Shucks And Awww - Part 2
By Hsing Lee

Well, I'm back from India, and have been nursing a nasty bronchitis since my return. I've been sitting here with the news on 24/7, watching the Iraq war move toward the inevitable. None of what's happening there at the moment should be a surprise to anyone.

Those of you who actually bother to read these rants of mine over the last year will note that I've been warning that the toppling of Saddam would lead to mass unrest in the Middle East, and the ascendance of a Shiite Islamistic government in Iraq for quite some time now. I haven't been the only one saying this. The CIA said it in 1991, Bush and Scowcroft repeated it in their own essay in late 1991, and the CIA said it again in 2002, even if the White House and the whores at FOX, CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS weren't listening.

A short time ago, people saw images of anarchy in the streets of Iraq. The infrastructure seemingly vanished into the ether, and no police or government were to be found anywhere.

Where did they go?

I'm betting they're still there. They're just waiting for the Americans to trip on their own feet by shooting some Shiite protestors. And THEN they'll come back, helping to train Shiites as Fedayeen.

You see, Saddam Hussein did the worst thing imaginable to the USAÉ he took their enemy away. By slipping into the night and leaving Iraq to the Shiite majority, Saddam has now forced America to step in to his Gordian knot, from which they will not escape without much pain.

The invasion and conquest was the easy part. The occupation, installing a puppet government that DOESN'T represent the fanatical Shiite majority, is the impossible part.

Remember Tehran in the late 70's? These are the same religious fanatics in Iraq who took over in Iran under Khomeini. They're the majority in Iraq, a majority that Saddam held in check FOR THE WEST since 1979, at the expense of half a million Iraqi lives.

Saddam spent a decade fighting against Islamic fundamentalism, and decades holding it in check in Iraq, which under Saddam was the most religiously tolerant state in the Middle East. Women were given equal rights, jobs, and the right not wear that stupid Casper costume in public. Christians and Jews were allowed to practice openly, and there were Christians in government. Tariq Aziz is a Christian.

All that's gone now, and Islamism is about to return in force.

Effectively, we're now looking the beginnings of a Shiite fundamentalist superstate stretching across Iran and Iraq, in control of 15% of the world's oil instead of 5%. And they will NOT accept privatization like Bush wants them to. And Bush knows this.

The White House and the Washington Post are pretending like this is all a surprise. They're pretending to be shocked and awed by the massive Shiite turnout at Karbala this weekend, where two million or more Shiites have converged to celebrate the anniversary of the death of Imam Hussein, a direct descendant of Mohammed.

Some context is in order here to get an understanding of why this situation is such bad news. Shiites make up about 15% of Islam. They split from the others immediately after the death of Mohammed, in a dispute over succession. The Shiites follow the Bloodline of Mohammed where the others don't believe in dynastic succession. This gives them a fervor and a sense of persecution that's been ongoing since the mid 7th century.

The Shiite's are 60% of Iraq's population. 15 million or more. And they got more than one-eighth of the entire Shiite population of Iraq mobilized to march on Karbala within days, with NO RADIO, NO TV, and NO INTERNET.

I was wrong about one thing. This isn't Vietnam. It's way worse than Vietnam. The VC didn't have this kind of organization and infrastructure, OR the resource base.

All you fools who still think America's in Iraq to bring freedom and democracy need to read what the White House and Washington Post are saying.

"We don't want to allow Persian fundamentalism to gain any foothold," a senior administration official said. "We want to find more moderate clerics and move them into positions of influence."

One major problem is that Hussein executed hundreds of Shiite clerics and exiled thousands more, leaving behind few Shiite civic or religious leaders of national standing.
Shortly after Baghdad fell, Abdul Majid Khoei, a London-based Shiite cleric who was working with U.S. Special Forces, was stabbed to death at a shrine in Najaf, apparently by followers of a young anti-American Shiite leader. They also surrounded the Najaf home of Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the nation's top Shiite cleric, and ordered him to leave the city before tribal elders persuaded them to disperse."

So, when there's a 60% Shiite population who WON'T support privatization of Iraqi oil and who want to be properly represented in government, however will we set up "democracy" without the Shiites being in charge?

The biggest Shiite group in Iraq is Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, which is directly sponsored by Iran. The Americans went in thinking they could do what they always do and buy off a couple of colored puppet dictators and they'd be set. Except the Shiites know traitors when they see them. They killed one puppet, and ran the other out of town as the Americans were arriving in Iraq.

The Post is playing cover up for Bush, and pretending like this was all unexpected. It was so unexpected that CIA analysts and people like myself have been saying for years that this is what would happen when Saddam fell.

Surprise my ass.

The Bushies KNEW this would happen, as did Perle, Wolfowitz, Abrams, Rumsfeld, and Cheney. They did it on purpose to destabilize the Middle East, so they wouldn't have to deal with a Middle East peace process, so that Ariel Sharon and his government of religious nutballs can continue to steal Palestinian land.

They did it on purpose to create the pretext for a Crusade against Islam on behalf of Israel and Wall Street, to avoid being blackmailed and losing the election after Israel reveals all the dirt on the Bush family and their collaboration with Nazis, which is ongoing.

Within a year or two, they will have their excuse for an all out war on Islam, which will lead to genocide against Semites on the most massive scale this world has ever seen.

This can be avoided, if Bush is denied the White House in 2004. This is the ONLY way out. They've spent this entire term creating the pretext needed for a wider war, and you don't spend this kind of political clout without a really big reason. A second term means trillions in profits for the Bushies and a fully blown World War III, weapons of mass destruction and all.

Speaking of WMD, has anyone else noticed that the Nazis have yet to find a single WMD in Iraq? There are no WMD in Iraq. They were probably destroyed in 1995, which is why they couldn't prove anything to UNSCOM. How were they supposed to prove a negative?

The primary reason given as why Bush needed to invade Iraq was that it wasn't about oil, it was about disarmed Saddam's WMD. But there are no WMD, and all Bush has done is secure a bunch of oil fields, with the Shiites in charge of everything else.

It's called colonialism. But colonialism with a whole new level of provocation involved. Two prong colonialism as Israel pushes the Semites out of Canaan to make way for Russian Ashkenazis and Settlers from Brooklyn, and the Brits and Americans push the Persians out of Arabia and Mesopotamia.

Historically speaking, these times are a treat. We have cheap seats to a Nexus point in history not seen for 1700 years, and seen only a handful of times in the last few thousand years. We're seeing the most ancient rules of empire in action.

The rule is, when a new Empire grows in power and numbers to where they could challenge the old Empires, everybody stop fighting and gang up on the new guy. Christianity and Judaism are double-teaming Islam, after which they'll proceed to Armageddon until only one remains.

And then World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

The people who support George W Bush, the Christian Coalition, are actually working toward Armageddon, because they believe it ushers in the second coming of Christ. But this can't happen until the Jews rebuild the Temple of Solomon at Al-Aqsa, and the Jews can't enter Al-Aqsa until being consecrated with the ashes of a holy Red Heifer.

So rather than leave things to nature, these Christian groups went and helped the Jewish extremists genetically manufacture a Kosher red heifer.

This is no joke people. See for yourself.

Western Wall (Heb., kotel). The only remaining structure from the second temple left standing after the Roman destruction. Since the Jews are considered to be in a state of "ritual impurity" until certain special sacrifices can be brought (notably the ashes of the red heifer), religious Jews are forbidden to set foot on the actual site of the temple and this is the closest they can come to praying at the temple site.
NEWS FLASH: Red Heifer Born in Israel!
April 9, 2002
© 2002 The Temple Institute, Rabbi Chaim Richman - All Rights Reserved
In these days of difficulty for the Land of Israel, there is encouraging news as well...
It can now be revealed that less than one month ago, a red heifer was born in Israel. After the heifer's owner contacted the Temple Institute, on Friday, April 5th, 2002, Rabbi Menachem Makover and Rabbi Chaim Richman traveled to the farm where the heifer is located, to inspect and validate her status. The rabbis found her to be kosher and were satisfied that this heifer could indeed be a candidate to be used in the process of purification described in the book of Numbers, chapter 19. This is a prerequisite for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.
Tradition records that a red heifer in our generation is a herald of the Messianic era. It is certainly an important development towards the rebuilding of the Holy Temple. Our sages taught that Israel's redemption can be compared to the dawn. "In the beginning, it progresses very slowly...but as it continues, it grows brighter and brighter."
Pictures of the heifer may be viewed at:
Rabbi Chaim Richman 
PO Box 31876 
Jerusalem, Israel


Over the past several years JoAnn and I have enjoyed watching God do a phenomenal work. However, we could say little about it until now, a time when you have an opportunity to get involved. The red heifer of Numbers 19 has brought together a group of Christian ministers and Israeli rabbis that love God. This has been done without division, without arguments and with great love and respect between them. Now you can join them in a history making biblical project.
It all started on September 18, 1990 when Reverend Clyde Lott of Canton, Mississippi mailed his first letter to Israel. God had prompted him and he was trying to find out about the red heifer spoken of in Numbers 19. He wondered where these cattle came from and exactly what they looked like. This brought Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute into the picture. During 1991 and 1992 these men were laying groundwork for what is now the red cattle program for Israel.

A few things need to be made clear here. It doesn't matter if you believe the Biblical prophecies or not. The people doing these things believe them, and are working toward rebuilding the Third Temple, which is supposed to be the trigger event for Revelations and the Apocalypse. They literally want to end the world in fire and Armageddon, believing this will be the result of the Red Heifer being used to consecrate Jews so they can go rebuild the Temple Mount.

And the political reality is if they DO try and build the Third Temple at the site of Al-Aqsa mosque, it WILL be the trigger event for all out war in the Middle East, which WILL lead to the use of WMD against Muslims on a mass scale.

These are the kind of people behind G W Bush. If you voted for him, this is what you voted for. A group of people TRYING to trigger the most massive genocide in human history. Whether their personal reasons are based on religious beliefs, opportunism, or greed is irrelevant. What's relevant is their use of these stupid books to manipulate governments and world events for their own ends.

In a sane world, all devout monotheists with their hypocritical, ridiculous and historically incorrect beliefs would be declared legally insane. But since we don't live in a sane world, instead of doing them a favor and lobotomizing them, we put them in charge of the planet by refusing to destroy religion by teaching common sense to our kids in school. Instead, we indoctrinate them from pre-school onwards into socio-political systems based on Bronze Age belief systems.

World Wars don't start overnight. It takes years of planning and legislation and propaganda before one can mobilize this kind of profiteering on a worldwide scale. World War II took six years to really get cooking. About the same for World War I. This World War isn't going to explode either. It's going to mission creep until everybody's fighting everybody.

But it CAN be avoided by kicking out the GOP and NEVER EVER letting them back into power, and beginning war crimes tribunals against the principals in the last four Administrations. YES, Clinton too. He and Albright killed more Iraqis than both Bushes combined. She even said it was worth it.

Every time a Republican is President, we move that much closer to Armageddon, because they're actively working toward Armageddon to appease the Christian Right, which is their voting base thanks to the Civil Rights Act and Lyndon Johnson taking away the Christian "Right's" legal right to segregation and "negro slaves". They don't care about you or me, or even about America. All they care about is getting rich and being in charge, and they'll pander to any religious nutball to do it. Israel is the same, as are Saudi Arabia and Iran.

The pain is coming. Soon. Hezbollah, the other big group sponsored by Iran, are serious badasses, with full CIA guerrilla training passed down from dissidents within the Shah's intelligence network.

If America kills even one Shiite family in a very public setting, which is inevitable with all those scared, trigger happy 19 year olds on the ground, the floodgates are going to open, and swallow Eden in fire for the next decade.

But I have no sympathy for any of those stupid fascists in the field who bite it now or in the future. They're choosing of their own free will to knowingly invade someone else's homeland to bring insecurity and kill poor people. They're getting paid to kill poor people.

So all you'll get from me when the pain starts is, "shucks", and "awww".

But I have to say, it's truly a pity that so many have to suffer because of such a greedy and evil few.

Where are all those lone nuts when we need them?




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