From A Distance - Cry
Peace For The Children

From Judith Moriarty

From a distance; imposters to peace,elicit an all encompassing concern for the multitudes of the Earth; their anguish, deprivation, hunger and slaughter. They "tsk-tsk",and go about the leisure of their lives, gorging themselves on the finer foods and wines of the good life, as they plan another excursion in shopping the world's boutiques. Out of sight, yawn, of mind. What happens to the other man is one of their concern. "I'm late-I'm late no time to wait" and a voice cries out from eons past, "Could you not wait with me one hour?"
From a distance,the marvels of today's genius sees missiles shot from carriers far out to sea landing on unsuspecting villages and farms, or from far above the clouds, in the serenity of the heavens(closer to today's annihilating war god I suspect). From a distance, who's to care about the farm wagon convoy of villagers, running for safety amidst,the bombs of Kosovo? No image of the little blond boy in his yellow sweater, crying amidst the remains of his dead family. Mission accomplished.
Times are confusing. To "liberate" a people from a despot that we lauded and supported for years, we use the perverted genius of our 21st barbarism. Genius,used not for the good of humanity,but for slaughter. Billions of untold billions to wreck havoc-destruction-mayhem and the shredding of the Earth's children,and then the madness of rebuilding that which the clowns with hatchets have hacked, plundered, and crushed.I try to imagine the man, born of woman, who sits in some lab of tubes-computers-equations and formulas,and creates these diabolical weapons,for the leering-soulless clowns;forever on the Yellow-Brick Road of insanity without heart, mind, or courage,believing a withered,impotent,wizard behind some curtain of anonymity pulling the strings.
Does he sit beside others in church,attend school affairs, stand beside us in the grocery store, sit on city councils? I try to imagine myself the mother of such a man, asking myself how had I given birth to such a monster?
Men of conscience and compassion; be they sculptor, musician, artist, farmer, writer, trucker, miner, iron-worker, janitor, teacher, social worker, fisherman, etc., go about the days of their lives contributing in one way or another to greater mankind. Not so Mr.Cook, who is lauded in reports as "teacher-theorist, consultant, expert witness, entrepreneur and author. Imagine the pride of Mama Cook when her boy came up with the inventiveness of slurry explosives. Melvin,developed the BLU-82, the largest chemical bomb using aluminized slurry. Being a ordinary Mom myself, I'm no different than other proud moms who speak of the accomplishments or creativity of their sons. What mother hasn't kept that clay lump of something from school days, one of her prized possessions (better than any diamond) or hung works of art on the refrigerator door, until they yellowed with age.
I was trying to think of Melvin's mother hanging the product of his genius. The pictures of our first victims of the Iraqi "Shock and Awe". Would they bring the neighbors in, show pictures of this 'Daisy Cutter'? What of Ali and his missing arms or of our footless little girl,in her prized purple sweater,matted with blood. Would these be mounted on the frig, so that snack time, would bring a smile of pride?
The Dallas Morning News, Nov 7, 2001, reported; "The U.S. military has begun using one of its most powerful bombs against Taliban (and unsuspecting villagers) in Afghanistan---a 15,000 pound behemoth so big that it can't be dropped. It has to be shoved out the rear of a cargo plane. Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stated, 'They make a heck of a bang when they go off, and the intent is to kill people.' Known as the Daisy Cutter because it was first used during the Vietnam War to clear jungles so helicopters could land."
"The weapon (your tax dollars at work jm) consists of a septic tank-sized container made of steel that holds 12,600 pounds of aluminum powder in a blasting slurry.The explosion of its aluminum powder slurry creates a blast wave of 1,000 pounds per square inch that can kill within 200 feet of the impact point---roughly 3 acres. Those within 500 feet can suffer ruptured lungs-eyeballs-and eardrums" It went on to explain the confusion of various bombs and their destructiveness; "The BLU-82 is not a fuel air explosive, a type of weapon that disperses an aerosol cloud (your taxdollars at work jm) of fuel and ignites a blast that can cause overprssure of 4,000 pounds per square inch. Fuel air munitions are made in sizes from 500 to 2,000 pounds. The BLU-82 was first used in Vietnam during 1970, but 11 of the bombs were dropped on Iraqi troops during the Gulf War. The fury of the blast and the fact that troops in trenches are not safe from it, can have a powerfully demoralizing effect. The blast over pressure from any bomb is going to kill people if it's close enough but the BLU-82 has about 10 times as much explosive power in it as a 2,000 pound bomb. It'll put the fear of the Lord into anybody it doesn't kill".
Human Rights Watch reports in Oct.2001; The U.S. led alliance began its air campaign in Afghanistan on Oct 7, 2001. (see why I hate Fall).The Pentagon has been reluctant to talk of specific weapons but U.S. military sources have told Human Rights Watch that the Air Force began dropping cluster bombs within a matter of days.Cluster bombs have a wide dispersal pattern and cannot be targeted precisely, making them especially dangerous when used near civilian areas. They are used in very large numbers and have a high failure rate which results in numerous explosive "duds" that pose the same problem as land mines.
Cluster bombs landed on the village of Shaker Qala, in Afghanistan, killing nine civilians and injuring (shredding jm) fourteen. Each CBU-87 cluster bomb contains 202 individual submunitions called bomblets. Each bomblet has an antitank and antipersonnel effect as well as incendiary capability. They are widely distrusted over an area roughly 100x50 meters.See: The fact that these yellow bomblets are the same color as yellow cannisters of food dropped had many an unsuspecting child shredded.
There is no way we can imagine the terror of villagers and their children as these weapons thunder down. Try to imagine for a moment in time,this being your town. Where to run with these weapons covering acres? They should have named it "Shock and Shred" Ali was asleep in his farmshouse far from Baghdad when his family was slaughered 'from a distance' and his arms hacked off with some shards of steel. Our little girl, her feet shredded by steel bomblets, much like ground beef at the local butcher shop. March 25, 03, the President told us that we will rid the world of terrorism. Ali, scampering around his farm and our footless princess, were oblvious that soon they would be "Liberated". Each war proclaims the last war. The war to rid us of poverty-drugs or communism. And we war on. We who have touched the stars, have instant communications and the finest of libraries and schools of higher learning are merely, designed dressed, self-indulgent barbarians, masked as leering clowns, killing our own children and those of foreign lands. And this is called civilized? I think not. Lunancy dismantles one great country (our own) and rebuilds another we've bombed back to the stone age! "And the Cheshire cat smiles with a manevolent grin, I'm mad, we're all mad it really doesn't matter which way we go" Alice In Wonderland. And what have the millions to say this week when they march again to save the lives of ALL the children:
I come and stand at every door
but no one hears my silent tread
I knock and yet remain unseen
for I am dead, I am dead.
I'm only seven although I died
in Hiroshima long ago {Vietnam-Bosnia-Kosovo-Afghanistan-Irag}
I'm seven now as I was then
When children die they do not grow.
My hair was scorched by swirling flame.
My eyes grew dim, my eyes grew blind.
Death came and turned my bones to dust-
And I was scattered by the wind.
I need no fruit, I need no rice-
I need no sweet, nor even bread.
I ask for nothing for myself-
For I am dead, for I am dead.
All I ask is that for PEACE.
--Nazim Hikmet



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