Is Terri Schindler Still Legally
Married To Michael Schiavo?
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Is Terri Schindler still legally married to Michael Schiavo?
If not, then the power of attorney for her, during her incapacity, should fall to her next of kin, most logically - her parents.
Michael Schiavo is currently effectively married with children, in a common law arrangement, with another spouse, and while he has benefitted from a 1.7 million dollar lawsuit related to Terri's condition, he has abandoned Terri, hoping to be liberated from Terri upon her death, with no messy divource necessary.
"I moved on with a part of my life. I'm sorry that the Schindlers can't move on with any of theirs," Schiavo was quoted in an interview with the internet magazine WND(WorldNetDaily).
But while Shiavo claims to have moved on, his first wife, has yet to move on, and lies in a hospital bed dying of starvation, as per the instructions of her estranged husband, supported by a judge who has appeared wholly inconsiderate of Terri's parents' protests.
In an earlier petition to remove Schiavo as Terri's guardian, Terri's parents failed to impress Judge Greer, who was unconvinced Michael Schiavo's adulterous relationship with a "fiance" constituted a conflict with his guardianship of Terri.
As yet though, Terri's parents have not yet attempted to drag Mr. Schiavo into "family court", and perhaps there is still hope to be had there.
While "Guardianship" may not be in conflict with adultery, "marriage" certainly is, and with Michael Schiavo openly calling his new common-law wife a fiancee, he is blatantly declaring the dissolution of his union with Terri both in word and deed. He is estranged from Terri, and has started a new family. He should be charged with bigamy, or compelled to a divorce.
If Terri can be legally separated, or divorced from her ghoulish spouse, then Judge Greer will be compelled to transfer Terri's medical, and general powers of attorney over to her parents, as her next-of-kin.
That Judge Greer has supported Michael Schiavo is in itself suspicious after reviewing the facts of the case available, but there can be no question as to whether Michael Schiavo as a husband is now "estranged" from Ms. Schindler. The only possible attenuating circumstance conceivable in Michael Schiavo's defense, is a possibility that he might in fact be following Terri's wishes in killing her, and finding another partner to get on with his life. But while this is precisely the defense Schiavo maintains, none of Terri's parents or friends support him in his allegations, and his disgraceful behavior in the pursuit of a new sexual liaison, and fiancee, while his wife still lives.
A Family court judge should remove Michael Schiavo from his burdensome conflict of interest, one that most consider sacred - his marriage.
And a final note to Michael's new common law wife... Girl, you would be wise to set up a "living will", and leave a copy with your parents, or a lawyer somewhere. You never know when it might save your life.




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