No 'Advantage For Women'
In Marriage, Men Better Off


WASHINGTON (ANI) -- Marriage brings bliss to newly wed couples, but researchers now say that while married men appeared physically better off than single men, the same can not be said of married women.
Women not only have fewer immediate personal benefits from marriage but it is at times more damaging for her overall well-being, according to The One Plus One Marriage and Partnership Research organisation, a government-funded group.
The study conducted on more than 2,000 divorced couples found that women had to make a greater adjustment to marriage than men, reports The Telegraph.
"The greater part of the husband's day will continue to be spent much as it was before his marriage, whereas this is rarely so for the wife," said Penny Mansfield, director of One Plus One.
"If she continues to work, she is likely to have to combine the job of housewife with that of full-time worker. This in itself may be a source of stress because she will have less opportunity for relaxation. Even if the wife does not work following marriage, there may be adjustment difficulties for her since she has to learn to adopt a completely different lifestyle," the researcher said.
It was found that the absence of colleagues, workmates and the loss of an independent income will require varying degrees of adaptation which may all contribute to a sense of increasing isolation in women.
Half of those surveyed reported difficulties of sexual adjustment, particularly after the birth of a baby, while about the same (48 per cent) spoke of adjustment difficulties connected with housing and finance.
Most (73 per cent) said the problems which led to marital failure started within the first five years but for a third they surfaced within the first 12 months. The duration of marital "happiness" among the couples, whose marriages lasted an average of 10-14 years, was only 3.87 years.
Moreover, the research said that single men were more likely to regard themselves as unhappy compared to married ones. But it was not generally true of a single women.
The organisation highlighted that couples who did manage to stay married allowed each spouse to retain some sense of autonomy, which meant being careful about what was argued about and accepting compromises. The basic components of long-lasting marriages were love, trust and respect. (ANI)
Copyright © 2001 ANI-Asian News International. All rights reserved.
Name withheld
AMEN!!! Well, here's what marriage gave to me: three trips to the ER, a broken back, unending physical and emotional abuse, etc. Then...
I thought marriage to a lawyer would be different. Wrong! When I had to leave him because of more of the above, it resulted in utter poverty for my kids and myself, including no health insurance for the first time in my life (I still have no insurance) and no chance of having any sort of retirement benefits because I gave up my profession to be a full-time mom, and the "government rule" on giving a woman a portion of her husband's retirement benefits begins only after 10 years. I was only able to endure 9 years plus a few months with the joker.
But, as things do have a tendency to happen for a reason, it was my loss of medical insurance and health care that caused me, in part, to study medicine so I could heal myself and then impart information to others.
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