- So, Limbaugh thinks humiliation - sexual debauchery -
electrodes on genitalia - kicking a man's teeth in - throwing him beaten
to a pulp off the back of a truck - a seventy year old woman made to wear
a harness and play donkey for these miscreants, is just "blowing off
steam". No more than college hazing.
- You get a pretty good idea when a society has gone over
the edge and totally lost its moral compass when men such as Limbaugh,
O'Reilly and Savage are presented as mouth pieces of legitimate news. It
shows you the total lack of respect and irreverence that the honchos running
the canned propagandized programing has for the general populous. I can't
imagine demeaning myself by listening to a former used car salesman who
couldn't hold onto any job. Not only that, but a guy who by his own admission
(for others of course) should be locked away for his reported drug taking.
Again, the double-standard when the doper-drunk-or sexual deviate is connected
or has millions for dream team lawyers.
- Since Rush, as many of his ilk have never seen war, I
suppose all these scenes of just "blowing off steam" at the expense
of frightened, terror stricken villagers (many just caught up in village
sweeps) is mere entertainment? One has to wonder what sordid pleasures
or sicko behavior Rush partakes in to "BLOW-off steam?" This
is certainly a 180 degree turn from the Monica, pizza with the works,
during the Clinton years. One has to wonder with this wink and a nod -
kids just gotta have fun attitude - from those in positions of influence,
why we should be shocked?
- Even Hersh, the New Yorker journalist, seemed to excuse
(in an interview) this behavior, due to the rural environment from which
these "kids" mutated. He seemed to imply that one couldn't expect
better from po' white trash. I got the impression that they'd left their
Deliverance Banjo's on their ramshackle porches, or in their trailers,
and picked up M-16s and leashes. And now the blame game starts.
- We're supposed to believe in a theater of "Shock
and Awe", of incendiary and cluster bombs, that America's compassion
has ruled the day? America's knowledge of war and its horrors, are limited
to sanitized scenes of recruits in freshly pressed uniforms, flags, and
the President, strapped in costumed victory under a sign "Mission
Accomplished". They are kept dutifully distracted by the used car
salesman and his selling of lemons to the public. O'Reilly can be counted
on for going into a a weekly psychotic melt down in his diatribes and
Savage would have had Paul Revere hung from the Old North Church steeple.
- When we're not subjected to this mind-numbing dribble,
we can tune into the latest breast shot of Janet Jackson, or another two
hour showing of her bleached specter brother, from Never-Never Land.
Car chases, sports rapes and murders, or the latest Hollywood two hour
marriage, keeps us abreast of our American culture. Commercials show
white men made to look like slovenly, drooling idiots, waiting for the
Satellite Dish installer, or lapping water out of a water fountain.
If it's all too much, there's an array of pills to choose from. Happy pills-erection
pills and anxiety pills. There a myriad of pills for headaches, bunions,
warts, acne, gas, hangovers, flaking skin, wheezing, obesity, hemorrhoids,
diarrhea, incontinence, baldness, heart palpitations, and lack of self-esteem.
Hemorrhoid commercials are always at supper-time along with douche products.
Just an observation.
- Of course, there's the usual side effects given in the
last seconds. "The taking of such and such a magic pill may result
in: insomnia - rectal bleeding - seizures - blindness - twitching - guttural
utterances - memory loss - four hour erections - sterility - crying jags
- loss of hearing - embarrassing continual flatulence or death. Not much
else, unless one is into the continual showing of: Pearl Harbor, soccer,
basketball, football, tennis, golf, mud wrestling, grotesque fashion shows,
gambling-home shopping junk-o-rama, or money grubbing TV evangelists screaming
some name it and claim greed gospel.
- C-Span will give you some insight into the more intellectual
side of American culture. It's usually the rabid right or the rabid left
and the crazies who call in. "My daddy says never trust a Republican.
It's those bleeding heart Democrats and that pig of a Clinton at fault.
Hell, people in San Francisco would pay money for what's being done to
those Iraqi prisoners. I say nuk'em to hell etc." You can see why
other impoverished Third World nations and millions of Mexicans are jealous.
- Washington meanwhile holds the usual "after the
fact" hearings. With all the multi-billions spent on intelligence-defense-hundreds
of agencies-NORAD-weapons-military training-ships-planes-cameras etc.;
nobody knows what's happening? "Intelligence broke down-we were given
false information-we weren't informed-it got lost in the shuffle-it was
the Democrats-it was those snotty French-there's a systemic breakdown-it's
a few rotten apples-it wasn't torture it was abuse etc." Somehow,
I don't think we're getting our money's worth. Out here in the real world,
people get fired for incompetence, ineptness, stupidity, missing money,
and sexual advances or obscenities. Seems to me, the bigger the crime the
more money is doled out to fix things. That and promotions. Enron-Worldcom-Tyco-Haiburton-Savings
and Loan-Agent Orange-Gulf War Syndrome-Drugs-Illegal Immigrants-Planes
Crashing Across the Country-Not Enough Troops-Iraqi torture-et al., and
nobody knew! Nobody had an inkling. Nobody told the Defense Department.
Nobody told the President. The CIA doesn't talk to the FBI and apparently
warnings are not warnings.
- When leadership does deign to speak to the people, it
gets even more confusing. Donald Rumsfeld says; "I take full responsibility.
Learn to say, I don't know. If used when appropriate, it will be often.
If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much. If you try to please
everybody, somebody's not going to like it. Too often management recommends
plans that look like Bob Hope's nose or a hockey stick. If you accept hockey
stick plans, you will find they will be proposed year after year. We aren't
running out of targets; Afghanistan is. We do know, of certain knowledge,
that Bin Laden is either in Afghanistan or in some other country or dead.
Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting
to me, because as we knew, there are known knows; there are thing we know
we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know
there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns----the
ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history
of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that
ten to be the difficult ones". Hmmm-me not a deep thinker, knows
that I know when I know that I can't keep track of what I should know and
when I know that I don't know!
- If the Secretary of Defense and the President speak on
the same day, it challenges even the most die-hard of intellectuals hanging
out at the mall or local convenience store. Like many, I can only handle
so much fragmented, disjointed, mesmerizing, philosophical, musing from
the marbled corridors of Foggy Bottom. I can't understand why God doesn't
chat with me? Except for an occasional beer or glass of wine, which takes
me a whole night to get down, I don't drink. I never did drugs and don't
own a weapon. I got a ticket 25 years ago for "supposedly" going
through a stop sign. Now anybody who knows me could vouch for my innocence.
I don't gamble, never played cards or pool. I hate bingo and have never
been to a horse race. The only unusual idiosyncrasies that I have are my
costumed protests. It's either that, or the fact that I'm an Independent
and not a Republican that keeps God silent. It's a quandary.
- But I should feel blessed that God does talk to the President.
I've tried to keep track of these pearls of wisdom. After all-God doesn't
throw pearls before swine. Some of the more obtuse words that God has revealed
to the President are: "More Muslims have died at the hands of killers
than---I say more Muslims---a lot of Muslims have died---I don't know the
exact count--at Istanbul. Look at these different places around the world
where there's been tremendous death and destruction because killers kill.
King Abdullah of Jordan, the King of Morocco, I mean, there's a series
of places that are developing---Bahrain---they're all developing the habits
of free societies. In my judgment, when the United States says there will
be serious consequences, and if there isn't serious consequences, it creates
adverse consequences. There is no such thing necessarily in a dictatorial
regime of iron-clad absolutely solid evidence. The evidence I had was the
best possible evidence that he had a weapon. See, without the tax relief
package, there would have been a deficit, but there wouldn't have been
the commiserate---not commiserate---the kick to our economy that occurred
as a result of the tax relief. The best way to find these terrorists who
hide in holes is to get people coming forth to describe the location of
the hole, is to give clues and data. Justice was being delivered to a man
who defied that gift from the Almighty to the people of Iraq. See free
nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free
nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction. The ambassador and the
general were briefing me on the----the vast majority of Iraqis want to
live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will
bring them to justice. Whether they be Christian, Jew or Muslim, or Hindu,
people have heard the universal call to love a neighbor just like they'd
like to be called themselves."
- And so in a world at war, massive unemployment, shelters
overflowing and the recent revelations of sinful man "just blowing
off steam" in Iraq, frankly, instead of sending Condi to the Muslims
with healing words, they should have sent Attorney General Ashcroft.
General Ashcroft tells us: "Unique among the nations, America recognized
the source of our character as being godly and eternal, not being civic
and temporal. And because we have understood that our source is eternal,
America has been different. We have no king but Jesus. We are a nation
called to defend freedom---a tradition that is not a grant of any government
or document, but is an endowment from God. Christianity is a faith in which
God sends his son to die for you while Islam is a religion in which God
requires you to send your son to die for him. Frankly, the president, during
the first opportunity I had to be in a Cabinet meeting, before we started
the meeting he said, 'Folks, before we begin this meeting, I'm going to
call on General Ashcroft and ask him invite the wisdom and presence of
God in what we do.' And I thought to myself how ashamed I'd been that so
many times in my life I had entered upon great important tasks and I had
cheated myself and those that I had served of a blessing."
- The President has said he's appalled at the graphic photographs
and information he's been given. Donald Rumsfeld has said that he takes
full responsibility. I don't know what this means, since Janet Reno said
she took full responsibility for Waco and nothing happened. But he did
say it. We haven't heard from Attorney General Ashcroft, but I wouldn't
hesitate to think with his covering of the breasts of bronze statutes,
that he is probably sickened by this depravity. I would think that Mr.Limbaugh
is not doing too credible a job of representing the Administration with
his "just blowing off steam" remarks. The fact is, this uneducated
fool is pouring gasoline on the fire and would be better off going back
to his podunk used car lot. As for us? Well we're just going to have to
decipher the words of God, keep our duct tape and plastic handy, and hope
that an announcement will soon come that the last terrorist has been found.
This democratizing Iraq, at $4.5 billion a month may soon see us all back
at the Old North Church waiting on Paul Revere. At least this time round
we'll have flashlights.