- To our fathers and grandfathers who fought in World War
- America owes everything to you. You sacrificed your youth,
you saw your buddies die before your eyes, you gave up life and family
and love as you fought in Europe or the Pacific -- all to save the world
from fascism.
- We can't even measure how much we owe you -- you, and
the staunch women who stood with you -- the WACs, the Waves, the nurses
who treated the wounded under unthinkable conditions, and the Rosie-the-Riveters
who kept the country going back home. Yet, in the decades since the end
of the war, your victory has been stolen. From you, from your children,
your grandchildren, and from all of us.
- You won a long, hard, painful battle. But when you came
home, you lost the war. You lost the Bill of Rights and freedom. And so
we all lost.
- America is becoming a lot like the countries you fought
- The country you fought for was a land of self-reliant
people, people proud to stand on their own two feet. It was a country of
decency, of neighbors and neighborhoods, where people took care of each
other, their families and themselves. It was a country where citizens had
a say in what their government did, a country where the government respected
private property, family life, the right to worship, the right to express
opinions without fear, the right to own firearms, and the whole way of
life those freedoms stood for.
- It wasn't perfect, but it was America.
- The countries you fought against were rule-ridden bureaucracies
where citizens did what they were told -- or else. They were countries
where people were supposed to hate whomever the government wanted them
to hate, and to love and trust the government more than they loved and
trusted themselves. In these countries, children belonged more to the rulers
than to their mothers and fathers, and private property was subject to
control by bureaucrats. In these countries people didn't dare do or say
anything the politicians didn't approve of.
- Today in the United States there are people who spit
on the memory of your sacrifices -- people like Sen. Charles Schumer, who
successfully pushes "gun control" laws that trash the Second
Amendment, and Sen. John McCain, whose infamous "campaign finance"
law made free speech a federal crime for independent advocacy groups. We
shrink before officials who decree that unpopular opinions are "hate
speech." We endure leaders who tell us that it's wrong to hate certain
groups of people, but perfectly okay for those groups to hate and malign
others. Today much of America is controlled by people who'll fine us or
even put us in prison for doing perfectly harmless things to our own land
and homes.
- Free speech. The right to keep and bear arms. Property
rights. The right to live your daily life free of interference from people
who want to push you around. Weren't these rights the very things you were
fighting for?
- The steady downhill slide
- This process of destruction isn't new. You no sooner
came home than the government you fought for started handing over power
to the governments you defeated -- and even worse governments. They did
it by handing authority to the United Nations, an organization dominated
by unfree countries who don't share, or even have minimal respect for,
the values that gave us the Bill of Rights. All they want is to take what
they can get from us.
- The U.N. quickly dragged us into another war in Korea
- where many of you also suffered and died. Since then its powers have
expanded so much that the U.N. has gained control over some U.S. lands
(in the name of "biosphere sites," "world heritage protection,"
and "anti-desertification" treaties). Now they've even got a
world court -- run from our own New York City, even though the impotent
U.S. voted against it. This court can try American citizens and soldiers
without giving them any of the constitutional protections you fought so
hard for.
- And next they're talking about imposing global taxes.
On you. On what Tom Brokaw rightly called The Greatest Generation. And
on us, your sometimes-less courageous successors.
- The downhill slide has been steady: inflationary spending,
debasement of the currency, punitive taxes, propagandizing of schoolchildren
so they can't think for themselves, restrictions on property rights. Politicians
have maneuvered to prop up the dangerously broken Social Security system,
which Ronald Reagan rightly called an "intergenerational Ponzi scheme."
They've created giveaway programs that let everyone from drug addicts to
billionaire businessmen live off the sweat of ordinary working people.
The regulations of this Nanny State have us so wrapped in bureaucratic
red tape we can hardly move. And often we dare not express our honest opinions
for fear of being labeled -- sometimes even punished -- for being a "hater,"
a "gun nut," or an "extremist" (which sometimes means
nothing more than being an independent thinker).
- Your federal government even passed a "gun-control"
law (the Gun Control Act of 1968) based directly on the Nazi law that Sen.
Thomas Dodd had the Library of Congress translate for him. This Nazi law
was then signed by "Mr. Great Society," President Lyndon Johnson1
- Did you risk your life fighting Hitler so that American
politicians - some of whom you voted for and contributed money to -- could
impose Hitler's very own laws on you? But that's exactly what happened
-- and that was only the camel's nose under the tent when it came to "gun
- Who's to blame?
- Good Americans were once spirited, individualistic, independent,
and skeptical of government power. Now, good Americans are a lot like the
stereotypical "good Germans" of Hitler's day, compliant, docile,
and worshipful of government.
- This is largely our fault -- we of the Baby Boom and
Generation X. We let you down. We, who in many cases knew nothing but comfort
and security, weren't willing to sacrifice for freedom, as you did. Fat,
happy, and lazy, we believed our government when it said it would take
care of us, so we could remain children forever. We believed the slickly
smiling politicians when they told us that if we just handed them enough
power and money, they would eliminate every danger and make us as eternally
content as sleeping babies in a nursery.
- We chose to ignore the fact that this is the path to
an all-powerful police state. We chose not to remember the historic truth
that Ronald Reagan and many others have expressed: A government big enough
to give you everything you want is big enough to take it all away. Already
we see the government rationing heath care -- rationing care to the very
people it falsely and grandly promised to protect! How long before the
old, the chronically ill, the "unfit" are decreed to be, as the
Nazis put it, "useless eaters"?
- Maybe you won't live to see the all-powerful state at
its most cold and brutal. Will your children or your grandchildren be the
ones to suffer?
- It's a crime and a shame. It's un-American in the truest
- But when you cry, "Why are they doing this to my
country?" at least part of the answer also has to be, "Well,
where have you been all this time?"
- Look in the mirror.
- Your early life was tough, scarred by the hunger, insecurity,
and national self-doubt of the Depression. You did your duty in a war that
was longer and more brutal than anybody bargained for. When you came home,
you were tired and just wanted -- perhaps for the first time since your
childhood -- to live normally. And you deserved your peace.
- But as Thomas Jefferson said, "The price of freedom
is eternal vigilance."
- The dirty little secret is that freedom wasn't stolen
from us entirely by other people. We lost freedom ourselves because we
weren't vigilant. We didn't exercise our rights or responsibilities as
citizens -- we of the Baby Boom and Gen X, but also you, our fathers and
grandfathers of World War II..
- We went on voting for politicians who lied to us. We
obeyed -- or maybe even enforced -- unconstitutional regulations. We had
our hands out when politicians bought our freedom in exchange for subsidies,
grants, and "entitlements." We tolerated, sometimes even cheered,
violations of the Bill of Rights, as long as they were committed against
people or groups we didn't like, not realizing the Bill protected our rights,
- When every president since Richard Nixon told us we had
to fight another war, a War on Drugs, we paid our taxes and cheered as
millions of our fellow Americans went to prison, as no-knock midnight raids
became an American institution, and as police forces were corrupted by
the lure of illegal drugs and black-market money, just as they had earlier
been corrupted during Prohibition. None of this has saved our children
from drugs or made American streets safe. On the contrary, it's been one
of the biggest destroyers of the Bill of Rights, and one of the biggest
factors in increasing violence and police-state power in the U.S.
- Even those of us who called ourselves conservative or
libertarian often demanded that "there ought to be a law" against
every activity we disliked. We forgot the very essence of freedom: The
essence of freedom is leaving our fellow citizens, and the citizens of
other countries, alone as long as they're not using force or fraud against
- It's a fact -- though sometimes not a simple one to live
with: If you want freedom you have to accept that, every day, millions
of people might be doing things you don't personally approve of. You have
to recognize that it isn't your right to stop them. That was what people
came to America for. We hate it when others try to keep us from living
our lives as we wish. But how often have we demanded laws to keep others
from going about their own peaceable business?
- Look in the mirror. We have met the enemy. And as Pogo
said, "He is us."
- It's time now for True Americans to act.
- You World War II veterans, you World War II nurses, and
you Korean War veterans ... you all have one last job to do in the fight
for freedom. My fellow Vietnam veterans, this goes for you, too -- and
for the young soldiers who fought in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, the
Balkans, and Somalia. It goes for you, also, Rosie the Riveter.
- You must teach the coming generations about what freedom
really means. You must teach them it's not just having a lot of consumer
goodies and fancy electronic toys. You must remind them that those pleasures
are the product, not the heart, of free individual choices - and that those
choices are protected by the Bill of Rights. You must remind them of the
real meaning of the things you fought for -- the freedom of peaceful individuals
to speak, believe, and live as they wish, unfettered by government dictates
and punishments -- and to respect the right of others to do the same.
- In fact, each and every one of us must do this if we
want to restore and maintain freedom.
- We must all live our personal lives like free men and
women while we fight to restore the values of freedom to our country and
our culture.
- We must fight ALL enemies, foreign and domestic -- as
you pledged to do when you signed on to serve your country. We must recognize
that some of our most ruthless, implacable enemies ARE domestic -- men
and women who look like us and talk like us but whose values are as foreign
to America as those of any Hitler, Mussolini, or Hirohito. We must not
allow ourselves also to become domestic enemies of freedom by supporting
their policies.
- America today seems a fallen land -- politically and
economically powerful, but empty inside. A land that has lost its heart,
its passion for freedom.
- But freedom doesn't have to be gone forever. Many times
in the past enemies made the mistake of thinking that America was lazy
and complacent, too well-fed and self-satisfied to put up a good fight.
The Japanese believed it before World War II. The terrorists believed it
before September 11.
- Our enemies have always been wrong.
- You can never underestimate the fighting spirit of the
American people, once they know that a fight is necessary to preserve their
own future and their children's. An awakened America is a powerful thing,
and dangerous to all opponents. We put aside our petty political differences,
our daily pleasures, and our selfishness and we fight like wildcats.
- There's hope for freedom -- if we can unite behind the
Bill of Rights, unite behind freedom and individual rights. We must remember
what the Bill of Rights is. It is a list of things an honest government
-- a government that is truly of, by, and for the people -- is forever
forbidden to do. And we must never ask our government to do these forbidden
things, or stand by silently when it tries to.
- To unite behind the Bill of Rights is to unite against
crushing, bloated, grasping government power. This time our fight may not
have to be with guns and cartridges. This time our weapons can be ideas
and ideals. This time our job is to fight against the apathy and ignorance
of our own culture. This time our aim is to arouse other Americans so they'll
neither want nor tolerate an un-American government whose false promises
of security are used to enslave them
- Let us make forever sure that our American dead have
not died in vain, that they have truly died for freedom. Let us live --
and cherish -- that freedom every day of our lives.
- Take a trip back to brave days. Click here to see posters
of World War II.
- -----
- Ways you can use this article to help restore freedom:
- 1. Read it yourself and discuss it with others.
- 2. Download copies from the JPFO Web site.
- 3. Share the article with everyone you know who was in
the armed forces, is thinking about enlisting, or has children who may
- 4. Reprint it in your organization's newsletter; encourage
veterans magazines to reprint it. (It's free of charge; all we ask is that
publications include our full copyright, contact information, and credits)
- 5. Reread, reprint, or re-circulate it on Patriots' Day
(April 19), VE Day (May 8), Armed Forces Day (third Saturday in May), Memorial
Day (May 30 or the last weekend in May), D-Day (June 6), Flag Day (June
14), Bunker Hill Day (June 17), Independence Day (July 4), the anniversary
of the writing of "The Star-Spangled Banner" (September 14),
Citizenship Day (September 17), the anniversary of the end of the Revolutionary
War (October 19), Veterans Day (November 11), Pearl Harbor Day (December
7), or Bill of Rights Day (December 15). Or re-circulate it on a date that's
as important as any of these -- August 1, the anniversary of the day in
1946 when newly returned veterans had to take up arms once again to rid
themselves of corrupt politicians at the Battle of Athens, Tennessee (http://www.jpfo.org/athens.htm).
- 6. If you belong to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the
American Legion or any veterans group, circulate this article at meetings
and social events.
- 7. Take copies of the article to the Rolling Thunder
veterans rally on Memorial Day weekend in Washington, DC.
- 8. Leave copies at your local barber shop, gun store,
book store, or other business that will welcome them.
- 9. Encourage others to download additional copies from
the JPFO Web site.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Bill of Rights
- With modern language explanations of each article
- Amendment I - Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of
- Government can neither impose a state religion upon you
nor punish you for exercising the religion of your choice. You may express
your opinions, write and publish what you wish, gather peacefully with
others, and formally ask government to correct injustices.
- Amendment II - A well regulated Militia, being necessary
to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear
Arms, shall not be infringed.
- Individuals (the people) have the right to own and use
weapons without interference from the government.
- Amendment III - No Soldier shall, in time of peace be
quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of
war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
- The government cannot force you to house its agents.
- Amendment IV - The right of the people to be secure in
their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches
and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon
probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing
the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
- You may not be arrested or detained arbitrarily. No agency
of government may inspect or seize your property or possessions without
first obtaining a warrant. To obtain a warrant, they must show specific
cause for the search or seizure and swear under oath that they are telling
the truth about these reasons. Furthermore, the warrant itself must state
specifically and in detail the place, things, or people it covers. Warrants
that are too general of vague are not valid; searches or seizures that
exceed the terms of the warrant are not valid.
- Amendment V - No person shall be held to answer for a
capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment
of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or
in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger;
nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in
jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to
be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property,
without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public
use, without just compensation.
- No one outside the military may be tried for a serious
crime without first being indicted by a grand jury (of citizens). Once
found not guilty, a person may not be tried again for the same deed. You
can't be forced to be a witness or provide evidence against yourself in
a criminal case. You can't be sent to prison or have your assets seized
without due process. The government can't take your property for public
use without paying market value for it.
- Amendment VI - In all criminal prosecutions, the accused
shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury
of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed,
which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with
the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses
in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
- Trials cannot be unreasonably postponed or held in secret.
In any criminal case against you, you have a right to public trial by a
jury of unbiased citizens (thus ensuring that the state can't use a "party-line"
judge to railroad you). The trial must be held in the state or region where
the crime was committed. You cannot be held without charges. You cannot
be held on charges that are kept secret from you. You have a right to know
who is making accusations against you and to confront those witnesses in
court. You have the right to subpoena witnesses to testify in your favor
and a right to the services of an attorney.
- Amendment VII - In suits at common law, where the value
in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury
shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined
in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common
- The right to trial by jury extends to civil, as well
as criminal, cases. Once a jury has made its decision, no court can overturn
or otherwise change that decision except via accepted legal processes (for
instance, granting of a new trial when an appeals court determines that
your rights were violated in the original proceeding).
- Amendment VIII - Excessive bail shall not be required,
nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Bail, fines, and punishments must all fit the crime and
punishments must not be designed for cruelty.
- Amendment IX - The enumeration in the Constitution, of
certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained
by the people.
- You have more rights than are specifically listed in
the Bill of Rights.
- Amendment X - The powers not delegated to the United
States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved
to the States respectively, or to the people.
- The U.S. federal government has only those specific powers
granted to it by the Constitution. All other powers belong either to the
states or to individuals.
- The Ninth and Tenth Amendments, taken together, mean
that the federal government has only the authority granted to it, while
the people are presumed to have any right or power not specifically forbidden
to them. The Bill of Rights as a whole is dedicated to describing certain
key rights of the people that the government is categorically forbidden
to remove, abridge, or infringe. The Bill of Rights clearly places the
people in charge of their own lives, and places the government within strict
limits - the very opposite of the situation we have allowed to develop
- For an even more thorough, but extremely friendly explanation
of the Bill of Rights, order and read copies of the booklet, "It's
Common Sense to Use Our Bill of Rights" (Gran'pa Jack #3), by attorney
Richard W. Stevens. (http://www.jpfo.org/gpjack3.htm)
- -----
- While everyone's busy fighting little skirmishes, the
armored column of the police state is rolling down the middle of the highway,
almost unnoticed. If you want to see the big picture of why America and
other English-speaking countries are losing freedom, read The State vs.
the People: The Rise of the American Police State, by Claire Wolfe and
Aaron Zelman. Order The State vs the People for just $19.95 (shipping and
handling included -- 10% more in Canada) and receive three "Gran'pa
Jack" educational booklets: Gran'pa Jack #2: "Can you get a Fair
Trial in America?," Gran'pa Jack #3: "It's Common Sense to Use
Our Bill of Rights," and Gran'pa Jack #5: "The United Nations
is Killing Your Freedoms!" (a total $10.00 value, free when you order
The State vs the People today. (http://www.jpfo.org/tsvtp.htm)
- If you want to understand the ultimate progression of
"gun control," read Death by "Gun Control": The Human
Cost of Victim Disarmament by Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens. It begins
with "reasonable measures" to control the unruly; it ends in
the death of a thousand cuts - and millions of disarmed citizens. Order
Death by "Gun Control" for just $16.95 (shipping and handling
included -- 10% more in Canada) and receive Gran'pa Jack #6: "Will
'Gun Control' Make You Safer," and Gran'pa Jack #7:"Do Gun Prohibitionists
Have a Mental Problem?" (a total $6.00 value, free when you order
Death by "Gun Control" today. (http://www.jpfo.org/deathgc.htm)
- 1 This is documented on the Web site of Jews for the
Preservation of Firearms Ownership at http://www.jpfo.org/GCA_68.htm and
in the book Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny by Aaron Zelman.
- © 2002 Aaron Zelman. Permission is granted to distribute
this article in its entirety, so long as full copyright information and
full contact information is given for JPFO. You may edit this article for
publication as long as Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
is given approval of the final edited version and you provide full credit.
- Published by:
- Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
- P.O. Box 270143 Hartford, WI 53027
- Phone (262) 673-9745 Fax: (262) 673-9746
- http://www.jpfo.org
- © 2002 JPFO webmaster@jpfo.org
- http://www.jpfo.org/veterans.htm