People Cry 'Bring 'em Home'
- Not 'Bring 'em On'

From Judith Moriarty

It's fall here in New England. The busloads of guests (no longer tourists--sounds too greedy) have arrived to observe the yearly cacophony of riotous color of our mountains. I hate the fall of the year. I am put in mind of attending a two month wake, as the cold-mind-numbing bleakness of winter approaches.
The lush green, of hazy-lazy summer days, flowers in bloom, the croaking of frogs in the marshes, county fairs, and dancing puppets on rainbow grass, will soon be encased in glacial snow and ice. I'm reminded of a mass suicide of colossal proportions as leaves of rust-yellows-burnt orange-and blood red leap from their lofty perches and lie in crumpled decaying forgetfulness at our feet. No I am not a winter person.
Last October saw millions upon millions throughout the whole of the earth; in riotous song-banners-and song, crying out for "Peace". Like the leaves of fall, their cries went unheeded trampled underfoot, with the crashing of unimaginable weaponry in its obliterating madness to rid the world of "terrorism". A desert land, some thousands of miles from our shores, was presented as an imminent threat to our safety. A monster (whom we'd funded and supported for years) needed to be put out of his misery of untold abuses against his people. Of course, their are similar monsters throughout the whole of the earth causing great suffering, deprivation, and horrors upon their people; but this particular monster, with his opulent palaces, held possession of vast reservoirs of oozing black gold. But this wasn't, and isn't about oil, or so we're told. It isn't about conquest nor mindless power run amuck. This is about liberating the poor wretched masses of Iraq into McFreedom.
In May our leader, his gonads strapped in McPride, declared a victory on the deck of a carrier far from choking desert sands; carrying on it's winds, the poison of tens of thousands of pounds of depleted uranium. A thumbs up and a "Bring 'em on", a few months later, saw our leader off to the ranch, his gonads dressed in cowboy denim on R&R, recuperating for a month, from the climatic stress of it all.
Not so, for the multitudes of others dealing with the "Bring 'em on" challenge. Towns and villages across the land saw the same scenes that were played out in our rural area of, Johnny and Annie back from war being laid to rest. The lush summer blossoms of their young lives gone out, far from the fervor of bands and flags that saw them off. Youngsters, mostly poor from work-a-day families, from ghettos, from abandoned farms and rusted mill towns; like the multitudes of wars gone by, their hopes their dreams blowing in the wind; with families and orphaned children facing the barren chill of forever winter.
I hate winter.
The halls of Congress these past weeks has heard many a Democratic Congressman/woman, speaking of the conditions that our soldiers are being subjected to, in this quagmire of seeming war without end. Reservists, time now extended, the lack of fresh water, suicides, improper equipment, lack of nourishing food, unexplained deaths from respiratory distress and unknowns? "Bring 'em on" has soldiers dying daily from sniper attacks and mined roads. The millions upon millions appropriated for proper vests, never realized, by tens of thousands of these youngsters and middle aged reservists facing death daily. Last spring saw some $75 billion appropriated for this war without end, and now another $87 billion, and soldiers in unrelenting 130 degree heat, don't have adequate equipment or water? What's wrong with this picture? Meantime the military industrial complex is salivating over the money being realized in these lucrative contracts, which has the home front footing the massive overcharges. The home front, facing millions upon millions of unemployed, as corporate hucksters locate manufacturing and computer technology jobs overseas. Their R&R sees them off to exotic lands, fly fishing or building another Trophy Home, much like the Kuwaiti citizens (their youth) waited out Gulf War I, on the Riviera, and got a $25,000 bonus upon their return home for the stress of it all.
And so once more, millions upon millions of mothers, grandmothers, students, professionals, veterans, musicians, writers, poets, etc., will gather this October crying; "Bring 'em Home" not "Bring 'em On".
"When the leaders speak of peace the common folk know that war is coming. When the leaders curse war the mobilization order is already written out. Those at the top say: Peace and War are of different substance. But their peace like their war are like the wind and the storm. War grows from their peace, like son from his mother. He bears her frightful features. Their war kills whatever their peace has left over. Those at the top say: This way to glory. Those down below say: This way to the grave."
-- Bertoft Brecht



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