Chemtrail Aerosol
Residue In Northwest?

From Charles Tautfest

Hi Jeff,
I have been aware of chemtrail activity here in the Pacific Northwest for a few years now. Along with the typical air assault, I have noticed something else of interest. I do not know if there is a direct connection, but I have been suspicious of these phenomena.
As you will see by my photos, I have noticed a reddish substance that always collects on the wheels of all automobiles. It is predominant on the front wheels. Keep in mind, the less you wash the wheels, of course, the more buildup. I hope these pictures produce an adequate visual.
I do not remember seeing this pre-chemtrail yrs. At first, I figured it may just be a new style of brake pad that were being put on vehicles due to the asbestos in the old. So, I shrugged it off. I then started to notice my bird bath revealing the same color as the water level receded. When dry, all that is left is the reddish residue.
I then thought, well maybe it is the minerals in the city water. The real clincher came when I would take my contacts out: right before me, I could see the faint reddish color on them as they lay in their case of disenfecting solution. In the picture, I have a new set of lenses, as well as a new case to try to make the others stand out for better viewing.
I was very reluctant to share this, but maybe people out there have noticed similar, if not the same things. I would welcome any comments!
Thank you so much,
From Ann W.
State Of Washington
Just wanted to respond to today's article on chemtrail residue in Northwest.
I live in the Olympia, Tumwater area and have also noticed a red residue in my birdbath.
The residue is much heavier than illustrated in that picture and therefore a darker red, due to concentration. I have many times puzzled over this phenomena .
We are heavily sprayed here in the NW just about on a daily basis . I get very sick from whatever is raining down on us and have to stay home most of the time, with windows sealed and air-intake turned off. I have to carefully monitor the skies and the air before I open my windows to let in fresh air.
I am retired and don't have to be out there when they spray (which is most of the time) . I don't believe I would be alive today if I were not able to dodge them. I get that sick.
It is absolutely miserable in the hot summer months, not being able to open windows when needed.
From Todd Pliner
Hi Jeff,
I live in Maryland and yesterday the humidity was so horrible all of the front windows where I work were all fogged up. I had noticed this before but this time it looked real dense or dark. I went outside and examined it further...and it seemed to be the same residue that is shown in the pictures in the article "Chemtrail Aerosol residue in Northwest".
For some reason, I immediately thought or felt that this was some type of additive to the atmosphere. It was very odd and I just wanted to share. Please let me know if there are any other related situations on the east coast.

 From Xavier Simmons
I've wondered what that red stuff is all over my wheels and tires, too. (see photo)
There's also red stuff in the kiddie pool in the yard. I just assumed that it was algae or mold (we have lots of it in the NW.)
Xavier Simmons



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