Where Do We Find
The Solutions?

By Marjorie Tietjen

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein
We have all been reminded many times that we should learn by our own mistakes and those mistakes made throughout history. Looking back on things, it doesn't seem as though the world has progressed very far in it's understanding. It appears that in order to survive, we need to radically change our thinking.
I have written articles in the past which concentrated on trying to expose medical and government corruption. I believe this is necessary in order to dispel our false sense of security and to reveal the secret goals of those trying to decieve the world. Once evil is exposed then it has no cover under which it can operate. However, it is only one step in the process. We also have to look at what kind of thinking is causing the woes of our world to perpetuate.
Mary Baker Eddy writes in her book "Science and Health"...."The time for thinkers has come. Truth, independant of doctrines and time honored systems, knocks at the portal of humanity. Contentment with the past and the cold conventionality of materialism are crumbling away." Her definition of knowledge is...."Evidence obtained from the five corporeal senses; mortality; beliefs and opinions; human theories, doctrines, hypotheses; that which is not divine and is the origin of sin sickness and death; the opposite of spiritual Truth and understanding."
Maybe what the world needs is less material knowledge and an increase in the spiritual understanding of our true relationship to each other and to the source of our Being.
I think Einstein sums it up pretty well when he says "A human being is part of a whole, called by us 'universe' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest....a kind of optical delusion of his conciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in it's beauty." He also said, "I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."
I feel that the ultimate solution lies in being open and receptive to the ideas that can be recieved directly from God, the One Mind or Supreme Being. The bible says "Let that Mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus." I take that to mean that we all have direct access to "right" thoughts and solutions if we will only put human will aside and be receptive to divine ideas. Isn't it our fearful limited human thinking that is causing all our problems?
At the same time our world is experiencing such chaos, many are observing that there is a growing number who are turning to the spiritual realm for answers....and finding they are making an impact! Our 5 physical senses are very limited in what they allow us to percieve and, in truth, are not always that reliable. Mirages are one example of this. As human beings we possess a very narrow sense of things. For example, we are only aware of certain frequencies of sound and wavelengths of light. But just because we are not aware of all of them all, does not mean that others do not exist. Every day we trust that our cellphones, T.Vs, radios, etc. will continue to work even though we can't see, hear, feel or touch the forces behind it all.
We can't touch hear or feel God with our physical senses, yet many know Him to be an active loving force in their lives that they can turn to for guidance. Many who turn to God recieve practical harmonious solutions to their problems. This spiritual knowledge is powerful and effective.
Part of the solution for a more harmonious world is to recognize the true unity of mankind. " The Powers That Be "are trying their best to create divide and conquer. Many of the current terrorist attacks and disease scares are promulgated or even just made up, for the purpose of producing fear and lack of trust in God and our fellow man. We don't have to fall for this scam. It is all just more tricks that the human or mortal mind is trying to play on us.
The time has come to look beyond the material senses for the solutions to the problems so urgently pressing upon us. The old and material methods of thinking and acting are obviously not working. If God is All Knowing, All Loving and All Wise, then isn't it God we should be turning to for the answers? God's solutions benefit everyone. No one is left out. In order to benefit from God's wisdom and love, all we need to do is tune in our recievers.
As a friend puts it "It is ridiculous to try and prove God's existence or locate God with some sort of scientific instrument. Because we are all part of this loving embrace we call God and can't step outside God to locate and define God."
The bible also says that "In Him we live and move and have our Being." This means we live in God who is the source of all intelligence, therefore, we don't need channelers, mediums or even certain religious figures to help us communicate with Him. We each have a direct connection!




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