Aliens Did It Says Canada
Circle Investigator

By Jennifer Lang
Terrace Standard News

Mysterious Circles that appeared on Scott Ave. lawn last month are the real deal, says Larry Sommerfield.
They're crop circles created by alien visitors who are secretly monitoring our planet.
"Actually, I would call it lawn circles, not crop circles," notes Sommerfield, who has been monitoring the site since he saw a photo in the Terrace Standard ("What in the world?" Page B1 March 17).
There's been very little change in their appearance, he said.
He's counted 16 circles of varying sizes. Some are a few inches in diameter, others are a few feet wide.
Inside, the grass is still dead, while neighboring blades on the lawn are growing taller and greener with each passing day.
"It could only be imitated by leaving a heavy weight there for several days, and would be seen." says Sommerfield, a retired tow truck driver and auto body repair man who lives in Thornhill.
Just weeds are making a come back now that the snow has melted.
He notes the circles are located on the side of a ditch, leading down a small embankment.
"A prankster would have put them in the center of the lawn where they can be seen," he concludes.
So, why would alien visitors leave such baffling clues on someone's lawn?
"It's simply the aliens way of letting us know they're around. They want us to know they're there."
Sommerfield is something of a self-styled expert in the paranormal. he became interested in alien activity after he realized visitors from outer space have been monitoring Earth for tens of thousands of years, a habit that increased once humans began testing and detonating atomic bombs, ending the Second World war but ushering in the Cold war.
"Until the atomic bombs went off, they just had a mild interest," he says. "It's only when we entered the Space Age they realized we were doing something to be concerned about."
He claims to have been the target of ongoing alien pranks. invisible visitors from outer space occasionally steal objects from his home, only to replace them several days later - but not always in the original location.
"Normally, the stuff comes back in about four day's time," he says, recalling a particular curious incident involving the unexplained disappearance of a Frank Sinatra 8-Track tape that contained the blue-eyed crooner's signature ditty, "My way".
Last year, Sommerfield and a colleague also found something they believe is Sasquatch scat - droppings they hope to have analyzed by a scientist.
So far, they still haven't heard back from any of the scientists they contacted.
Meanwhile, Sommerfield says Scott Ave. resident Jean Thompson shouldn't worry about the curious circles on her lawn.
"Just leave it. By fall it will grow back."



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