- These are the Chemtrail planes we took pictures of last
week at Evergreen Air just east of PDX here in Portland, Oregon. All three
planes are spray planes. The small plane has spray nozzles under both wings
as do the big planes. These planes come and go all the time from this facility,
and are not on the ground when spraying the Portland skies is underway.
- I have seen the nossles with my good binoculars and they
are as plain as day. Three under each wing. The nozzles have a trumpet
shape to them. There is a tube that comes down then bends and turns back
towards the tail. The part that is facing backwards looks like the end
of a trumpet. The bigger planes have the same setup with a spray nossle
off of the tail that sticks straight back. More info as we get it. I've
been having a lot of upper respiratory problems over the last month because
of the intense Chemtrail spraying over Portland.
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