- Wouldn't it be nice, if you were committing a crime of
giant proportion against humanity and the world and its environment, if
someone were to clean up the evidence behind you?
- Take, for instance, chemtrailing: intellectual arguments
hither-or-thither, when one reads detailed reports such as this recent
- http://www.rense.com/general45/ital.htm
- one must surely ask: can all these people be mistaken?
- Can all the chemicals found in the trails be there for
the good of humanity?
- If so, why is this good not advertised as widely as possible?
- Recently, there has apparently been a spate of ads, even
in some in expensive newspapers, lauding the apparent "conquest"
of chemtrails by a variation on Wilhelm REICH's celebrated "Cloudbuster"
technology -- an array of water-grounded, open-ended hollow metal tubes
sucking up Orgone energy out of clouds and so dissipating them.
- The chemtrails disappear -- but -- do the chemicals contained
within them disappear? -- or are we just cleaning up the evidence behind
the perpetrators of a crime of massive proportion against humanity and
our environment?
- Friend Michael Irving, of www.stop-chemtrails.com recently
sent me the following comment:
- I never thought ChemBoosters (I thought I'd spell that
word anew)
- might be used to zoot out those doing the boosting /
- One of the first things I thought against ChemBoosters
after they
- first appeared, was that they'd be getting rid of the
only visible
- evidence we have available to show that Chemtrails are
- i.e. the criss-crossed, mucky and scruffy chemtrails
- So...ChemBoosters create a whirl of energy which quickly
- dissipates the chemtrails soon after they come out of
the plane
- ...... and hey/presto, there's nothing we can point to.
- But we get the same amount of chemicals and biologicals.
- Let us therefore examine the technology and the rationale
behind the entire phenomenon of Cloudbusters:
- Orthodox science laughs at the very idea -- but anyone
who has read Wilhelm Reich, his two major works under the title:
- Wilhelm REICH:
- The Discovery of the Orgone:
- Book 1: The Function of the Orgasm;
- Book 2: The Cancer Biopathy,
- can actually replicate his experiments themselves, given
a bit of time and curiosity.
- Trevor James Constable's excellent synopsis and expansion
on Reich's work, see the underground classic by:
- Trevor James CONSTABLE:
- "The Cosmic Pulse of Life"
- which explains Reich's work very clearly. He also speaks
about the anti-life neuroses affecting orthodox science and why they are
there, in denying a basic organic, perhaps intelligent, anabolism in universal
- Up to you to dig into this stuff, to find the differences
between so-called "expert" opinions, and the results which you
can anchieve for yourselves, in the simplest of experiments.
- Cloudbusters dissipate clouds, but you yourself can do
it, and without any technical help, to any discreet cloud, just with your
own eyes on a day with such discreet clouds as may be selected for dissipating,
and the process proven to your satisfaction by taking a Polaroid picture,
marking a specific cloud, and, before witnesses, making it disappear.
- Again, read up about it, THEN TRY IT OUT -- but alllow
some time as it is happening, for these organic processes may take a few
minutes to become apparent.
- Let all the "educated" armchair-theorists who
tell you this is not possible argue themselves to death -- JUST DO IT.
- I am preachng to the intelligent: in Greek, the EXHYPNOI
- EX = Out Of,
- HYPNOS = Sleep,
- -- in other words, the AWOKEN --
- So I am not preaching to the brainwashed: either you
are willing to find out for yourself, or you are not.
- Anyone not interested in finding out for themselves,
can stop right here.
- And so, if you are asleep, kindly forgive the intrusion,
and please sleep on.
- Many experts debate the pros and cons of Chemtrailing.
- I did not believe in chemtrails myself, until I really
started observing them.
- Then I started thinking, what are the combustion products
of a hydrocarbon these days, in efficient, hot-burning jet engines with
high compression ratios, leaving but miniscule amounts of unburnt carbon
behind in their exhausts?
- Well, CO2, CO and H2O -- carbon dixide, carbon monoxide,
and water, mainly, with some additives for combustion efficiency.
- These gases are colourless, except for remanent unburned
carbon in negligile quantities, and they are also lighter than air.
- Water vapour is also lighter than air, except when the
atmosphere is cold enough for it to form ice-crystals, which are the contrails
we see, the condensation-trails left by jet exhausts, which generally dissipate
as the ice-crystals sublimate into water-vapour again within a half-minute
to a minute, or at least within several minutes.
- Good start.
- I'd observe further.
- Then one day I noticed something strange: airliners
at what seemed quite similar altitudes were leaving very different trails:
- One was the normally-dissipating contrail, the other
was leaving a trail that was not the usual sooty, smudgy black of the very
old jet engines with their low combustion efficiency, but of reddish-brownish
aspect, much like nitric oxide, NO2, (not to be confused with N2O or nitrous
oxide or laughing-gas, which is colourless).
- As I watched, the brownish trails spread out, sinking
lower and lower as they drifted sideways on the ambient winds, forming
quasi-cirrus looking clouds, spreading in width all the time.
- There was obviously not only water-vapour in those clouds,
but also particulate matter which was heavier than air -- WHAT was going
- CHEMTRAILS -- I suddenly realised that Chemtrails WERE
what was going on.
- I am not entering that lunatic asylum of genteel discussion-forums
where some disinformation specialist acting on behalf of the powers-that-be
who see fit to poison our world and precipitating these markedly strange
runs of influenzas and continual hacking coughs we hear around us these
days, some carefully-trained Nurse Ratched in this Designer Cuckoo's Nest
acts as chairperson in defusing forum arguments based on common-sense observation
and deals out mental sedatives and placebos or else simply nitpicks the
subject to death, breaking it up into so very many tiny subtopics, each
of which "must be scientifically discussed", that nobody can
see the forest for the trees anymore, and claiming that only "study
over many years" might get to the bottom of the matter -- when the
matter is pressing and urgent in that we might all be poisoned within that
time, and what the Trailers so desperately need IS time -- time to fulfil
their agenda -- against the possibility that people might wake up -- IN
- There seem to be many persons these days apparently defusing
or willfully suppressing arguments over chemtrails, offering "logical"
explanations against experiential observation, and it is up to you to decide
who has an axe to grind, in telling you that this is simply all your own
sick imagination, fantasy, paranoia, psychosis, or whatever nice derogatory
names they hang on anyone and everyone who actually goes out into thhe
field and observes, who draws conclusions from their own observations,
and who thinks for themselves and doesn't swallow pre-digested foods first
eaten by "experts" "for your protection" and then recycled
on to you:
- By that definition, what they are feeding you is a four-letter
- if that is your speed, then stick around -- your troubles
WILL soon be over -- and you DESERVE whatever comes down on you -- if you
do not observe, and then act on your common-sense observations, then your
line of genes has elected to do away with itself -- and the New World Order
is doing us all a favour by eliminating you.
- That said, let us now look past the obfuscators, at what
the real issues have to tell us about attempts by apparently well-intentioned
people who have noticed chemtrailing, and want to do something about it:
- OK -- what does the cloudbuster DO?
- What the cloudbuster does, is remove orgone energy from
a cloud, causing the coherence of water-droplets to loosen, and they dissipate
as water-vapour, while the orgone energy, if you use your eyes to do this,
can sometimes be felt as an alteration of the texture of facial skin, as
it enters your body through the eyes and seems to juice up your immune
system, and makes you loaded with sexual energy as well.
- Again, just try it.
- Now the interesting fact is, chemtrails have particulate
matter up there in their cloud-formations, because the water droplets capture
that particulate matter, or the particles themselves act as nuclei, around
which water droplets form.
- The darn nuisance for the Trailers is, simply, that their
particulate additives get bound up in the contrail clouds and are not efficiently
- It is much like trying to kill vermin with an aerosol
poison that is electrostatically attracted to a surface against which it
discharges and that binds it up, or, if moving, carries it far away from
its intended dropping area, and may even precipitate it out so that it
enters the water-table, but is not immediately available to gas those vermin
they want to manipulate, genetically, emotionally, or to get their blood
to resonate to the clever emotion-modifying HAARP frequencies they are
experimenting with, and which are apparently on the right wavelength to
react resonantly with the barium and aluminium compounds, micro-fibres
and dead blood-plasma now reportedly found in some chemtrails.
- Fortunately for the Trailers, there IS a solution to
this problem:
- Take away the water-droplet component from the clouds,
and down come the additives.
- But how to get this done? And how to make sure it hits
mainly the people we want to hit?
- There is a way:
- Take away the water droplet component from the cloud,
and that particulate additive in the trail comes straight down -- AT YOU!
water-droplets have dissipated, it is going to dump those chemical additives
as near to your 'buster, as possible.
- You are not getting rid of any additives, you are simply
dissipating their visible suspension medium, and precipitating the invisible
-- because finely-divided -- additives out of suspension.
- You might also be grounding any electrostatic potential
between earth and cloud, and actually vectoring the particulate matter
down at you.
- The people the Trailers are targetting are mainly people
with more-open minds than the masses who never look up from their daily
drudge, to see their skies, clear, cloudy or simply Chemtrailed:
- Fortunately, for the Trailers, it is an "IN"
thing for those open-minded folks to know about oddities like Reich's Cloudbusters.
- You see, open minds might question the legitimacy or
conspiracy of the so-called "War On Terror" by the "New
World Order" -- so they must be got rid of -- by the New World Order,
which, according to most accounts of their intent, fictional or no, intend
reducing the world's population by at least 80%, to a level easily carried
by our environment.
- So why not let those open mids not entirely conversant
with their subject-matter play around with their in-thing, and do themselves
a disservice, and the Trailers a service, at the same time?
- Are you perhaps the rat or the roach sprayed with poison
gas or insecticide, and the fact there is so much space in that warehouse,
is making it difficult for its owners to achieve a deadly saturation to
kill you, vermin?
- Wouldn't it be nice if you could be convinced to build
a device that would target each particle of poison directly at yourself?
- Many people mean well, in using emerging New Age technologies
to help them with their health.
- Too bad though, that most never research these things
deeper, to ask whether clever people with a NWO agenda and -- oddly for
average New Agers, who seem to be mainly broke -- with apparently enough
money to support commercial-looking advertising campaigns, might just be
using people's willingness to try alternative technologies into duping
you, useless-eater vermin, into targetting their toxins onto yourself?
- Neither the users, nor the suppliers of new technologies,
can in any way be blamed for not researching the possibilities more deeply
before using them for a specific purpose, but it is well to keep an open
mind and researching deeper before jumping into action.
- Personally, I do believe our only chance lies in action
and protest -- now -- before it is too late -- like my good friend Michael
Irving, of
- http://www.world-action.co.uk
- has been pushing for on his site for so long already,
in his fight against chemtrailing: either protest -- now -- or lose your
chance, forever.
- Let the discussers discuss themselves to death, and let
those who believe in the healthy validity of their own perceptions now
act upon them -- and spread the word -- and assist too those who, so valiantly,
already are.
- Any herd unable to decide as individuals, but being amenable
to herding, are a bunch of useless eaters in this day and age where technology
is supplanting the limited manual labour necessary for the elite to survive
in comfort without you.
- Either wake up or sleep well -- forever.
- george
- <geopax@bluewin.ch>