- Hello Jeff
- This morning, when I looked out of my family room window
at the sky, the first thought that went through my mind was "awesome."
- However, within 1 millisecond second, I yelled "*$#@"
and ran to find the digital camera.
- I am not going to make a commentary on why I think the
Contrail Art Show was painted across our sky because I really don't know
for sure. We have gotten used to seeing the massive amounts of trails
because they are visible about four days a week. But this morning, I saw
a 'masterpiece' and I just wanted to share the pictures with your readers.
- The first four pictures were taken about 8:00 a.m. The
sky was blue; no clouds; only the contrails made the sky look "cloudy".
- The second group of three pictures were taken about 9:00
a.m. Eastern view; contrail artist flying overhead; Western view.
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