US Denies Killing 33
Civilians In Apache Attack
The Mirror - UK

Iraq has claimed US Apache helicopters attacked a neighbourhood in the central city of Hillah, killing 33 people, including children.
They also said that more than 300 had been injured in the attack.
US Central Command said it was investigating, but said no Apaches could have been involved.
Iraqi officials took reporters to the city 55 miles south of Baghdad and showed them bodies of people killed in what they said was a US attack.
One man, Kazem Mohammed, said he was on the road from Nasiriyah, heading to Hillah when the attack occurred. He said 11 of his relatives were killed when the vehicle they were riding in was hit.
He said the dead included six of his children, his parents and his wife.
Hillah, which lies on the Euphrates River near the ruins of ancient Babylon, is believed by the allies to be home to a camp for Saddam's Fedayeen, a loyalist militia used to combat internal unrest and, in recent days, harass American and British forces.
Hillah is a few miles south-east of Hindiyah, site of a battle between US and Iraqi forces on Monday.
At the Al-Jamhouri hospital in Hillah, journalists accompanied by Iraqi officials saw bodies that included toddlers and a baby of no more than five or six months.
A Central Command spokesman in Qatar, Lieutenant Commander Charles Owens, said coalition forces had ruled out any possibility that an Apache was involved.


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