Terri Is NOT In A

From Christina

Today at 3 PM there was a press conference arranged by Tom Broderson, Pat Anderson's partner. A number of people spoke and the thrust was - TERRI IS NOT IN A COMA OR PVS. It was said over and over that the media just isn't getting it.
2 of the MDs from last fall's hearing spoke - Drs. Hammerfahr and Maxfield. Another MD, Dr. Young, had not officially examined Terri but did observe her for a while. He is an ER doctor. All 3 stated emphatically that Terri wasn't PVS, that she was responsive. Dr. Maxfield had the large exhibit from the hearing of the CT brain scans to instruct the media in understanding that she had brain damage but her brain wasn't completely gone, as one person has said.
Carla Iyer, the RN whose affadavit is so dramatic, went further in what she said from what is in the affadavit. She accused Michael of injecting Terri with insulin. She and one of the aides who submitted an affadavit told of many instances of Terri's being responsive.
All the members of the family spoke. A wonderful priest from Kalamazoo, a good friend of Msgr. Malanowski's who couldn't be there because he wasn't feeling well, gave a strong, unapologetic, direct explanation of the teaching of the Church on the immorality of removing food and fluid, and also spoke on the outrageousness of Terri not being allowed to receive the last rites. He said all Catholics must speak out about this.
The speech therapist who submitted an affadavit to the court on the expectation that Terri could be taught to eat, came from out of state for this.
A friend of the family who prays with Terri described how responsive Terri was whenever she visited and - this was so awful - the fear on Terri's face 3 days into her starvation torture.
All these people spoke at length and afterwards spoke to the reporters informally. I have seen 2 TV coverages so far and they aren't good. One brought Dr. Hammesfahr's therapy into question and another brought up all the conflicting testimony of the other side.



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