Why Iraqis Hate us
By James Buchanan

Imagine you're an ordinary Iraqi living in Baghdad. Back in 1981, your nation was about to join the ranks of the industrialized nations by turning on its first nuclear power plant. It was going to be a proud moment in the history of Iraq.
Paranoid Zionists in Israel however decided that they must destroy the greatest technological advancement in all of Iraq. Israel committed an act of war bombing the reactor to rubble and killing one European scientist.
Because Israel dishonestly carried out a secret nuclear program in the '60s and '70s, the Israelis assume that everyone else with a nuclear reactor will do exactly what they did. The fact that Israel has hundreds of H-bombs (and that it would have taken the Iraqis decades to make their first) was not good enough for Israel.
During the 1980s, Iraq was locked in a horrible war with Iran. The United States supported Iraq in this war, but the support is only enough to keep the war going until both sides lose one million soldiers. You suspect that United States is using your country to punish Iran. The Iranians removed the Shah from power and held Americans prisoner as suspected spies. You probably lost a few relatives in this long war.
In 1990, you have heard stories of how the Kuwaitis are slant-drilling under the Iraqi border, stealing Iraqi oil. The U.N. has done nothing about this. Saddam Hussein met with American Ambassador April Glaspie, who tells him "We have no opinion on your Arab - Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary (of State James) Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960's, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America." (Ref. 1) Eight days after meeting with Glaspie, Hussein invaded and occupied Kuwait.
You are horrified to see the United States suddenly demanding that Iraqi troops leave Kuwait. You wonder if Bush Senior has oil connections in Kuwait or if the Israelis have ordered him to deny Iraq the oil revenue from Kuwait. You know that the U.S. had no military treaty with Kuwait and that the Iraqi occupation has been relatively peaceful so why should the United States care? Iraq will sell Americans as much oil as they want at lower prices than the Kuwaitis were charging. You see people on CNN spreading lies about your country claiming that "babies are being thrown out of incubators in Kuwait by Iraqi soldiers."
The massive American troop deployment (Desert Shield) in Saudi Arabia which Bush Senior said was to protect them from invasion, suddenly becomes an invasion force threatening Iraq (Desert Storm). The First Gulf War kills hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in thousands of air raids. The infra-structure is bombed to rubble and most Iraqis including yourself are stuck without water and power.
After the war, America imposed an embargo that includes food and medicine. An article from the year 2000 reported "Critics say sanctions are not working, and are harming the wrong people, especially the young and sick. Last year, the heads of two United Nations agencies in Baghdad resigned in disgust at the human cost, measured in shockingly high infant mortality and in hospitals lacking basic drugs and equipment. Britain and the United States are now alone on the UN Security Council in insisting that sanctions must remain - saying they cannot be lifted until Saddam Hussein's remaining weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical and biological) have been eliminated." (Ref. 2) Perhaps you lost a son or daughter because of this embargo. The weapons of mass destruction were destroyed years ago, but the embargo was still enforced to please the Israelis.
Twelve years after the First Gulf War, you see Bush Junior pushing America into another war against your country. He repeats one lie after another. You wonder if he is creating all these lies or if it's the Zionists surrounding him. Once again, the American bombers knock out your power and water. The bombing campaign isn't as brutal and murderous as under Bush Senior, but still thousands of Iraqi civilians wind up dead based on Zionist lies.
Now, you're enduring an occupation, which could last for years. You just suffered through a summer with temperatures over 120 degrees and no electricity for air conditioning because the occupation force doesn't consider that a high priority. If you drive anywhere, you must be aware that a new American check point could appear on any road, and if you don't stop soon enough, everyone in your car will be disintegrated by automatic cannon fire.
The Iraqi rebels are gaining the upper hand and American forces are resorting to terror tactics --used earlier by the Soviet and Israeli armies. Instead of trying to catch individual rebels, the occupation army is resorting to group punishments and air strikes. One recent news article reports "In a tactic reminiscent of Israeli crackdowns in the West Bank and Gaza, the U.S. military has begun destroying the homes of suspected guerrilla fighters in Iraq's Sunni Triangle, evacuating women and children, then leveling their houses with heavy weaponry. At least 15 homes have been destroyed in Tikrit as part of what has been dubbed Operation Ivy Cyclone II, including four, leveled Sunday by tanks and Apache helicopters, that allegedly belonged to suspects in the Nov. 7 downing of a Black Hawk helicopter that killed six Americans." (Ref. 2)
In a recent article, Justin Raimundo had an excellent observation "why don't we invite the Israelis to contribute some of their troops to the occupation? They, after all, are so much better at humiliating Arabs than we are. Why should all that accumulated experience leveling homes and businesses, and inflicting collective punishment go to waste? As our loyal ally, they would no doubt be more than glad to sacrifice their own sons and daughters in this dirty little war. After all, we started it on their behalf." (Ref. 3)
1). April Glaspie Transcript
2). Britain and US Isolated Over Tottering Trade Embargo on Iraq
3). The Neocons Are Losing




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