- It is well known that George Bush Sr. was shot down during
WWII while trying to bomb the communications towers on Chichi Jima Island
in the Pacific (sister island to Iwo Jima). It is not well known the horrible
fate that he escaped by being rescued by a US Navy submarine.
- Bush Senior, had he not been rescued, may very well have
been invited to dinner by the Japanese occupying Chichi Jima. His name
on the guest list would have been far from an honor. He would have found
himself either impaled or beheaded and served up for dinner!
- Out of the 22 Americans shot down over Chichi Jima, eight
of them were found to have been executed and subsequently eaten. Their
livers and other parts were removed and served up at officer parties on
the island. The Japanese officers in charge believed that the consumption
of an enemy's flesh, especially the liver, would give them strength and
courage. Our boy's livers were sauteed in soy sauce and served up to the
Japanese troops and Korean laborers on the island!
- A war crime trial ensued, led by Marine Corps Colonel
Presley M. Rixey. It brought the perpetrators to justice. The trial took
place on the island of Guam, but received little press in the States.
The records of the trials have recently been declassified.
- This was a horrible page in the annals of WWII. We all
have heard of the war crime trials in Nuremburg, Germany, but little information
about the trials for cannabilism in the Pacific was released. The trials
were classified.
- This incident proves that war is hell, or even worse.
It is one thing to die for your country, but to be eaten????
- Below is a list of the men who were captured, executed,
and eaten:
- Woellhof, Lloyd Richard, USNR, ARM2c Captured 4 July
1944 - Executed 7 August 1944
- Unknown Flyer, Radioman Captured 4 July 1944 - Executed
7 August 1944
- Dye, James Wesley, Jr., USN, ARM3c Captured 18 February
1945 - Executed 24 February 1945
- Frazier, Glenn J., USNR, AOM2c Captured 18 February
1945 - Executed 18 February 1945
- Hall, Floyd Ewing, USNR, Ensign Captured 18 February
1945 - Executed 9 March 1945
- Mershon, Marvie William, USNR, ARM3c Captured 18 February
1945 - Executed 22 February 1945
- York, Grady Alvan, USNR AOM3c Captured 18 February 1945
- Executed 28 February 1945
- Vaugn, Warren Earl, USMCR, 2nd Lt. Captured 23 February
1945 - Executed 22 March 1945
- For more information on this terrible incident of war
and the trials read "Sorties Into Hell", by Chester Hearn, Praeger
- As Veterans Day approaches, it is important for all of
us to remember the brave men and women of our armed forces who have fought,
and are fighting our wars. We need to remember and honor those in the
military, PAST and PRESENT.
- Christopher Ree Steadman