Iraqi Chemical Arms
Factory Found - Report


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. forces on Sunday found what they believe to be a "huge" chemical weapons factory near the Iraqi city of Najaf, about 100 miles south of Baghdad, U.S. networks and the Jerusalem Post reported.
Fox News and the Jerusalem Post, which had a reporter traveling with the U.S. forces, cited unidentified Pentagon officials as saying the facility was seized by the First Brigade of the U.S. Army's 3rd Infantry Division as they advanced north toward Baghdad.
About 30 Iraqi troops, including their commanding general, surrendered to U.S. forces as they overtook the installation, apparently used to produce chemical weapons, the Jerusalem Post reported.
One soldier was lightly wounded when a booby-trap exploded as he was clearing the sheetmetal-lined facility, the report said.
The 100-acre complex is adjacent to military barracks and surrounded by an electric fence, the report said.
It was not immediately clear what chemicals were being produced at the facility, but both reports said the Iraqis had tried to camouflage the facility so it looked like the surrounding desert and would not be spotted from the air.
ABC News cited one unidentified official as saying of the captured Iraqi general: "He is a potential gold mine of evidence about the weapons Saddam Hussein said he does not have."
Asked to comment on the reports, a Central Command official said in an e-mail: "While media reports are premature, we are looking into sites of interest."
From Frank Altomonte
Jeff - If anyone believes this story they will believe anything. I guess the UN inspectors were asleep on this one? Not! This is obviously a planted story from "unidentified Pentagon officials".
This should be big news. This sort of vindicates Bush in the eyes of the world. Why don't they hang their names on this? Because it's another lie!
Sorry for the strong language, but we're at war and people are dying.
From Eileen Williams
Right...Sure! All those UN Inspectors could never locate this '100 yard' long
facility. And Saddam is so stupid, he would just let this plant sit out there
waiting to be discovered. Barf bags, anyone? This is just another piece
of contrived manipulation and b*llshit being trotting out to try to convince
an American public which is not happy with Bush's War. Pathetic.
From Fred P.
This is only the beginning... The US and British are testing the world opinion and fine-tuning the big lies that they will soon unleash. How difficult is it to have US soldiers or agents put chemicals in a warehouse some place in the desert, let US-media cameras tape it, and claim that Iraqis had chemical weapons? Probably as "difficult" as it is for them to light up the oil wells are blame Saddam for it. So, it's only the beginning... Yes, the US "WILL" find chemical weapons in Iraq, and the international community will believe them.



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