US Marines Win Battle
West Of Basra - Officer

By Matthew Green

SOUTHERN IRAQ (Reuters) - U.S. Marines have defeated Iraqi forces in a battle on the outskirts of the southern city of Basra on Saturday, taking many prisoners, a Marine captain said.
"The enemy has been defeated outside the west of Basra," U.S. Marine Captain Andrew Bergen told Reuters. "There's plenty of prisoners, I would say hundreds."
He said three Marines had been wounded in the battle when a man in civilian clothes fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a tank support vehicle.
"It's definitely a big victory, especially (with) the limited number of casualties," he said.
It was not immediately clear who controlled Basra itself.
Bergen said tank units of the 1st Marine Division had fought troops and tanks from Iraq's 51st Mechanized Division through the day, but he had no details of the number of forces involved. He had no details of Iraqi casualties.
He said British troops would take charge of the prisoners around Basra.
Hundreds of tanks, armored personnel carriers, bridge building and other support vehicles rumbled north in the general direction of Basra and the road north to Baghdad in a series of convoys throughout the day, churning up clouds of dust.



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