300,000 Salvadorans

From Sallie

WASHINGTON - Nearly 300,000 El Salvadorans, including tens of thousands on Long Island and in Queens, were granted permission to stay in the United States until 2005 in a Bush administration decision hailed by immigrant advocates.
Dear Radwick and Chuck,
Thanks for your email at the bottom. No wonder this country is going bankrupt. The war in Iraq is costing $3 BILLION a month, while domestic programs are being cut, states are going bankrupt, and people are losing their jobs, (many of them going to "ILLEGAL" immigrants running drugs, and OTM into the country), not to mention those immigrating under L-1 and HB-1 Visa Programs. According to Tancredo, if they would just enforce the existing immigration laws, this would add 10 million jobs for American workers. I looks like we are being setup! America is being destroyed from within! Can we say NAFTA, GATT, FTAA, with special preferred trade status to China?
It seems like Rep(s). Tancredo (R) CO, Paul (R) TX, and Burton (R) IN are the only Congressman, including Sen.(s) Byrd (D) Sen. Waxman (D), and few other Democrats who will stand up for us. Americans need to cross those party lines, look the real issues truthfully in the eye, and stand up for America, and vote for a president and representatives who support America and her interest, including 3rd party candidates too, which would certainly go a long way to keep the other two inline and listening if they don't want to become unemployed! America is our land, and does not belong to just the Bureaucrats, and NGOs that support them.
These are not a right or left problems. They are American problems! -- It's what "RIGHT" for America that counts!
Those who do not wish to participate in their government should be ashamed, and I can only encourage them, but those who don't have no reason to complain. Although voting should not be forced on them as suggested by one representative wanted to make mandatory voting a law -- that's only done in 3rd. world countries. I am adamantly against the PC voting machines without a paper trail for a recount, which can change your vote by GPS (satellites) as easily as they add purchases to your charge card. Then America becomes a dictatorship which is not too far off in the offing after Bush invokes martial law for whatever reason!
How to Rig an Election in the United States Sludge Report #154 ö Bigger Than Watergate!
By C.D. Sludge
Bush's "proliferation security initiative" to attack aircraft, and ships on the high seas which are Acts of War, and sounds more like a plan for Armageddon and includes the whole world!  When Bush Sr. was the one who gave N. Korea the nuclear reactors, and Cheyne sat on the board of ABB who built the plants, now the US and Japan are divided. A little late to shut the door after the horse is out of the barn -- don't you think? Or is he deliberately trying to get us embroiled in another bigger war by pre-emptively striking them to cause a war, so he can remain in power? Threats will only encourage N. Korea to strike first.
Reactor aid for Korea divides U.S. and Japan
Bush has done everything he could to antagonize N. Korea into attacking us, including threats and sanctions, just like FDR. More scarrorism probably from one of their little CIA agents below. We have nukes too -- what's to worry? They shoot, we shoot back:
Defector to Bush officials: Strike N. Korea before it's too late
Rummy was also the bagman for Bush Sr. giving WMD to Saddam in the 80's, and Bush told April Gillespie he would look the other way if he went into Kuwait. Saddam took the bait, and Bush started Gulf War 1. Bush Jr. likewise attacked Iraq by lies.
And yes, I have it from a DC source we are going into Liberia with 200,000 troops, (unless another hot spot develops i.e. in the Middle East) and many in Congress don't even know it yet. It's a done deal already made with Pentagon Planners before it got to the public via the news media. Bush gives a dam* about the millions of Christians who have died in Sudan at the hands of the Muslims for years, but now he wants a toe hold in Africa to steal their oil, diamonds, gold, and all their natural resources, just as he did to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is still at war and controlled by the militias which we are still funding. Iraq's war has just begun, by a country riveted only in chaos with no free government of choice in sight, unless they sign over their oil rights to Breman (Bush's oil buddy in the Harkin insider trading scandal), which they won't do. Their funds, assets and oil are still tied up, and unarmed men, women, and children were shot for exercising their new found democracy to protest, because government employees were not being paid.  The US media just doesn't show you, but it's broadcast over the BBC. Bush has managed to destabilize the entire Mid East, and terrorism was not stopped, but has only increased worldwide since the invasion.  That's what happens when our Congress abrogates their duty and shirks their responsibility to declare war, and let's one mad man attack any country he chooses, sending our kids to die for his corruption. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, including Prescott Bush who aided and funded the NAZIS!
Those demonstrators from different African nations who planned to protest Bush's visit were locked up in prison until he left, and the media only showed the Bush supporters. You notice he didn't go to Liberia -- they'd have to lock up most of the nation.  Taylor is a CIA asset from NYC. He's not going anywhere regardless of what you see in the press, unless he's driven out, and will be given asylum in Nigeria.  But we got to send our kids in so they can die for another third world county, and Liberian forces intend to repel them, then Bush deprives them of the veteran benefits. We have to take care of America first, and stop policing the whole world.
Moreover, the CIA knew the truth, as ex-ambassador Joe Wilson had been sent to Niger to ferret it out. And Wilson had returned to report that the nuclear link to Iraq did not exist."
-- Pat Buchanan "Naked Forgery"
Original CBS Article: 'Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False' <>
Of course George Tenet is going to take the fall, after already stating he did not read the speech -- somebody is lying? Whatever, Bye Bye George, now you can now join all the others in the Bush Administration Fleisher, Tommy Franks, and other WH officials who fled like rats deserting a sinking ship, followed most recently by Homeland Security's Redmond who tied Bush Sr. to giving the Promise software to Osama and Saddam, which compromised our security -- My was that ever an embarrassment to the Prez who immediately accepted Redmond's resignation, which was not due to illness, according to the entire story broke first by expert Gordon Thomas at Globe-Intel.
If Bush lied about Iraq -- He lied about 9-11, and there's too much proof that he knew:
9/11 Inquiry Alleges Witness Intimidation
Afghanistan was invaded for completion Halliburton's pipeline, confirmed by Maresca V.P. of UNOCAL in which urged the U.S. Congress to help the United Nations establish an internationally recognized government in Afghanistan so they can lay their oil pipeline five years ago which legitimized the planned tragic events of 9-11 to invade Afghanistan, and push through Patriot Act 1.
Neo-Conned by Rep. Ron Paul (R) TX
Now Bush is changing a 75 year old overtime rule cheating millions of workers out of their overtime who earn over $21,100 or just $10.14/hr., but supports his wealthy oil buddies and multi-national corporations making billions.  He has done more than any president in history to ruin our economy, damage domestic and foreign policies, alienated our allies, insulted and antagonized our foes, embarrassed America and the Republican Party before the whole world, and destroyed our freedom and liberty at home, all done with his corruption, lies and distortions. Yet, Bush and Ashcroft pushed through the Patriot Act and Homeland Security to empower the Intelligence Agencies in cooperation with the Office of Information to track, trace, and CONTROL taxpaying American citizens when 9-11 and the Iraq War were just deceptions. There is no war terrorism -- There's a war on FREEDOM!
As Helen Thomas (former WH Press) said, "He is the worse president in history." She was right! Anyone who disagrees with Bush is either, silenced as she was, intimidated, vilified, or murdered. Millions of Americans know it too, and know what's going on.
Bush is making Clinton look like a Choir Boy who said "I did not have sex with that women," and there was an attempt to impeach him by the Senate, but his crimes pale in comparison to Bush. How can they stand by and let Bush do this to America? Bush is no more powerful than Clinton, it's just that he controls the executive branch, all the legislative branch, and the judicial branch - a dictator's dream. I just hope the "Secret Senate Hearings" are not a White-Wash like the Warren Commission in the Kennedy assassination, sealed for 75 years, so that all those involved are dead and go unpunished. 
People are beginning to wake up, at least some of them.
"There are 42,000 Google indices for Impeaching Bush";article=41544
"Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman or child is likely to be displaced, tortured, killed or "disappeared", at the hands of governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United States shares the blame." -- Amnesty International, 1996
Nations do not have friends or enemies, just common interest. We must find out what they are, then capitulate and negotiate -- not start wars. It's so barbaric and we could do so much to help humanity and demonstrate leadership for peace, gain respect, and ensure hope for the future of all mankind in a positive way.
It appears they may be throwing Blair out in the UK -- the Brits won't take it! Is there one Congressman or Senator who has the guts to stand up and impeach this criminal and his administration? I doubt it.  They must be waiting for WW3 to kill millions worldwide, according to the UN's de-population program on their website, under Agenda 21 "sustainable development" or are they either too frighten, too compromised, or a part of the plot to destroy America, and turn her over to Bush's Neo-Con PNAC NWO = Globalist? Update: Perle step down because Rep. Waxman connected him to Global Crossing, but he still works for the government, he should have been fired, or worse! Wolfowitz was making plans for the invasion of Iraq the day after 9-11.
Does anyone in DC have the guts to impeach Bush? If so, they better get a move on now, and I hope it's done before he gets a chance to start WW3! Then the whole world including them will all be in the same boat.
"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." -- Abraham Lincoln
BCC: Friends <>
PS: How you vote or don't vote will determine America's future!!! Good government is your job too!!!
Libertarian State & Local Candidates running for public offices in 2003-2004
The Constitutional Party attacks Immigration Policy and War Powers Acts by the President -- Tremendous sayings by the Founding Fathers, and how government was meant to be:  <>
This is very interesting and informative - They are not conspiracies if you have the documented evidence to back it up!
"Conspiracies, Plots and Other Anti-democratic Notions" by Dr. Peter Phillips, PhD.
From Radwick and Chuck:
Bonehead II and his helpers have a "bang up " week:
1) 300,000 Salvadorans CAN STAY - BUSH,0,901524.story?coll=ny-nationalnews-headlines
Washington - Nearly 300,000 El Salvadorans, including tens of thousands on Long Island and in Queens, were granted permission to stay in the United States until 2005 in a Bush administration decision hailed by immigrant advocates.
2) BUSH "Guestworker Plan" shortly
3) BUSH [and his helpers] KILL OVERTIME for 8 million "white collar" American working stiffs {?} 
4) But not a perfect week: BUSH demonstrates he can't even assure his own security ... no less yours!!!
5) Quack n' BUSH: Click here: Prison Do You Have the Knowledge to Escape?
SCORE: BUSH and Helpers - 5 Commoners - 0



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