- Note - Just another example of the dominant impact of
images and pop idols on our young people. Our culture is reaping what
is sews for elevating such women to the status of role models for tens
of millions of young girls. It is no surprise that bisexuality and lesbianism
are red-hot 'lifestyles' in Junior and Senior High Schools spanning North
America...and God only knows how many other countries around the world.
- MONTREAL - Two Grade 7 girls
were "encouraged" to leave their school after they were caught
charging money for a public kissing session in the school cafeteria.
- The 12-year-olds charged boys $5 to watch the lunch-hour
- The father of one of the girls said his daughter was
basically expelled for her actions.
- "She was thrown out of school," the unidentified
man said after calling a CJAD phone-in show.
- "She wasn't allowed back to school. She was told
she had to go to a different school."
- The man said the girl's parents agreed to get counselling
for their daughter.
- The students apparently got the idea for the kiss after
watching Britney Spears and Madonna kiss during last year's MTV awards.
- http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type