Baghdad Civilians Lining
Up To Fight The US


Military fatigues are latest hit in Baghdad.
"I joined the party militia yesterday because I want to defend my country and I will fight the Americans if they try to take Baghdad," said Jalal Jabar, a 50-year-old vegetable vendor, as he waited for someone to attend to him.
Fadel Hussein, 38, tried on a shirt. The cab driver has also volunteered to fight and wanted a spare uniform.
"I have lots of work and I will soon have to buy more material," the tailor said.
"We're all volunteers in the same army now. I want to fight the invaders face to face," said Saleh Hamdani, a stout 41-year-old, as he showed off his huge hands.
"It's going to be a protracted war and I've got to be able to boot them out of the country," explained Ali, a young militiaman, as he tried on a pair of shoes.



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