WIRE) - Some 25% of Americans might not be
- surprised by that salutation, that's how many suspect
that alien beings
- have paid a visit to this earthly realm.
- Most of them don't know it, of course. Two-thirds of
those who think
- aliens have visited concede that it's just speculation
on their part. Just
- a third of them believe there's actual evidence of alien
stopovers, which
- could range from Ezekiel to Roswell, N.M., by way of
the Incas.
- A larger group believes intelligent life exists in a
physical form on
- other planets: 47 percent think that's the case, while
about as many, 45
- percent, do not believe.
- There are some demographic differences: Men are a bit
more apt than women
- to believe intelligent alien life exists, 51 percent
to 43 percent.
- Younger adults are more credulous. But less-educated
adults are more
- dubious, as are Republicans. No alien tax cut for them.
- This poll was done in support of "Chris Wallace's
Internet Expose" special
- on UFOs on ABCNEWS.com.
- See http://abcnews.go.com/onair/correspondents/wallace/internetexpose.
Don't Exist Exist Haven't visited Visited No opinion
10/8/00 61 45 16 27 12
(IF VISITED) Do you say that based on evidence you've seen or read, or
is it just your speculation?
Evidence Speculation No opin.
10/8/00 33 66 1
Do you believe in intelligent life on other planets?
Yes No
All 47% 45
Men 51 42
Women 43 47
Age 18-34 55 41
Age 35+ 44 47
Democrats 53 38
Independents 49 45
Republicans 38 55
High school or less 43 49
Some college or more 51 41
- Among those who think intelligent aliens exist, just
under six in
- 10 take the next step, which is to think they've physically
- Earth. This computes to 27 percent of all adults, or
more than enough
- to keep Star Trek reruns on air well into the next millennium.
- Note: the language in this poll was crafted to exclude
- alien life and telepathic alien visits.
- As noted, 66 percent of those who think aliens have
visited say
- that's "just speculation" on their part, as
opposed to an opinion
- based on evidence they've seen or read. The number who
think there's
- actual evidence of alien visits translates to nine percent
of the
- adult population. For comparison, in a famous question
some years
- back, eight percent said Elvis might still be alive.
Perhaps - and
- perhaps he's only visiting.
- METHODOLOGY - This <http://ABCNews.comABCNews.com
survey was
- conducted by telephone
- Oct. 4-8, 2000, among a random national sample of 1,007
adults. The
- results have a three-point error margin. Fieldwork by
- ICR-International Communications Research of Media, Pa.
- Analysis by Gary Langer.
- ABC News polls can be found at <http://ABCNEWS.comABCNEWS.com
on the
- Internet at:
- <http://www.abcnews.com/sections/us/PollVault/PollVault.htmlhttp://www.abcnews
- .com/sections/us/PollVault/PollVault.html
- Here are the full results:
Do you think intelligent life exists in a physical form on other
planets, or not?
Yes No No opin.
10/8/00 47 45 8
(IF YES) Do you think intelligent beings from other planets have
or have not physically visited the Earth?
Have Have not No opin.
10/8/00 57 34 9
Aliens haven't Aliens have visited: No
visited Evidence Speculation opin.
10/8/00 61 9 18 12
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