You Wanna Play-You Gotta Pay
By Judith Moriarty

Daily the TV news (?) presents a picture board of all the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, husband and wife teams, and father and son teams, fighting, or rather trying to stay alive in Iraq until their tour of duty is up. Of course now they don't know when that will ever be what with retirements canceled in the new," Stop Loss Program," instituted by those enjoying the rush of war without any of the blood, gore, canned food, rancid water, depleted uranium poisoned sand, improper vehicles, and equipment.
No, none of these moth eaten, bleary eyed, mildewed generals- dragged out for their "expert" advice with the latest announcements that dying-wounded soldiers means we're winning, has a clue what this desert nightmare is about. Orwell couldn't have said it better. War is now a public relation firm's bonanza, as they write the different scripts for the day; from the orchestrated strapped testosterone of "Mission Accomplished", plastic turkey day, or the latest thriller of "We Got Him!"
Search for Today, The Young and The Homeless, Naked Dating, Car Chases, Super Star Rape, and the latest prostitute arrests, all took a back seat to this the sequel to Shock and Awe. Popcorn at hand, a cold Bud, remote ready, we watched as the Butcher of Baghdad, Evil Incarnate, the man who would destroy Mighty America was dragged from a "spider hole" and pawed by gloved hands for vermin. Then like a horse being readied for the glue factory his mouth was examined. This dictator would not be sent off with his billions to luxurious retirement. One did have to wonder, with all the doubles the psychotic Saddam had, whether this wasn't some palace flunkie who lucked out? This certainly wasn't the debonair, self-assured, leader welcoming Donald Rumsfeld some years ago. The gassing of the Kurds didn't hinder our continued support and monies for years more? No sanctions then and UN investigations all coming to naught. Baffling, how stupid a man with billions, could only afford or prepare for himself a hole in the ground?
One has to wonder how the "news" of the day is decided. What will distract, up the ratings, or just fill up hour after hour, while more pressing things which we're too moronic to grasp are taking place in the world? Such was the third week in Nov of 2003, when the Free Trade Area of the Americas negotiations were taking place in the Militarized Zone of Miami (once a retirement haven).
With thousands of citizens; environmental groups, labor unions, church groups, students and senior citizens, planning a pre-Thanksgiving break in Miami, little did they know that Fort Miami was ready and waiting. Being a woman; I'm not sure what it is about a uniform, helmet, bullet proof vest, tzar guns, shields, clubs, concussion grenades, and cannisters of gas; that mutates the man next door mowing his lawn, chomping on pork rinds, slurping down a six pack, watching the 24hr. sports channel, into a mindless roboton; heaving, grunting, and chanting, as he marches menacingly towards American citizens, observing their Constitutional right to demonstrate?
But regretfully, breaking news, had Americans oblivious to the terror on Miami streets; absent sun bathers, tourists, or seniors enjoying their retirement. Instead of a welcome to the Sunshine State with directions to beaches, alligator wrestling events, water slides or entertainment Meccas; they were met by Miami Police Chief John Timoney, the South's Terminator, and his mutant minions of armchair warriors. Legalized terror on American citizens certainly beat washing the car, picking up a video, and slurping down a pizza with the works. There's just something about TV action movies played out in real life, that gives a rush better than sex! Mighty Mouse, Spider Man, Batman, Captain Marvel, Superman, the Godfather, the Terminator all rolled into one.
Unbeknownst to those who pay the bills (us) eight and one half million of the newest monies voted for Iraq were allocated to the Miami front, to protect the power brokers negotiating NAFTA on steroids in closed door sessions. Citizens were unarmed except for puppets, signs, journalists with cameras, drums, and seniors clutching their purses. Chief Timoney was bound and determined that he as Grant, Patton, Marshall, Gavin, with a dash of Napoleon madness would lead his nameless, faceless troops to victory. No white trash, knucklehead, punks would observe any Constitutional rights in his town. He would have his own "Shock and Awe" as his troops, in full black body armour (better equipped than the real soldiers in Iraq) set upon citizens with concussion grenades, rubber, wooden and plastic bullets. Clubs thundering beat the sounds of freedom on shields, amidst the roar of helicopters overhead and armored personnel carriers (which our troops in Iraq would envy).
Jeremy Scahill, producer and correspondent for Democracy Now, a nationally syndicated radio and TV program was in the midst of this melee. Press credentials meant nothing unless you were an embedded reporter from the Miami Herald or other favored news groups. These reporters were outfitted identical to 'General' Timoney except for press badges around their necks. Jeremy was not afforded a costume that would keep him safe.
Jeremy reports that undercover "troops" were dressed as protestors with bandanas, slogans on backpacks, some with ski masks. Their tzar guns gave them away, as they attacked citizens observing their Constitutional right to freedom of speech. Jeremy reported that troops fired indiscriminately into the marchers and that thousands were gassed, shocked, shot with various 120 mph projectiles. Jeremy- a young serious journalist, told of police stopping him and his colleagues, of citizens being herded to the less desirable hidden part of Fort Miami where the homeless and hired help live. He went on to tell of troops surrounding citizens on four sides and spraying pepper, shooting, and basically assaulting and terrorizing citizens as if they were the feared Iraqis invading Miami beaches!
Approximately 250 citizens (not Saddam's Royal Guard) were arrested. Some were hospitalized or needing medical treatment. These arrests included bewildered, frightened senior citizens, from Michigan who'd gotten lost trying desperately to get back to their busses. With clouds of noxious gas one was hard pressed in knowing just where they were? The Sunshine State or Baghdad? Frankly, I for one, would like to know why these hordes of armored mercenaries, aren't in Iraq, what with soldiers tours being extended? Why are hired para-military forces, better equipped than real soldiers? It must be known that the Spirit of real Americans is alive and well with citizens singing outside the jail, "We all live in a failed democracy" (to the tune of yellow submarine).
But, as I pointed out, unless one has a satellite, where Democracy Now, along with real news from overseas is shown, you wouldn't have seen any of this contemptible, domestic violence being perpetuated on citizens, many who have served this country in past wars for the RIGHT to dissent. Aren't we reminded daily, that that's why our young are losing their lives, their sight, their limbs for? Freedom? Are middle-age reservists; farmers, truck drivers, mechanics, teachers, etc., leaving their livelihoods and families to have their fellow citizens attacked at home? Are mothers, young women, being sent "INSANELY" into battle, losing their lives and some their limbs, to protect a Constitution that is being gassed, clubbed, beat, shot and shredded? Are they? Have we become so passive, so apathetic, so desensitized that the sight of senior citizens trembling, terrorized and handcuffed by hired faceless thugs in full body armour as if they were storming Normandy- doesn't make us tremble with rage and sick at heart- demanding that our elected officials get off their lazy fat asses and start doing the jobs they were elected to do, or move out of the way and let those with some pride in this country do the job they can't, won't, or are too compromised to accomplish, serving the honchos in Miami who were negotiating the rest of America's jobs down the tubes.
And what pray tell took precedence over all of America seeing this trampling of their Constitution? Why, conveniently it was the Specter from Never Never Land, our own resident Phantom of the Opera, and his latest sexcapdes being investigated. For weeks now this bleached Black man has been given top billing with every silly asinine thing imaginable. The once upon a time, respected 60 Minutes, paid him a million dollars for a hogwash interview. I come cheap, I'd have done it for $50,000! To date, I have heard no outrage from the stable of candidates backbiting and ripping and tearing at one another address the trampling of the Constitution in Miami. A document they took an OATH to uphold!
And what was it that brought seniors, church groups, students, environmentalists and the workers of America to militarized Fort Miami? Why the foolishness of it all. Jobs! Their jobs and the jobs of multitudes. One would be hard pressed, I imagine, to have a meaningful discussion with a neighbor on the importance of these secret negotiations. And how could they when murder, rape, car chases, terror alerts, flu shots, mad cow, and Never Never Land give mind numbed citizens sound byte hysteria or sensationalism?
Why would there be a discussion on the Trade Promotion Authority Bill, called the Andean Trade Preference Act which went to vote on July 26, after (unreported) tremendous opposition by citizen, labor, environment, religious groups and local governments (those awake that is). It was pushed through in a marathon session at 3:30am. Who cares? Well they should since it will have serious implications for all Americans, but nobody will know just how it happened? Signed into law on Aug 6,03, by President Bush, the law grants him total control to negotiate international trade law, restricting the House and Congress input to only voting 'yeah' or 'nay' on the future of US trade policy. Essentially our elected representatives have relinquished the ability to represent the people (us) who elected them.
Upon signing, Bush said that he immediately planned to move trade negotiations out of 'park' and would begin negotiations with Chile and Central America right away. The FTAA agreement is the proposed trade agreement that will expand NAFTA (a failure) to the entire western hemisphere (33 countries excluding Cuba). Why demonstrate? Well maybe because more than 765,000 jobs have disappeared as a result of NAFTA. Do corporate plunderers care for the environment? In the maquiladora zones along the US-Mexico border, the increased pollution and the improper disposal of chemical wastes have dramatically raised rates of hepatitis and birth defects. FTAA negotiation have been conducted without citizen input. There is no real mechanism to incorporate the public's concerns (and so they demonstrate) into actual negotiations. However, at the same time, hundreds of corporate representatives are advising US negotiators and have advance access to the negotiating texts. Corporations are helping to write the rules for FTAA. Thus corporation move high-paying jobs to countries with lower wages. This race to the bottom will accelerate under FTAA as corporations pit exploited workers in Mexico against even more desperate workers in countries such as Haiti and Guatemala. Mexico is already losing maquilardora jobs to countries with cheaper wages. In the past two years, some 280,000 jobs have vanished. And you will hear sold out politicians (who vote their own raises) still lauding NAFTA!
Since NAFTA 33,000 small farmers in the US have gone out of business. In Mexico, the price farmers receive for corn has plummeted 45% in three years as agribusiness giants dump their subsidized corn there. At least half a million farmers have left their land. FTAA is expected to force countries to privatize services such as education, health care, energy and WATER. These privatizations are already occurring, and those least able to pay for vital services are the ones who suffer most. When the Bolivian city of Cochabamba privatized its water utility, water rates increased 200%. This is why the people are demonstrating. They demonstrate not only for themselves but for the children of the thugs gassing and clubbing them. Dumb asses-but then they were only ordered to attack American citizens, not to think.
NAFTA's Chapter 11, allows corporations to sue governments for compensation if they feel that any government action, including the enforcement of public health and safety laws, cuts into their profits. FTAA rules will handcuff government's ability to pass public interest laws. This agreement will enhance corporate power at the expense of citizens throughout the Americas. FTAA services agreement will include removal of national licensing standards for medical, legal and other key professionals, allowing doctors licensed in one country to practice in any country, even if their level of training or technological sophistication is different. It will include privatization of public schools and prisons in the US, opening the door to greater corporate control, corruption and the temptation to cut critical corners in the interests of profit margins. The UPS challenge to the existence of the Canadian Postal Service is taking place under the so-called "investor-to-state" lawsuits established in NAFTA's Chapter 11. Many of these lawsuits (no not in the news) are now taking place. To meet FTAA requirements, countries will have to change their laws governing the obligations placed on business. The FTAA will prevent governments-national, state, or local (including Florida and MIAMI) from passing regulations that are "more burdensome than necessary".
Major multinational corporations are eager to make water, like oil, a commodity you will have to pay dearly for. Water privatization is already a $400 billion dollar global business (not on the news). Corporations are hoping to use international trade and investment agreements such as FTAA to increase their control over the supply of water. Under FTAA, if a locality (like MIAMI) is charging residents for water-and therefore, according to the FTAA's definition, offering the service on a "commercial basis"--any multinational corporation will be able to enter that market and compete for the water services. Because of the FTAA's "national treatment" requirements, the local government (including MIAMI) will not be able to give preference to local service providers who may have a greater commitment to the area and who it may be easier for the community to oversee.
When you're about building a global plantation; you have Masters, managers, overseerers and serfs to see to your timber, oil drilling, gas, crops, minerals, manufacturing, etc. Now all aren't losers on this plantation called "Sweet Insatiable Greed". Corporations, wealthy business owners from all participating countries who help write the plantation rules--stand to gain quite handsomely from a system that puts their interests above all others. Politicians, voting the needed relinquishment of elected oversight, if co-operative, often own or have large sums of money invested in corporations and therefore profit personally, along with family members strategically positioned in key positions or lobbying firms. The losers are the peoples of all nations having their lands raped, plundered, poisoned, and destroyed. Citizens will exist not live. In a race to the bottom, all not in the circled coven of largesse are out of luck, along with their children. Meantime, while the plantation is being readied, and the hucksters are vying for favored positions/contracts, the "human resources" will be encouraged through the corporate owned media, to check the color of fear days, stock up on duct tape, plastic sheeting, a jug of water and a flashlight. They'll be encouraged to demand restitution for slavery, rage over a confederate flag, school vouchers, abortion, gay marriages, welfare cheats, drunk drivers (one beer will do it), smokers, immigrants, curfews, domestic abuse, dead beat dads, etc. Videos, 5000 TV channels, check points, road blocks, drug testing, and the need to work two or three jobs to exist should keep them further distracted and uninformed. As long as people can be kept ripping and tearing at one another, no need to worry over explaining NAFTA, GATT, FTAA, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund nor Economic Summits. They'll learn soon enough.
The few who are literate, studied, informed, and concerned for the state of the planet, will be maligned, labeled, ridiculed, and held up as unpatriotic rabble rousers. Never, will you see the main line media have an open discourse or show the true reasons for people's protests. No matter that they be peaceful, agent provocateurs- masked and violent, will make the news announcing the mayhem and chaos of the trouble makers. Hell, you have to show some need for eight and one half million dollars worth of military equipment. Stands to reason, if one is about setting up a global plantation, every avenue must be seen to. Hired thugs, American or foreign, who is that masked man? will see to putting down all dissent, all questions, all insistence for a seat at the table. Give a man a club and a uniform with legal authority to assault others and you've got it made. Yes it's true, power, even this perverted minuscule power, over hapless citizens, gives the illusion of the all powerful, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...why its Super Robocop, meting out freedom the American way! "Oh beautiful for spacious skies for amber waves of grain........."
Listen, the drum beat goes on. Truth's blood, even if massacred will not be silenced. Another will take up the song in Canada, Australia, China, Africa, Russia, England, the Philippines, Japan, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Korea, Turkey, Holland, France, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chili, Bolivia, Argentina, Guatemala, forever and ever in every land, for men will not be slaves.
Jeremy, of Democracy Now, tells of a reporter (obviously embedded) reporting on a young unarmed woman in Fort Miami, shot in the stomach, by a man in armour, with one of those 120 mph wooden-or plastic bullets. "She took a bullet in the stomach. She must have done something. You wanna play-you gotta pay." No Ida Tarbell this piss poor excuse for journalism. Listen. Do you hear the drumbeat?
From Marjorie Jones
My God, what an awesome article!
Ms. Moriarity,
I am stunned at what you wrote (You Wanna Play...) on And the incredible way you write! We do not hear, or read, about the things you said. We knew there were riots in Miami... protests... but the gist of why and the consequences of the FTAA agreement were never discussed pro and con in the public media.
I am forwarding your article to everyone I know, and I am keeping a copy along with my aged, yellowed, copy of the Declaration of Independence that I picked up in DC years ago. Your warning... oh God, I hope it is heard. Yes, you are telling us after the fact, but there is an election coming up... we can always change the congress.
I am grateful to be so informed, by your article. But I am still stunned. Please be careful crossing streets.
From David Brandt
Judith - For the dozens of letters I have sent off to newspapers and politicians which have mostly fallen on deaf ears, or should I say intentionally blinded eyes, your article (You wanna play-You gotta Pay) was excellent. I'm no psychic, but follow the natural progression of this, and I need not describe what will happen; I know, all of us who are aware know. My brother, who was in Nam, practically screamed in a letter to me to stay away when I was younger. He survived, some of him anyway; and he learned very quickly what he was doing there. He is terribly scarred inside, only the psychotic could emerge intact. I was a single parent for many years, about to become a grandparent. I have two children, a son who is autistic, and a daughter. My son still lives with me. As I have lived most of my life, I am not terribly concerned with the remainder. I am concerned about the world we leave our children and theirs. Your article about video games was right on the mark as well, I have pointed this out to many for a long time. I fear that despite our best efforts, this battle will be waged by future generations, or in the alternate there will be none. Should our fight be by example, showing love that is scorned as weakness by many? I honestly don't know.



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