Snake-Oil Salesmen Or
Leadership? You Decide

By Judith Moriarty

Mr. Ridge of Homeland (American) Defense was on this morning with his new Readiness Program for Americans. Besides duct tape and plastic; batteries, flashlights, bottled water, and canned foods should be in your emergency kit! Mr.Ridge, former Governor of Pennsylvania has some Army experience. I don't know, but for something of this magnitude (170,000 employees) one would wish that in all the nation there couldn't be found someone with a little more expertise! Mr.Ridge reminds one of Forest Gump..."War is like a box of chocolate". He just doesn't convey confidence-or leadership abilities. But then if we look around, on our local scene, domestically or internationally one is hard pressed to identify just what leadership is??
The infantile behavior of name-calling in foreign relations is appalling. President Bush "loathes" Kim Jong I of Korea and labels him a "dwarf". Great! France and Germany are identified as "old Europe" and "weasels". Mature! Senator McCain said the other day that "France is like a woman from the forties trying to get a dinner on her looks". Good John! President Bush says, he's "losing patience" waiting on war. Now that's rational reasoning. 
No matter where you look there seems to be no presence that instills confidence in the people. Like errant sheep (the people) rush to and fro in panic, wrapping their homes in plastic--screaming vindictive accusations at one another. A national philosophy of "those not with us are with the terrorists" certainly has encouraged these attacks on those not wanting war as "treasonous-anti-American, Communists, Stalinists, left wing wackos, Saddam lovers etc". Weekly warnings of 'High Alert" be vigilant, alter your routines, go shopping, take the subway, let the professionals handle it; add confusion and panic to an impressionable--susceptible--easily influenced, unstudied, uniformed, programmed public. Leadership? I think not!
Leadership? On the local (look around), a lot of smooth talking, patronizing, glib, double-speak, buzz words, snake oil, bloated pomposity, and just plain LIES. Lies about everything. Economic development, budgets, the state of local economies, electric rates, regional plans, waste plans, educational mayhem, regulations, standards, joblessness, and social crisis!
Smarmy Carny men dressed in suits vote and write loopholed legislation to pander to and protect the money boys whatever the industry. The wizards in black robes with their Tarot cards and crystal balls wave their gaveled wands over the cauldron and pronounce it legally sealed. Citizens? Ha! Driven up the midway, enticed by the flickering lights, the aroma of sausage, popcorn, and fries; hypnotically they enter the madness of carousels, rocket rides, bingo games, win a prize for the little lady, everyone's a winner!!
Freak shows, side shows, and the Fun House, with it's cackling plastic painted clown invites one into the surreal, the macabre, the cheap thrills of Boo! Bread and circus time...keep the crowds occupied, distracted, entertained, and amused. Behind the scenes, in the outer rimmed darkness, amidst the cages, trailers, stale beer, sawdust, and stained patched tents, the real business goes on. The payoffs, the rapes, the brutality, the inhumanity of man! Cheap, but no different on the larger stage...just dressed better with Cuban cigars and good Scotch!
The carnival, the fair, the theme park, the baseball stadium, the concert, the religious gatherings, the exotic clubs, used car lots, gilded board rooms, city manager offices, economic development regions, theaters, casinos, prisons, malls, committees, foundations, trusts, energy deals, mergers, marbled halls, granite halls, toxic dumps, oil fields, gas reserves, privatization of water, damns, terrorism, weaponry, wars-wars-wars-and yes, even peace, are about grasping insatiable greed-profits over people, deal making, mailing lists, and power. Pigs at the trough...each out for his/her piece of the action. If not about the business of making it, then they are about the business of protecting it. Exhaustive business money! The people be damned in the whole process, except for the garnering of wages, the scut work of cleaning toilets, mowing grass, mindless computer programming, taxed for subsidies- giveaways, penning crowds at rallies, toiling in fields, cannon fodder, or guarding and securing the elite from the masses.
While the few, own two-three-four homes, thousands of acres of property, untaxed offshore bank accounts, stocks, private planes, yachts, and stables of cars; the masses of people throughout the world work in conditions of unimaginable servitude for minuscule wages! Foundries, mills, auto plants, ship building, fishing ports, and family farms have given way to Mc Fast food restaurants paying Mc Wages. Small town businesses are now closed with Wal-Marts, Staples, Home Depot, Office Supplies, and fortress concret malls; herding people into their windowless enticing enclaves to shop till they drop oblivion. A trip across the nation has you never leaving home as generic strip malls and obscene golden arches cover the land.
None of this happened overnight, but is the cumulative result of decades of deal making in communities across the nation. Deals for malls, and mega stores displacing downtown shops. Deals for hog farms, chemical factories, incinerators, and toxic dumps in rural communities having no political clout or influence. Mills, foundries, and the auto industry shipped to Third World countries, made easy by tax incentives and subsidies by our legislators. Farms replaced with corporate farms...the little man no longer able to compete. Prisons, casinos and waste related industries and service jobs are now replacing manufacturing jobs. A service economy, with many employees now contract workers (no benefits) cannot support our economy nor the massive debt growing by the hour, for a war that is estimated to cost in the multi billions upon billions! It's simple arithmetic ...having nothing to do with the right wing fanatic, the left wing wacko, the communist, peacenik or anything inbetween. If they work their cards right and keep the masses distracted, ripping and tearing at one another in the blame game, the victim game, they've got it made. "Kill all the Arabs, nuke'em, ship'em out. Tear down the confederate flag, give us restitution, we want vouchers, we demand affirmative action, keep it green and clean, gay rights, women's rights, stop the smokers, get the guns, close the borders, stop the Mexicans, get the dead beat dads, three strikes you're out, lock up the traitors, animal rights, flea rights, owl rights, coded warnings, evacuate airports, strip search the elderly, triplicate ID, etc." Yes, everyone given their two minutes of hate...disjointed, fragmented, each focused on their narrow interests and needs for funding, paying no heed to the rest of the world. Wonderful. I couldn't have planned it better.
Note that there are special enclaves of protections from strip malls, hog farms, dumps, incinerators, chemical factories, and coal plants. These are the recreational, ski resorts, lake side havens, majestic mountain enclaves for the elite to relax and vacation in. They don't defecate where they live or vacation. That's for the rest of us.
While the masses were kept distracted with 500 TV channels, video games, designer shopping, fast food slop, and aerobics, the nation became an echoing wasteland of rusted mills, deserted downtowns, boarded windows, and dumbed down kids unable to read, do simple math or write a decent paragraph. Even the once promised land of computer jobs are being replaced with foreign workers brought in on special work visas. Cheaper, with no fuss about benefits, vacation or unemployment insurance. Senator Sununu of New Hampshire (others) deserve a thank-you for this and also for their help in securing off shore banking for the money crowd.
Leadership? I think not. No more than you see it in a barnyard with the snorting and pushing at the trough! The blame game played so masterfully in local and domestic politics is just that a Game. Government is the people not an abstract concept. If there's any blame, it's us believing every snake oil salesmen who has come to town promising locals the world. When you leave the decision making, the wheeling and dealing to the few, without questioning, without personal involvement, without a studied investigation of whatever the deal, you can expect duplicity-subterfuge-dishonesty-compromise-and being sold down the river. Dat's de scor'.
"Leadership is not magnetic personality--that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not 'making friends and influencing people'...that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations." Seen any of this around lately?          



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