- These are the statements made by Alberto Hernandez Unzon
yesterday during the interview on television about the Air Force case.
- Engineer in Geophysics Alberto Hernandez is sub-manager
of the National Meteorological Services, Mexico's official meteorological
center. He is also a Member of the Scientific Advisory Comitee of the
National System for Civil Protection, and Member of the Hurricane Committee
of the Worldwide Meteorological Association.
- Question: Alberto, you made the National Meteorological
Services complete study of the March 5, 2004 meteorological conditions
over the Campeche area. What are the results.
- Answer: According to the satellite images, the conditions
registered in the observatories and the satellite RADAR images, there were
stable conditions in the entire Campeche zone. In the specific place of
interest in this issue, there were cloud formation and some stratus clouds
that are stable conditions for this season.
- There were no rains registered and the cloudiness type
was very stable as we can see in this satellite images and the Air Force
- Question: The subject that we bring here today is about
lightning conditions because there have been some statements pointing that
there were lightning conditions on that location at that time.
- Answer: Meteorologically speaking, a flash is a lightning
of a short duration and short intensity. That's the basic definition. We
all have witnessed an electric storm sometime. Special conditions are required
for an electrical storm - big, vertical clouds and a completely unstable
atmosphere, ionization in the atmosphere and the meteorological systems
that provoke that type of cloudiness.
- Question: That means that the meteorological conditions
were not suitable for flash lightning that day over Campeche and therefore
contradicts what the UNAM scientists claimed in their report.
- Answer: Yes. On March 5, we were entering into the final
stage of the winter season. The meteorological conditions in this season
are of cold fronts but that day in particular there were none present.
What we had were the type of cloudiness that does not cause the flash phenomena.
- Question: Did the scientists from the UNAM approached
the National Meteorological Services to request the meteorological conditions
over Campeche to support their theory?
- Answer: No, they have never approached us at any time.
If they are talking about a meteorological phenomena at that location,
they should have meet with us at the National Meteorological Services to
obtain the meteorological conditions just like your team did as well as
other journalists.
- There were no weather ballons sent up in that area.
- Question: What's the duration of a flash of lightning.
- Answer: A flash lasts microseconds. We can not talk even
of one or two seconds because it's just a single discharge. To say that
these lights on the video are ball lighting or electrical sparks is nonsense.
I repeat, that day there were no meteorological conditions for flash or
ball lightning in the entire Campeche area. The clouds must have been at
approximately 7 kilometers high therefore what we see are stable stratus
cloud formations.
- Question: What could we be seeing here in this video.
- Answer: If this is an optical phenomena it cannot be
refered to Meteorology. It is not a photo meteor, it is not a litho meteor.
They are not ice crystals nor a St. Elmo's fire. Those are all meteorological
phenomenons. And this is not a mirage phenomena.
- In conclusion, we do not have an explanation to this
phenomena. There are satellites Aqua and Terra and we can request NASA
to send us images of that day to continue this study and get more information
to try to find out what could have happened that day.