Is Basra About To Get
The Dresden Treatment?

By Joseph Fasciani

I wasn't intending to write this. It has come about by default.
The past week's developments of the Four-Day Oil War 2 in Iraq demand that I address what is about to very quickly become the first immense war crime against its civilian population. This is the coming destruction of Basra, once known as "The Venice of the Mid-East." An ancient city is soon to be reduced to the rubble of WW2 Dresden, under eerily similar circumstances.
The British soldiers attempting to "secure" Basra have for all essential purposes been abandoned by the US, whose overstretched troops have scurried to the aid of their comrades elsewhere in Iraq. These British are supposed to be welcomed by the oppressed residents as liberators, but to date the opposite has been the case. Independent reporters tell us that even those Iraqis who once fervently hoped for relief from Hussein's regime have come 180 degrees about to declare hostility to these new oppressors.
If this city won't capitulate willingly, then it must serve as an example to the remaining defiant cities and towns. Expect a massive bombing campaign to begin, perhaps evolving into a firestorm, as technobarbarism comes to the aid of the Brits.
Let's look at a bit of history and put all this into a larger perspective: Basra was once the premiere deep sea port on the Gulf at the time of the Roman Empire. Look at a modern map and you'll wonder how could it be, as the city's now set amid canals and wetlands. Well, two thousand years ago Iraq's forests were ravaged for firewood, building materials, and masts for sailing vessels. Afterward the topsoil was gradually eroded by a process known as "sheet erosion," where it's washed into creeks and rivers, making their way to the sea, and deposited along the way.
As it passed the seaport, the deposited soil gradually filled in the area and created a delta. Humans coped with the new situation, and created canals and waterways to carry on as best they could. Now fast forward to today, where an incredibly complex tangle of religious beliefs and social passions are about to confront the simplistic delusions of G W Bush's drive to secure twenty more years of oil.
As I wrote above, this essay came about through the default of the Bush junta's self-delusion to the simplicity of this Zionist-inspired "regime change." These players repeated their mantras of "Weapons of Mass Destruction, regime change, and liberation of the oppressed" to the point of mind-numbing madness, fell victim to these lies, and now believe them to be true. This would be fine were they alone committed to this insanity, but this was subverted into sacrificing the hapless military of both nations to these self-condemned leaders' madness. Incidentally, the last time I checked, the US alone possessed enough nuclear weapons to destroy all life on the planet at least five thousand times over. Definitely a weapon of mass destruction.
If an army cannot win over another people (especially unlikely in that people's native land), then the only way to win is to destroy the enemy. It's all too familiar: recall the US officer who said with a perfectly straight face when asked why he and his troops utterly leveled a village of some three hundred Vietnamese, "We had to destroy the village to save it." Indeed.
Do you still believe this mentality is the right one for the task? You do if your name is G W Bush and you believe your job is to establish The New American Century. One has only to look at his track record: set aside his personal behaviours, his dismal schooling, his sleazy citizen soldier gambit, his insider selling of Harken Energy, his embedding with Enron, his deviant KKKristianity: what did he leave as his legacy as governor of Texas? Today that state is 49th lowest of the fifty in education, highest in executions of prisoners (many with very dubious convictions), and the less said of his treatment of women and minorities the better. His personal history created his present realities. Why expect anything different now that he's been appointed Resident?
A few brave souls have begun websites advocating his impeachment, and one sees BUSH KNEW and IMPEACH BUSH bumper stickers beginning to appear. But can anyone with a realistic view of present politics believe there will be a meaningful self-correction in November 2004? Let us assume the junta does not set aside the Election, citing War (It won't be over, you know.), and the Democrats return. How many remember that Gore's family money was made in Occidental Petroleum, the very company whose pipelines in South American are under attack by insurgents? Would he have done anything differently had he been elected?
No matter who is elected, the immense pressures of "the military-industrial complex" will immediately bear down on the unfortunate soul, followed by the crush of Zionism's intransigent chicken-hawks. Look at the domestic markets: the Dow-Jones and S&P are still at least fifteen months from the parallel bottom of 1929-1933. And what then? We will still have to Reconstruct, whatever form that may take. The history of the United States does not offer hope that a truly liberating change is probable: matters will evolve as The Powers That Be deem best, even if they aren't.
Remember your high school biology (If you were so fortunate as to have had such a course!)? Among the dictums taught as Cosmic Truth was that "Phylogeny recapitulates Ontogeny." This can be seen in the progression of the human embryo from dividing original cell to the complex creature finally birthed. But it became what it did precisely because it was genetically programmed to do so. Its history became its realization.
The United States is a nation born of racism, militarism, and corporatism. A heady genetic code by any measure, but not one that this writer would bet on to create a participatory democracy. Momento mori. God help us all.



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