The Burial Of Disney's
'Song Of The South'
By Joseph Dayton

This year (2002) is the 100th year of Walt Disney. Here was a man who had direct ties to the Kingdom. His life's work bears witness of his good spirit. I will not go into his direct confrontations with the Antichrist in Hollywood, here, but there was a reason he never hired Antichrists; and, there is a reason the Antichrists swarmed, at his death, to appropriate his company: This is Spiritual Warfare!!! Rather, I address the continuing war of spirits, below.
Song of the South
The King of good and entertaining, wholesome, "G" rated films made a movie in 1946 that won an academy award in 1948 for music, for the happiest little tune that ever lifted the spirits of depressed people AND of people who were already happy!!! (This is (positive) Spiritual Warfare. The fight is to shape the Spirit of the Land.)
This film featured the interaction between animated cartoons and live action (1948) -- The birds sitting on Uncle Remus' shoulder interacted flawlessly with him. Walt Disney's "Song of the South" ran in movie theaters until 1989. Ignoring this film, and Disney's greatness in the field, the Hollywood critics and the media fell all over themselves, in the 1990's, praising the film "Roger Rabbit"; They touted it as "the first time cartoons and live action ever interacted flawlessly."
Why is Walt Disney's work ignored? ... Because of the good spirit the film conveys to any who see it. Now, the film is effectively banned by Disney, inc. They claim that they are responding to some "public" demand that it is offensive to blacks. In fact, the complaints of the NAACP were probably solicited by Disney, inc. to give them an excuse to pull the film... And, second, the NAACP does not represent Blacks; It represents Jews through some black puppets.
If this "public outcry" about "Song of the South" were legitimate, the film could be "pulled" from theaters, but would still be available to any who want to buy the video tape, BUT IT IS NOT AVAILABLE, because THIS WAS NOT the real reason for the withdrawal of the film!!!
Rather, there is antipathy for Mr. Walt Disney and his work, at Disney, inc.
... and this stretches back to the 1930s when Mr. Walt Disney would not "sell his soul" to the devil, just to get a loan from them...
Michael Eisner and the Antichrist gang couldn't wait for Walt to die; The film is banned, today, BY DISNEY, Inc!!! ... That the NAACP critisized the film was/is just an excuse to do what they wanted to do, anyway. It makes them appear separate from Political Correctness, and the spiritual war.
In fact, "They" are contributors to P.C. NOT FOLLOWERS...
They LOVE "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!!! And, they love to pretend that it's not coming from them. If they are saying anything about "controversy" ... that is just a convenient excuse...
WHOSE IDEA WAS GAY PRIDE DAY at Disney World?? Why did Disney, inc. create a corporation called "Touchstone Pictures"?? ... So they could maintain the deception that Disney's childrens' films are still spiritually innocuous, as they were when Walt was alive -- This way parents will, unwittingly, subject their children to Antichrist "spiritual innoculation" (indoctrination).
The "Song of the South" was produced by a genuinely good man, Walt Disney. Compare this warm film with what Disney, inc. has produced since: Surely you know that in "The Lion King" there is a scene where the smoke or dust clouds form the word "sex," and in "Alladin" the arabian palace is drawn to look like male genitalia. Contrast that with the uplifting and innocent joy of "Song of the South."
Please recommend the film, Song of the South. Children, today more than ever, need something light-hearted, happy, and lovely, to escape the evils of the modern world... if only for 2 hours.
Thank You. I am Joseph seeking the Kingdom of God v. the kingdom of the Antichrist of antikingdom.



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