With All Our Hearts Dear Children
...We Wished You Peace

From Judith Moriarty

I've given it some thought this Marching for Peace-Vigils for Peace. No, not the vulgar-screaming-lewd pictures and venom that TV shows,(probably plants) but the real people of Peace, and the real reason they cry out. I mean look at it, millions and millions and more millions in the streets, parks, and city streets. Marching towards the future through the remembrance of the past.
Will the children of future days, days of droned servitude, off limit lands, sustainable living enclaves, retina scans, curfews, papers please, permitted travel only, cameras watching, concrete barriers restricting travel, vehicles only for the privileged, and their 'two minutes of hate', know that we tried? Most likely not, unless they should find a note in a bottle, or a buried chest in a backyard, telling them of our times of turmoil and discontent of genocide. Even now, in this year of 2003, libraries are monitored for citizens reading interests, and airports have searchers and scanners. This is only for the 'human resources' (the name for people). The privileged, political, the owners of the lands-minerals-waters-timbers-and people's labors have private planes and private jets. They fly off to pristine retreats and exotic wonderlands of tropical biospheres set aside for their reserved pleasures. The villagers-peasants-tribes, that once inhabited these lands for thousands of years were dispossessed and put off their properties. Some, the fortunate ones, were hired as guides and servants for the eco-visitors in their khaki shorts and docksiders. The others were herded into cardboard shanty towns and left to die or scrounge in the dumps for their meager fare. It was all done for their own good you understand.
Nobody paid much heed, except for the few who cried out over this rape and plunder of the planet's resources, but they were quickly alienated to the arena of "crackpots-fringe-or tree huggers"! Labeled thus, with derogatory terms, and their citizen's groups derailed-compromised-infiltrated-neutralized by industry stooges, they soon, without funding and without a public platform, were relegated as onlookers to an environmental holocaust. With little to no media coverage in the nation during the initial stages, nobody was the wiser and communities with their issues and protests were pretty much contained.
People heard about the Mexican border becoming a toxic cesspool of unimaginable pollution, but it was never a part of the info-tainment news, that covered movie stars murdering someone, car chases, sports, memorial services of the latest tragedy, and warnings and hysteria about terrorism, evil lands and evil leaders who needed to be exterminated. Nobody talked about the children born with no brains, or terribly mutated because of big companies dumping their poisons right where people lived in shanty towns with no sewage, no paved roads or humane living conditions. Nobody cared. Except the labeled ones.
TV told the people that everything was under control, that the 'professionals' were building super agencies, security armies, and new secret courts, that would make sure everyone would be forever safe, if they just obeyed,didn't complain, and didn't insist on things like Constitutional or human rights. People believed what the TV said, for you see the TV had been in people's homes for decades and they were conditioned and programmed to trust what the people said on TV. TV was the teacher far into the night-it told all the people what things were right.
The TV people were picked because they were attractive, dressed nice, and looked like they wouldn't lie. Never, an older person, overweight or working class person. The manniquin ones never got upset or emotional, which made people feel safe. They laughed and jokeed with each other (on cue) over some jock's multi-million dollar contract, and then smiled when they told you of the new 21,000 pound bomb that would vaporize whole cities. People in other lands of course. They smirked and called it "Shock and Awe". Then they brought on special people that were called 'experts'. Nobody knew how or where you trained to become an expert on killing people, bombing people, or other important stuff like regime changes, nation building etc? People just believed, because 'experts' are supposed to know stuff that regular people weren't allowed to or were too dumb or lazy to find out about.
Sometimes people bickered back and forth a lot about just when was it that things had changed? Some would give you an arrogant, knowing sneer, and say; "It's always been rotten and corrupt, ain't no different than it's ever been." The man with one book would look down his nose and proclaim, "There's never been such a thing as the good old days". Others crowded in and said, "It was WWI, WWII, Vietnam, FDR did it, Hitler changed everything, it was the Atomic Bomb, the killings of the Kennedy's and Dr.King." Others talked about the bombing of Oklahoma, the school shootings, (which ended abruptly), the inferno at Waco, the shootings of a mother and her boy at Ruby Ridge, the demonstrations over Trade, that were shipping American jobs overseas, auto plants closed, mills rusting, the fishing industry gone, textiles gone, ship building gone etc. Everyone had an opinion that something was wrong they just couldn't figure when it happened? Computer voting seemed to turn the tide on election outcomes, with President Bush's election, which people called a 'selection' (by the Supreme Court). An uneasiness and distrust set in throughout the land. People, if they were honest, were hard pressed in remembering when it last was, that a decent man occupied the White House, and hadn't been connected with some scandal either overtly or covertly?
One day people just didn't believe what the politicians were promising. No-one knew which day this happened, it just was. They were sick and tried of the 'blame' game, each party blaming the actions of the past party in power. People watched and listened, deciding there was really no difference, there really had only one party. A party of the well-heeled, well-connected, lap dogs to industry's business not the people. They watched as legislation shipped their jobs overseas, giving businesses big subsidies to do so. They watched as the high tech jobs they were told to train for were replaced, again by legislative assistance, with guest workers brought in from foreign lands who would work for cheap. They watched as their kids grew dumber and dumber with more expenditures of money. Social engineering replaced learning. There was Zero Tolerance for being a child,but not a corrupt corporate honcho or politican. Schools decayed and crumbled, roads cracked and crumbled, bridges rusted out, downtowns became echoing ghost towns, and more and more prisons were built.
Then came the day of Sept 11-2001. It was a bright shining day with a turquoise sky. People went about their business still able to pretend that things weren't so bad, still believing that things would get better, that the tomorrows would be more hopeful. 9-11 was the time, despite all the other named dates, that things really did change forever and ever and ever. Everybody knew it. Some got angry, vengeful, vindictive and pretended to themselves that bombing and killing lots of other people might fix things up, but their anger, really fear, had them knowing deep inside it would never be.
We don't know the facts of this event yet, because here we are in 2003, and we really haven't had an all out investigation on any level. We do know that airliners were hijacked somehow by men with 'boxcutters', and that these planes crashed into the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon. One plane crashed over Pennsylvania. Nobody believed the story of passengers attacking the hijackers and the plane crashing, but that's the story that was put out. Nobody believed the Towers both imploding like they did, and oh, nobody believed a lot of the silly stuff being told, but there was nothing to do, because TV and the 'experts' said that's the the way it happened. All we did know was that we had spent billions upon billions on defense and the weapons of mass destruction were box cutters!
We do know that approximately 2,800 people died that day. The firemen-rescue men and police were buried in the rubble of the imploding buildings, and a huge volcanic cloud chased ash people up the concrete canyons. It was an end of the world scenario. It was a terrible day and things changed forever. It got a bit confusing for everyone, but there was nobody to really explain things. The 'boxcutter' guys were all from Saudi Arabia and Egypt but the President ordered Afghanistan bombed, and a guy named Bin-Laden to be tracked down till the end of time. So we bombed and bombed and bombed Afghanistan, which was already rubble from ten years of war with Russia, but bin-Laden wasn't found. Lots of citizens got killed and they brought back a bunch of peasant cannon fodder and put them in dog cages in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where they still are. A new label, called 'enemy combantant' had innocent and guilty deserving of no rights. No place to plead their case.
Then the TV people started to talk about the "Evil Axis", which President Bush said was Korea-Iran-and Iraq, and that we had to kill Saddam and have a regime change. We had bombed Iraq back in 1991, when he was evil and for 12yrs, put in place Draconian sanctions, planes flying over bombing and inspectors looking for weapons, that we and many other countries had supplied him with when we were friends. But a funny thing happened. bin-Laden and Saddam seemed to morph into the same man, and the TV people now spoke of Saddam bringing down the Towers. The people, who were programmed to believe TV, all of a sudden started to scream, "War-Kill Him-Nuke Him-The Sky is Falling" just like they did in '91! They thought Saddam crashed the Towers!
But millions and millions of people (who could still read) came out of their homes all over the world, and filled the streets shouting, "No Blood for Oil". The people didn't believe the lies anymore about "freedom-democracy-or liberating" people. They knew that the War Men would take their children and turn them into killing machines. They knew that war would change the world forever and ever. They knew that millions of people like themselves would be trapped and terrified beneath shrapnel shredding their babies, and fire-storms sucking out all the oxygen and incinerating people. They knew! Even the ones cursing and holding up lewd signs, did so out of their anger-fear-and primal instinct, knowing that they had to react-had to do anything and everything to try and stop the End of the World Pandora's Box from being opened.
History won't tell you how the millions tried to stop the madness. History books, if they exist, will tell of liberation-democracy-and might makes right. If there be any history? Today, March 11-03, the TV people and experts are laughing about the new 21,000 pound bomb that is being tested to use in Iraq. It will vaporize millions should it be dropped on Baghdad, in what the War Men, call "Shock and Awe". They are worried about the oil fields and what they can do to protect them but not the people whom they don't call people but "collateral damage".
And today, and tomorrow, and the following day lots of men will be meeting in the United Nations Building to argue against this killing of people. There's lots of promises and money changing hands to make sure the vote comes out in favor of War. They don't let the ordinary people know about these deals; we just pay the money. We just send our children to kill other mother's children. And men war and war and war and war and the people cry Peace.
People cry Peace for a multitude of reasons. The War Men and TV people, who are scripted what to say, call those who cry Peace, "Anti-American-treasonous-enemies of the state-wussies-peacniks etc." It's the same tactics used from times of old in fragmenting-dividing and confusing the issue. It works every time if you can polarize and turn the people on each other ripping and tearing.
It is never anti, treasonous, or any other rabid labeling to want for the whole of humanity what you wish for yourself and your own children. It is not a crime to envision a world where the peasants and villages of all lands, might live and prosper without multi-national companies, coming in and robbing them of their forests-waters-and minerals. It is not wrong to want for the peoples of Africa to reap the abundance of their own lands; without the white man coming in and setting tribe against tribe for the sake of chaos and plunder. It is not criminal to want a world with no weapons of mass destruction, no chemicals, no biologicals crafted in laboratories to kill millions.
It is wrong-wrong-wrong for the people of Korea-China-Indonesia-Mexico-South America-Eastern Europe etc., to be held in authoritative-dictatorial-paralyzing servitude, not able to travel at will, own their own lands, communicate with whomever, and worship as they please. It is depraved to have people subjected to stoning, hangings, torture, arranged marriages, sold into prostitution, starved, encased in shrouds, mutilated, burned to death (Pakistan), bombed or crushed with tanks. It is crazed to keep the people of the world under the rule of depraved madmen and to train and arm their own citizens to kill them. This is what Peace is about in its fullness. Freedom for the world. Freedom from assisted, condoned, subsidized corporate rule. Mexico belongs to the Mexican people--not a few elite families. They wouldn't have to creep over the border if their land was theirs.
People aren't "towel-heads, geeks, gooks, mud-people, vermin, scum, masses, herds, human-resources, useless eaters, fringe, acceptable risks, sub-groups nor simpletons" They are human beings with the same love, laughter, joys, dreams, hopes, gifts and talents as the rest of us. This is what the people of Peace are trying to convey.
The peace longed for in a remote mountain town, a jungle village, an alpine lodge, or city tenement is no different. The farm family wants the same as the stoic New Englander and the folks in mining towns. To raise their children free from want, terrorizing fear, servitude, mandates, Draconian laws, corruption, pilfering, toxic poisoning, tanks, bombs, searches, clubs on shields, drug drenched neighborhoods, security cameras, robbed pension funds, violence, military men on city streets, genetically altered foods and sterile seeds.
They want their representatives-elected and appointed officials to look out and advocate for their well-being. They want their government seats emptied of all lobbyists, special interests and corporate hucksters thwarting effective and responsible energy polices and alternative clean methods from being instituted, thus keeping us dependent on oil. The people of the world want and cry peace for the military-industrial complex to be dismantled and in its place a Peoples Hall of Justice-Peace-and Environmental Integrity. No special interests allowed.
Tonight March 11-03, the War Men cry mayhem and destruction. The People of Peace in these final days are no less silent, you need to know, in their quest to stop the murder of their neighbors abroad. On Saturday, March 15-03, again, the People go to the seat of government with their cry. Others are praying and fasting. The world is a cauldron of seething fear and outrage. And so the People of Peace call on the remembered days of peace in their own lives and call it into the present and vision it for the future. Days of lilac bushes in bloom, cornfields ripening, dusty back road explorations, a waterfalls refreshment, the summer swimming hole, daddy home from work, neighbors on porches in the purple twilight, children splashing in summer rain puddles, the picnic on a hillside with dancing puppets, cathedral pines, the Fourth of July parade, the baseball park, the nesting birds, the early mornings fog hush, crickets in the marshlands, the cotton candy fair, graduation pride, yodeling song on summer day, Grange musical, and oh, so very much more in the call and cry for Peace. Whatever the outcome we wished this for you with all of our hearts dear children. We really did.



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