They Cry Peace Peace
and There is No Peace!
By Judith Moriarty

"The great tragedy of like is not that men perish, but that they cease to love." --W. Somerset Maugham
The state of man and his indifference-hardness of heart-and disconnect with humanity does not have to be thought of as those ill-bred, illiterate savages out there somewhere; so unlike ourselves! No, the barbarism, callous disregard, and cavalier bantering and joking of others deprivations and impoverished state of being, exists right in the line of peace protestors you march with this day. War and Peace march together, therefore canceling each other out. Simple deduction.
For example; the essence of peace that we march for, drum for, chant for, scream for etc., in the numerous events we run off to attend with our groups of intimate acquaintances; appears in many instances (certainly not all) moments or weekends of revelry, camaraderie, and the rush of new experiences; with a disconnect as to the seriousness of the times and the reasons or meanings of what peace really means? I sincerely believe that the women holding forth their vigil in Washington today are probably closer to the message than any.
I was asked to join a peace vigil today and would not. The person doing the inviting had just a few short days before called my home with the most rabid and vindictive of language towards others in the community. Local ineptness, lack of commitment had him on a rampage of planned revenge. Now why would I put myself in the company of such hatred and hypocrisy in shouting forth peace? No, in my mind, the calling forth of peace, if not first addressing those perverse actions of injustice, deprivation, illegalities, corruption, and sufferings of one's own community, is a rather futile, feel good exercise for oneself and own self-aggrandizement. Empty-nothingness. Recreation.
Three different instances, these past few days, showed the disregard and boredom for the less exciting, less visible, less recognized events of speaking peace to situations of importance; in the lackluster of stifled, predictable meetings of appointed and elected officials, making, or rather not making, life enhancing decisions for the betterment of their constituents. This continues because of the apathy, passivity, and lack of persevering commitment of informed citizens. These same citizens think nothing of leaving in the dead of night for an event hundreds of miles away that promises an emotional fix, an ego-trip, with little demands on an individual level. Like voyeuristic, events groupies, they experience vicariously, through the work of others, a sense of accomplishment and involvement. They do not communicate, inform, or educate their communities upon their return, of information or knowledge gained from such participations, but like junkies look anxiously for their next fix.
A city council meeting, all male, had a local woman running a soup kitchen begging for funds, refused. A legislative committee meeting, mostly male, went unchallenged by concerned citizens, as legislators protected the moneyed interests of industry. And lastly, an appointed all male board, in a cavernous steel trussed dreary room, had bloated, satiated, leering, egocentric, out-of-town and out-of-state officials, having free reign in making decisions for industry, which would not only result in financial but health impacting decisions for the local community. The one citizen in attendance was certainly not a threat or hindrance. Someday, citizens will lament, "Who let this happen?" 
Whether on the local, state or domestic level, decision making is left to mostly all male boards or committees, the results being disastrous. Even when a few women happen to be given token appointments, it makes little difference, in that the power structure overwhelms, and despite their best intentions, they end up taking on masculine attributes, rather than introducing the alien thought that perhaps the whole structure needs to be transformed to accommodate the concerns and needs of the people rather than corporate interests!! What a novel idea!
The men in these various venues are focused only on the bottom-line, the business at hand, profits over people. This is not a feminist rant but a matter of science. I do not belong to, or adhere to fanatical movements, but am secure enough in my own person to advance the feminine without a group forming my thoughts. Women are needed in all these decisions, as they are creatures of emotion (heart persons) while men are creatures of thinking. NO, this does not mean that men are the intellects, but that women have a natural gift of "feeling more deeply than men". Men tend to rigidly 'reason' things out and do not easily feel like women do.
Women feel or express greater and prolonged compassion for people, especially children, the sick, the handicapped, the suffering and elderly. Women feel and sense what men do not. A women wounded by cavalier, insensitive, contemptible, cruelty stays wounded and remembering forever! Women can easily detect the motives of men, and discern very quickly when they are lying, pretending, or not to be trusted. Women are made to be special "sensing beings" behind men to warn them of impending dangers, deceptions, subterfuge, empty rhetoric. The reasoning and many times pride of men, cause hidden traps to elude them, and even blatant ones!!! The, "I don't need your advice or silly prattle" arrogant attitude, coupled with a 'King of the hill' mentality of men, can blind them from seeing dangerous pitfalls! It must be noted that some women have similar characters!
A women will remark, "I know that I know. I don't have the details and can't explain the exactness of the wheeling and dealing but this is wrong, this is a scam, this is a joke". Men, used to black and white reasoning it out, dismiss what they identify as hysteria, hormonal or emotional yammering, much to their detriment I might add. Because men see such communications as "non-rational" and therefore unintelligent they can lead groups, communities into dire straits. On a national scale this arrogance can lead to unthinkable war!!
The left side of our brains is more for functions that relate to language-based skills, mathematical calculation, decision making, writing and speech. The right side of the brain analyzes sensory information and relates the body to the sensory environment. Interpretative centers in this right side permit the identification of familiar object by touch, smell, taste or feeling' it is also concerned with spatial visualization and analysis. Women are more controlled by the right side of their brains than the left. However, the two hemispheres are not independent of each other. It's a matter of common sense then, that whether it be in a relationship, group, committee, political body or security council the whole of humanity is best served when equal gifts, insights, and intellect are shared! Little wonder, because this is not practiced, that the world is in such chaos, mayhem and violence!
The body politic, the corporate world, the military-industrial complex and world leadership, is for the most part male dominated. Not good. With emotions, feelings, compassion and discernment missing, is it any wonder that money and conquest rules the day? The result is that war is reasoned as the solution to any crisis. Despite the mimed tsk, tsk, of caring for people, liberation, humanitarian needs etc., please, it's about plunder, profit and power. The feeble sound bytes of freedom, liberty, flag, apple pie, and democracy, is the fast food fare for the ignorant masses. That's why intelligent women aren't buying it!!
There's no woman or group of informed-studied-women, who are sitting around inventing micro-wave weapons, vaporizing fire bombs, cluster shrapnel that shreds children like coconut, or napalm to melt the skin of drenched children!! No women decided it was a great idea to drop food packets, the same size and color of cluster bombs on civilians! It's not women who are being trained in the School of the Americas (Georgia) to go back to their homelands and brutalize, rape, torture and savage their own people!! It's not women who are beating clubs on shields, gassing and stomping peaceful protestors to the ground! It's not women who slaughtered the students in China demonstrating for democracy! It's not women torturing human beings in the most sadistic manners imagined! It's not women who drench their communities with toxins, chemicals, heavy metals and call it "acceptable". It wasn't a female sharpshooter who shot off the head of Vicki Weaver holding her baby or a woman that shot little Sammy Weaver in the back. The examples are numerous.
It's not women who salivate over maps in bunker war-rooms, planning the annihilation and genocide of millions of innocent civilians. It's not women who went, "Aha, let us use radiated depleted uranium that cuts through metal like butter! Who gives a damn that we poison the troops, the civilians and the environment forever. It'll be fun and it's a good way to get rid of the stockpiles of nuclear waste! "
No, it's the left side of the brain that plans war, the left side that's become warped, sickened and perverted! War is organized violence between large groups of people. War is armed strife, the purpose of which is to kill, maim, poison and slaughter other HUMAN BEINGS and destroy their land and property. War is the worship of death.
War is spending in two hours (left brain-sick thinking) on armaments what it does in a whole year on children. War, "Shock and Awe", plans to fire 31 missiles per hour in a two day period, on a trapped, innocent population to LIBERATE them!! This is a left brained group that needs to be institutionalized! War is pre-emptive strikes and mutual assured destruction. The world now contains in excess of more than 50,000 nuclear weapons. There is no defense against nuclear weapons! Even the evangelicals and huckster TV evangelists have hopped on the Armageddon bandwagon thinking they are part of a crusade to fulfill Revelations-chapter 16. The deluded fools! Wolves in sheeps clothing. They're afraid they won't be in on the gravy train of unconstitutional "Faith-Based" money handouts!
Herman Wouk, in writing The Winds of War, asks, "How is it that men of good will gave and still give their lives to war?" Why do men (some stupid women) go to war knowing its dangers and its wickedness? War has always been with us. Only four years in the past 2,000 have been free of war somewhere on the globe! If we live in what Lawrence Langer has called "the age of atrocity"; it is because of the scale of our death-making, life-destroying, earth destroying practices. The causes of war are to be found in warped human personalities and social systems run amuck! There are times when psychologically/financially war is thought easier than peace.
Listening to the language of today, the people have been programmed, conditioned into identifying the horror of 9-11 as directly connected with Iraq. Makes no difference that 15 of the box-cutting wielding terrorists were from Saudi Arabia and the other four from Egypt. Tell a lie often enough, like Hitler said, and the bigger the lie the more believable. And so we feel a righteous indignation to settle the score! What an exhilarating feeling, that in identifying the other group as 'evil' we are eradicating, or so we're told, evil from the world. John Adams, our Second President, noted that Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak and that it is doing God's service when it is violating all His Laws. The temptation of power is to assume that its power is a sign of virtue and that the world therefore needs its rule and influence. Iraq to be 'liberated' into McPeace! and McDemocracy. It's not what is right but who is right?
And so thousands upon thousands meeting and planning and speaking of war. Millions in the meantime, are marching for Peace. What is this peace people drum for, march for and petition for? Freedom from war or civil disorder? The absence of armed conflict? Utopia? What? Peace is first of all wholeness in the sense of integrity. Peace, does not have to be sought out in the rush of thousands, but comes to an individual who has unified within him/herself the various dimensions of his/her personality such that their actions are not rooted in the negation of other life. The world 'shalom' (peace) has the same root as shalem, whole; it is peace which confers harmony on beings in one's community and the world.
Peace is wholeness, harmony, blending, acceptance of the self and of others as we are in our scarred and scared realness. Where there is peace there is freedom so that each individual can develop fully in ways that persons desires without criticism, mockery or ridicule. Where there is peace there is humility for no one can claim to know and possess The Truth. Where there is peace there is forgiving. Conflict and disagreement are part of the human condition. Peace has us resolve these without violence. Peace is the presence of Justice. Where there is true peace there is a true sense of community. Peace requires much more work than war. It requires the total giving of ourselves, not in penciled moments, but in wisdom. The wisdom in knowing that no other human being is truly our enemy. Enemies are those things that threaten life; poverty, disease, hunger, ignorance, cruelty, and violence.
Peace is not a movement of others but a movement within ourselves. We run hither and yon for this peace, kicking our neighbors into the gutter in our quest! Who cares if they're hungry or poisoned, we're about finding peace!!! Peace is not found through vulgar signs, rabid labeling or hateful bickering between differences of opinion.....paradoxically, this is warring while one professes peace! Peace is a state of mind-a shared vision of caring, compassion, kindness, sharing, right where we exist. It is senseless going out to speak peace if we take war with us! 
Thycydides, writing some 2,400 years ago, said: "The politicians on each side were armed with high sounding slogans. Both boasted that they were servants of the community and both made the community the prize of the war. the only purpose of their policy was the extermination of their opponents, and to achieve this they stopped at nothing. Where no contract or obligation was binding, NOTHING could heal the conflict, and since security was only to be found in the assumption that NOTHING was secure, everyone took steps to preserve himself and no one could afford to TRUST his neighbor." Hmmm....the more things change the more they remain the same. And so the people cry "Peace Peace and there was no Peace."



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