful, so insidiously
destructive, yet so subtle--even our own citizens can't see it. Not yet,
that is. Chittum writes, "America was born in blood. He should know
because he is a decorated Viet Nam veteran.
He said, "Social, political and economic forces are pulling America
apart and driving her toward a bloody conflict that may fracture the nation
into several different countries, he said. "Riots, gangs, militias,
exploding crime rates, massive immigration, rising unemployment, falling
wagesthese fuel the fires of war.
He talks about nations versus empires. "Empires consist of peoples
of different religions, languages, cultures, races and nationalities, he
said. "Nations are dominated by one group that makes up a majority
of the population. Nations are inherently stable while empires are always
If you look around the United States, we were a stable nation before 1965
with a population mostly of European and African citizens and mostly one
religion. Today, we,ve imported 60 million people from areas so incompatible
with American culture that we recoil at the horrors of female genital mutilation
from Middle Easterners, polygamy of Hmong immigrants, honor killings from
Asia, forced 13 year old girls into marriages and 300 different languages.
Los Angeles, Miami, San Francisco and other cities speak more foreign languages
than English. "If you,ll notice throughout history, he writes, "multiethnic
empires break up in cataclysmic violence. The former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia
are classic examples of multiethnic empires that shattered in tribal violence.
Today, France is on the same track of self-destruction.
Chittum talks about an unstable, tiered society. Aristotle said, "The
only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law.
As any average American citizen can see, we,re developing a massive underclass
of illegal, Third World, uneducated poor that have become our indentured
servants., They won't remain down on the farm for long.
America's supports 13 million illegal aliens that have no allegiance to
our country. A dozen cities feature more foreign-born immigrants than American
citizens. Last year, 800,000 Californians fled their state. Over 200 Spanish-speaking
radio stations own the airwaves in Los Angeles. Miami features over 100
Cuban stations. None have any allegiance to America.
How will it get worse? Our politicians may grant amnesty to that 13 million
which will encourage another 13 million. There are so many illegal aliens
that they hide more illegal aliens via ethnic sympathy., But what they
bring us is as dangerous as any armed invasion.
As their numbers grow, they are aided by the Mexican American Legal Defense
and Education Fund. La Raza, another anti-American Mexican organization,
works directly for the overthrow of America. LULAC is another group that
supports the Reconquista of Aztlan,, or, the retaking of the American Southwest
back into Mexico.
Notice that Mexican president Fox dictates to our leaders what they will
do with his 13 million illegal immigrants in our country. Notice 46 Mexican
consulates in our cities around America supporting his people in our country.
Notice voter fraud by illegal aliens now able to throw our local and national
After three chapters, Chittum's writing sobered me, but I still wasn't
convinced until he offered concrete numbers. "In California in 1993,
665,229 firearms were sold. That's 1,873 per day. Enough firearms were
sold to equip an infantry battalion. For the Californians remaining, there's
a lot of frightened people readying themselves for conflict.
"California is odds-on favorite to kick off Civil War II, Chittum
"The instinctive need to be a member of a closely-knit group fighting
for common ideals may grow so strong that it becomes inessential what these
ideals are, said Konrad Lorenz. Illegal Mexican border jumpers separate
against being an American. The 20,000 member "18th Street Gang in
Los Angeles owns the streets. They coordinate all drug traffic, extortions
of businesses, prostitutes and robberies. Their power, along with MS-13
gangs in 28 American cities, grows by the day. Over 60 percent of the members
are illegal aliens and the other 40 percent are legal immigrants. Since
they possess no working skills in our First World society, they find crime
as an easier vocation. It's termed Third World Momentum., Its corruption
is so deep, so wide and so embedded that it's as intrinsic as the sewer
systems in those cities.
How many and how much? Los Angeles sheriff files register 100,000 gang
members. San Antonio features 5,000 gang members. Chicago estimates 50,000
members. Former Attorney Janet Reno estimated over 500,000 gang members
have imported themselves into the USA. They commit an average of 580,000
crimes annually in our country.
So why do our politicians sit and twiddle their thumbs? Why do they aid
and abet by doing nothing? Can't they see what's happening to California?
Texas? Arizona? The answer in a nutshell: No!
Why? Because Americans, like the proverbial frog being thrown into the
pot of water and the stove being turned up to high, will keep adapting
until we boil to death. The same thing happened to the Romans, French,
Spanish and every other great nation that tumbled into the dustbin of history.
Spain backed into submission by the Madrid train bombing. France stands
on the doorstep of a crisis it won't be able to contain.
I never thought I would have to fight for my own country inside my own
country. But the time is fast approaching. Chittum adds that if immigration
continues at 2.3 million per year, we won't have enough Americans to stand
up for America.
Part II: Urban Street Gangs, Growing Militias, Ethnic Enclaves, Bloody
Lessons of Tribal Europe, Solutions to this crisis.
Frosty Wooldridge is a teacher, author and has bicycled 100,000 miles around
the globe to see overpopulation up close and ugly. Book due in late July:
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