Supporting Troops
In An Unjust War
By Anonymous

Should we support our troops in a war that is unjust? This is a great dilemma for some. On the one hand a person who knows a war is unjust, talks and maybe even engages in demonstrations, but when the fighting starts and 'our boys' starting fighting, they support them. Being torn emotionally between the two, many people would say something like this: "I'm still against this damn war, but let's see this fight through and get our boys home."
To come to somewhat of a sound logical conclusion in this dilemma, let us consider some background first, such as: history of war, biblical perspective, American history, and other factors.
First, the historical background of war.
Since the beginning of time, man has been at war with man; tribes fought tribes, cities fought cities, countries fought countries, and finally, civilizations fighting civilizations. From ancient times of the Sumerians to the fighting in the 21st century, we hear such words as, honor, country, duty, and following orders. We are told, even if the war is not just, that we have our honor to uphold, we have to do it for our country, etc. Then in recent times, we have heard such phrases as, "a soldier is not to question why, but to do and die," and "I'm just following orders." These words and phrases sound so nice, patriotic, and almost have a religious ring to them. However, just because we have been doing something for hundreds or even thousands of years, doesn't make it right or moral.
When do we honor somebody? When they do honorable things. If a nation goes to war, and the other nation had done nothing that threatened the belligerent country-it becomes a dishonor to that country. Once the war starts, does not make it honorable.
"A soldier is not to question why, but to do and die." If you think about this phrase, it's calling soldiers idiots! To go out and maim and kill people is the most difficult thing to do. This is not like telling someone to paint a house, or do 10,000 and 1 other mundane things, but to take peoples lives. So, why shouldn't a person question why? We question why on the mundane things, so why not on the most important things.
"I'm just following orders!" is another popular rebuttal when soldiers are confronted by their actions. If your employer told you to go and rob a jewelry store, would you do it? Why not? This is much less than ordering someone to go out and kill a person. Yet, this is what soldiers and others who carry weapons have been doing for thousands of years. The fact is, is if soldiers, policeman, and other agencies that carry weapons question why and stop and think before following orders, there wouldn't be senseless wars. I didn't say there wouldn't be wars, but there wouldn't be wars without a real threat to the nation in question. And since we have been "just" following orders and not question why, we have had many wars that were unjust, or could have been settled by other means.
Now, let's move on to the biblical concepts of war.
Most wars in the past several hundred years, especially big ones, have involved Christian nations. However, most people who call themselves "Christians," do not know that there are military laws in the Bible. Now, I know that many people call themselves "New Testament Christians," but I'd like to inform these people that there is no such thing-not according to God and Jesus Christ. I don't want to go into details here, but there is much evidence in the New Testament that supports God's laws in the Old Testament. However, I will make a few short comments supporting this. Christ Himself said, study the Scriptures to show yourself approved. Now what did He mean by this? This was before the New Testament was written. He was talking about the Old Testament. Prophets and warriors were praised by Christ in the NT (book of Hebrews chapter 13). Finally, Christ said that Heaven and Earth would pass away before on jot or iota of the Law would be changed.
Now, I want to talk about this from a Christian standpoint, since the wars of the last century have been mostly waged by those who call themselves Christians, and this include the current war-Gulf War II (or whatever they finally call it).
(The following from Charles A. Weisman's book, "A Handbook for Bible Law," 11751 W. Riverhills Dr. 107D, Burnsville, MN 55337)
While the Bible promises a time that there will be no war (Isa. 2:4), it also shows the inevitable fate of a nation to be subject to war, and this provides for the laws and rules for war and dealing with enemy nations.
In no instant did Christ condemn national defense but rather only unrestrained aggression (Matt. 26:52). Christ had in fact commanded His disciples to be armed so as to defend themselves (Luke 22:36). War can exist for purposed of defense. And in John's vision, Christ is depicted as leading armies and waging war for the cause of righteousness (Rev. 19:11-16).
In the O.T. an army was raised by a kind of conscription of all the male population from 20 years old and upwards and who are able) physically fit and trained) to bear arms. A number of deferments were recognized and all who were fearful of battle were exempt from service. Many of these principles for armed forces were adopted in the American State Militias.
The biblical rules of war require that an offer of peace be made to enemy forces before attacking them:
"When you go near a city to fight against it, then proclaim an offer of peace to it." (Deut. 20:10).
This was to give the opposing forces the alternative of either surrender or battle, relieving the nation offering it from any wrong or fault. War thus should be viewed as a last resort measure, for those who delight in war are destined to be scattered (Psa. 68:30).
Now, I would like to consider the following biblical rules, that Christians nations should use, and compare that to the Gulf War II we are now in and in many other wars that we fought in the past. Then ask yourself if we acted in a Christian manner.
Rules and Conduct of War
Before a nation goes to battle the people should pray to God that He will maintain their cause. I Kings 8.44-45
We should inquire of the LORD as to weather or not we are to go to battle with another nation. Judges 6.33-30; I Sam. 30.8; II Sam. 5.19, 23.
Spoils of war are to be divided between those who served in battle, and between all the inhabitants of that nation. Num. 31.27; Josh. 22.8.
Do not plunder or fight any nation without just cause. Psa. 7.4; Psa 35.1, 7-8.
How many people pray to God, especially our political leaders who decided on war? Not one really. Of course some pray, but they certainly are not pray to the God of the Bible or they would be acting like Christians instead of Judeo-Christians. There certainly isn't an inquiry to God if we should go to war in the first place. In a nation that doesn't allow school pray and Bible reading, you know that the politicians who passed such a law will not do so themselves.
When we read about this current war with Iraq, we have read a lot about this helping the little bandit state if Israel, while others claim that it's the oil companies that want this war; or the Bush family personally, or Vice President Chaney and his company. We'll whatever you believe, we can all agree that the spoils of this war, as well as many of our wars in the past, did not go to the soldiers and to the citizens of the United States. All political and financial interests will go to special interest groups.
What about: Do not plunder or fight any nation without just cause. Psa. 7.4; Psa 35.1, 7-8. We are certainly plundering Iraq without a just cause. When a President (and his advisors) have to resort to many lies to get us into a war, you can be sure that the war is not just. Do you think that God will support us in such a war? No. We might win militarily, but we will not win spiritually, and there will be many problems at home as a result of this. The only problem is, that many people will not see the connection at home with the war, but there is as we will read later.
Reasons and Causes of War
War and defeat may be brought by God as punishment for national sins. Deut. 28.25, 49-53; Josh. 7.5-12; II Sam. 12.9-10; II Chron. 6.24, 36, plus many other verses.
War may be of God or commanded by God. Num 25.16-18; Num 31; Deut 2.24; Deut. 7.1-2
Lust brings wars and fighting. James 4.1-2.
War as a defense from unprovoked attack. Exod. 17.8-16; I Sam. 30.1-18.
Evil men who continually stir up war. Psa 140.1-2.
War is to be undertaken only by the will of God. Deut. 1.41; Deut. 2.5, 9, 19.
He that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Matt. 26.52; Rev. 13.10.
America has had many national sins. For proof of this, look in the Bible as to what sins are, and compare it to what is in American society today. We have non-White immigration; we have non-Christians in office and teaching in our schools; we have abortion, race-mixing, degradation of our Christian heritage, etc., etc. But we also have had many wars. Of course, non-Christians start these wars, but God uses them to punish His people. (I don't care what the media says, Bush and Company are not Christians by a long shot.)
We have not been attacked by Iraq, and not even threatened; yet we are attacking them. Thus, how can we be "a light on the hill" to other nations, when we don't act in a Christian manner?
He that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Matt. 26.52; Rev. 13.10. This is a verse that has been taken out of contact by nearly all ministers and priests. They use this verse to defend pacifism. What Christ was saying here was, when a government or individuals take up a sword, they'll die by the sword. Consider this: a criminal makes his living by stealing and killing-thus, he lives by the 'sword.' Now, how is such a person stopped?-by a righteous person taking up a 'sword,' or in the present day, a gun, and killing him. In Matt. 26.52, we read that a righteous, or Christian government or individual would be killing the person who lives by the sword, or gun as is the case today. All of this is implied, you just have to think this out. Christ's people are not dumb, or they should not be, that is why everything is not spelled out in each sentence, just like we don't spell everything out, because we assume that we are writing to intelligent readers.
What will happen to a nation that starts an unprovoked war?
We can see what an unprovoked, thus an un-Christian war does, by looking at what happened in the United States after such wars. After unjust wars there are usually such things as: more taxes (type of bondage), more crime, more government interference in our personal and business lives, less freedom, and generally our system of justice in the courts are eliminated. All of this is a form of punishment. In fact, you can read about what would happen to such a nation back in Deuteronomy 28th chapter. Now, I don't care of the reader is an evolutionist, Muslim, Buddhist, or New Ager, if that person can read the Bible and read the current newspapers, they can see what God said was true. In the first 14 verses of Deut. 28, we read of the blessing if we follow God's commandments, or laws; in the remainder of the chapter (15-68), you will read the curses. These curse are just like what is happening in the world today, including the United States.
Again, going back to those who live by the sword, there are other curses. When our soldiers came back from Gulf War I, for example, died by the sword. Iraqi soldiers may not have shot them, but they are died anyway-some from the vaccine shots, others by exposed chemicals including what is in the food (aspartame), and by the uranium laced shells we dropped. There is an estimated 2 out of every 5 veterans of this war who are on some form of disability, or are trying to get on it because of health problems. I'm sure you have heard of the Gulf War Syndrome, well, more of them died of this than from enemy fire. So, in essence, they, too, are dying by the sword.
That's nice to know that when you are fighting the enemy in front of you, there is your own country who is fighting in back of you. So, when a soldier says, "I don't question why, but do and die"-they really die. If they don't, I don't want to hear any damn complaints about conditions in their hometown or country when they return. So, remember who caused those problems, and why it all happened in the first place.
Peace and Victory
If you walk in God's statues and keep His commandments, and do them, He will give peace in the land, and none shall make you afraid. Lev. 26.3, 6; Psa. 85.8; Psa. 119.165; Prov. 3.1-2; Isa. 48.18.
Victory against enemies in war is from God. Deut. 7.23; Deut. 20.4; Josh. 10.8-11.
Those who know modern history, knows that the United States has not seen peace in many years. In fact, throughout most of the last 100 years, we have been at war-overt war where the masses see it, and covert war, where there is little media attention. According to the Bible, we are not at peace with Yahweh, God. How can we when we don't even allow Him in our schools and public places.
For those who say that we have had victory in most of the wars in the past century, I ask, have we really? Sure, we won in a military sense but we lost in moral sense. I'll quote American hero, Charles Lindbergh, who was the first person to fly across the Atlantic in the 1920s. Later he was a lieutenant in World War II, and wrote a book titled: The War Time Journals of Charles Lindbergh. He said, "We won in a military sense, but we lost in a moral sense, and for this, Western Christian Civilization is doomed." Now, Lindbergh was a Christian, but he realized that we should not have been fighting the Germans. He knew the lying propaganda put out by his country and the other Allied nations. He knew that there would be a decline of Christianity and Christian culture, and his words are ringing true today. So, when we say that we had victory, did we really? If you look in the context of the negative changes that has happened in America, we have been defeated in a big way!
Now, let's move on to American history
American History
When America was a colony of Great Britain, we followed the orders of the mother country-we had to following the same laws (most of them were just), pay taxes (they were very minimal and was just some tariff on certain goods), and military orders. True, we did have a certain amount of autonomy. When the French and Indian War started, George Washington and thousands more, helped the British fight the French and Indians. Orders were followed, as they were acceptable. However, a time came when following orders were not acceptable. There were tens of thousand of Americans who still helped the British when the Revolutionary War started, and they were called the Tories. However, there were tens of thousands of those who didn't follow orders-as civilians and soldiers-and we thank God for this. As a result, we gained out independence. Following orders is not necessarily a noble thing, and not a Christian thing. There are times in a person's life and in a nation's life that orders should be disobeyed, otherwise, you just have 'backside kissing' slaves. Unfortunately, this is what we have today.
Colonial Americans said "No" to paying certain taxes, "No" to certain laws, "No" to not allowing the Bank of England issuing our money which we had to pay interest on, and we said "No" to other things, too.
Think of this: each time there is a change in government for the better, there has to be rebellion by the people. Many times it's a revolution where people say, "To hell with what we have been doing in the past-it's time for a change." When people wake up, they see that their so-called leaders use the flag, the uniform, or tradition and say they are passing such-and-such law in the name of it. They try to stir up patriotic feelings. Well, when people finally wake up to their current slavery, they'd see that what is being done now has not relation to the noble things that their nation had one in the past, and they'd see their current leaders as usurpers and traitors.
Orders to Kill
In order to kill someone, it takes a lot of mental and psychological preparation. This is not something that we do each day, nor is it what most people even do once in their lifetime. For those that do it, and are soldiers, they have to be trained to kill, and what I mean trained, I mean not only in the martial arts and how to handle a gun, but in mentally, too. They have to be 'psychic out.' In civilian life, many who think that they couldn't kill someone, finds out they could-when they see their wife being raped and killed in front of their eyes. When someone says, "Here's a gun, go out and kill Fred Smith," a person just wouldn't do it. If you worked for an employer who told you this, you would say something like, "Are you crazy?" You would refuse (I hope) and would tell the police. Or you would quite your job. We do this, because we know that it is morally wrong. If your employer said, "I'm paying you. This is the tradition of the company. We have a company law that says it's OK. Our corporate profits are at stake. And if that isn't enough-it's an order!" Would you do it? Again no (if you're a normal person). So, why would it make any difference when you are in the military? At this point, this is where most people become hypocrites, and would lie-denying that they are hypocrites.
So, what is the difference between a corporation that tells its employees to kill someone, or the United States government? The United States is a bigger corporation that is all. You see, we think that if it's the law, or if the President tells us we must fight, that it's right. But they are not God. Heck, they don't have any acceptable morals. I don't believe in Islam, but at least there is some kind of standard, which is more than I can say for people like Bush, Jr., Clinton, Bush Sr., Franklin, and just about all Presidents in the last 100 years. That is what the Untied States is now-a representative of various large corporations, so they can extend their world-wide tentacles and aggravate more wealth for International Zionism. So, just because they made laws, doesn't make it moral, and specifically, Christian. It is Christian principles that should be guiding us, not other peoples' morals.
For Those Who Support Out Troops
If, in spite of all this, you still support our troops in an unjust war, then stop being a hypocrite and really support them. You can support them by going out and fighting. If you are too old, then send extra money to the government, and pay all taxes in relation to the cost of the war, including the hospital and rehabilitation costs. Don't be an armchair warrior; the world is filled with them. Now, at this point, this is where people lie and try to weasel their way out of it. I want to see the politicians, and the real makers of war-leading world Zionists and the owners of the largest corporations in the world go to war. Once they are all killed in battle, you'd find a peaceful world.
Look At What Your Country Has
Done For You
Many soldiers and veterans try to use the excuse of, "Look at what your country has done for you." I say, it is the people and not the government that makes things great. Remember, Government is supposed to be a Servant of the people, and not the other way around. Government, by its very nation takes away freedom. Some of the "freedom" we do have we have to pay for a permit to get permission.
So, what are we fighting for? Do you find anything worth fighting for? Before you answer that, consider this: My child goes to a government school, with the misnomer of calling it a 'public school,' where they take the Christianity (my beliefs and what our nation was founded on) out. They replace it with 'Worship the State,' religion. We are told how bad White Christians are, and how good the anti-Christs of the world are.
Then, if that wasn't enough, my child is forced to have vaccine shots, which have proven to be harmful, and have even kill people. But of course you won't read this in the media or academic journals, because they are controlled by he medical cartels.
I work and pay my whole life to buy a home, and because of Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) mandated integration, the blacks move in, and property values go down. I'm put out of work because the corporate giants out source their work, so now things are made in countries as China, Twain, Mexico, and other places South of the Border. Now if I get a job at Mc Donald's, I won't make enough to support myself let alone my family. Most companies have a 'color quota' to comply with. So, me being a White Christian, who loves my country and fights to preserve our way of life, is last in line for employment. And, once I'm hired, and I see something I don't like done by a non-White and say something about it. Because I said something that was not Politically Correct (loss of freedom of speech) I lose my job and am called a racist, hater, nazi, or what-have-you. Because of all the non-white government programs, and helping the bandit state of Israel, fighting in wars that enrich certain corporation and protecting the ass of Zionists in the Middle East, and the super-rich Liberals at home, I have to pay more taxes. Now, if I should breath a word against the war, I can now be tried under the misnomer law called, The Patriotic Act, and be put in prison for life as a 'terrorist.'
So, why should I support the troops?
Sure, our troops are the 'boys next door.' I'm sure they are nice family men; many of them are good fathers, brothers, husbands or what have you. But never forget, they just follow orders and don't question why. So, if they are told to lock you up, they'll do it; and if you resist because you are protecting your family and property, they'll kill you.
Major General Smedley Butler, the highest ranking officer in the Marines stated after he realized what he had been doing, wrote a booklet entitled, "War is a Racket," in which he himself with the Mafia king, Al Capone. He stated he was nothing more than a strong-armed man (what we would call a hit man) for big business. So, if a person by his caliber was truthful enough to have stated this about himself, is this the kind of men you want to support? "Hit men." Under the law, a "hit man" is just as guilty of murder as the "Don" who paid him and told him to do the killing.
Evil men in office will remain in office as long as there are those willing to carry out their dictates. Get down on your knees and pray so that God will give you strength to refuse to carry out the plans of those who have taken your freedoms away.
Need for Bad Government
Many Christians get frustrated when they see evil reign all around them, but there is a reason for this. If you read the Bible you will often read about Israel in disobedience to God's Law, and when this happens, He raises up heathen nations to go to war against Israel. At other times, the evil leaders of Israel act as the whip in God's hands to punish those who follow such rules. Just look at the punishment that we receive. So, all things have a purpose, and in time, all evil comes to an end. Our reward might not be seen in this world, but it certainly will be seen in the next one.
All this comes down to what Master do you serve. Do you serve the State, or do you serve the God of the Bible? The battle cry during the American Revolution was, "We have no king but Jesus Christ!"
In the Bible we read words to this effect: I don't know about you, but as for my family, we will serve the LORD.



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