Major Review Of Bush's
Successes - And Victims

From Joseph Ehrlich

SenderBerl: The article below, Israeli Options Have Become Limited, attests to the success of the Palestinian war effort against Israel.
It foreshadows the attacks against the US. It also raises the question as to why the parties are proceeding in the manner seen. For Israel, wouldn't resolution on equal footing be better than resolution after a successful suicide campaign impugning Israel economically and questioning its stamina and continued potential as a nation?
If Israel is crumbling as a nation because of suicide bombings, how much tolerance will the US have for suicide domestic terrorism? No doubt very little if Montgomery County was any indication, and no doubt very very little if it is elevated to bioterrorism.
The battle in Nepal seems to be with the Chinese, but what about Pakistan? Isn't Bush's success there a major victory for his agenda for the Middle East?
Yes, Bush seems to have the edge in Pakistan. What he has done is pay Musharraf's price which has allowed the US to move in against Pakistani infrastructure to establish an important political beachhead. The Chinese have not responded as we thought they would in Pakistan to offset this financial platformed incursion. This mystifies us and is encouraging to the Bush war camp. We continue to monitor it because if China lets Pakistan slide into Bush control, then this will send a message to Syria and Iran which Bush will take full advantage of on his planned incursion into Iraq.
What about developments in Iraq? Saddam is playing along as we expect with a halo above his head. This is done on the understanding that he will not get the blame for forthcoming damage done by Osama bin-Laden authorized terrorism which is aimed at surpassing 9-11. Our perspective is that the Saudi primary objective here is not to see or have US troops land in Iraq. The Saudis feel that their primary mission is to keep the US out of Iraq. However, if we are sure about anything, Bush wants control of Iraqi oil no matter how hard he tries to say otherwise.
In this regard, he is walking with a halo over his head that his entire intent here is to disarm Iraq and eliminate WMD and once that's done, he's a happy man. He is using this legerdemain to solidify his relationship now with NATO and to prepare what he calls a quick response team to deal with forthcoming terrorism. His main agenda here is to get military other than US troops to shoulder the bioterrorism attacks.
Major Review: You would never think that President Bush signed off on his National Security Strategy. It is as though it was never released because no one and we mean no one mentions it. Bush is in control. What he wants he gets. The office is as abusive if not more so under Bush than Clinton. Let's review Bush accomplishments in office to date in a brief summary fashion.
Pakistan/India: This is the President's major success in office. He has definitely neutralized the danger in the region and from the US perspective commenced the colonization of Pakistan. With China not responding to this success to date, this proves highly encouraging to his current effort in the Middle East.
China: Our assessment is that President Bush's actions in office especially his National Security Strategy gave Jiang Zemin the power and leverage to maintain control now after his retirement. It allowed him to stack the Politburo with his people, and he was able to eliminate his main opponent while increasing his influence. The issue is that Bush has proceeded now since he knows this is the best time for him to proceed, but we concluded that while this is the case, that China would not allow Bush to take up residence in Iraq. Now, with Bush moving forward to consolidate control in Pakistan, and China seemingly passive about it, Bush is encouraged to move into Iraq. If he does, without a Chinese counter through surrogates or otherwise, Bush knows that he has Syria and Iran, and a MAJOR victory.
Sender, Berl & Sons Inc. however under dynamics it has overlaid over the entire new world order agenda for the Middle East and elsewhere, including the US, continues to firmly stand on the perception and interpretation that China will respond. The entire dynamic here will be clarified when Osama bin-Laden next strikes, with focus on how and where. Will the states targeted by the National Security Strategy, which ultimately includes China, stand passive and silent? We think not.
In any event, President Bush has not been successful with China and has consolidated its influence over the nations the current day and future day targets of its National Security Strategy, assuming of course that China does not stand passive to Bush's current maneuvers in Europe and Asia.
Iraq: On first impression, President Bush would argue that he has been quite successful in Iraq because he has completely now neutralized Iraq as a threat to Israel and the rest of Europe and the world. While this is absolutely true, the other side of equation is that he has made Iraq the focal point for future conflict between the US and the Arab/Islamic nations and China.
Bush wants to gain full Europe support, which he seems to be doing on the predicate that they will support him against Saddam IF Saddam violates the UN resolution and does one material thing indicating that he either has WMD with the intent on keeping it or otherwise precludes discovery and neutralization of such weapons. In this sense, Bush feels great, because he knows his customer when he is talking about Saddam and is confident that Saddam is his best asset and ally in opening the doorway for Bush to attack. Once he attacks on this set platform, no one can complain. He gets his hands on the oil and then there is no turning back for him.
Thus, China and the Arab/Islamic nations have to counter this dynamic based on the legerdemain of a noble cause for the attack: to get rid of evil and his WMD. Bush sees that the counter strategy involves Saddam being what he is not: a good boy with a halo around his head. So no doubt he has consulted his psychological teams and has been advised of the myriad of things he can do to get Saddam to commit to a reflexive reaction that will result in a material breach and a legitimized attack and entry into Iraq for US military forces. We have to agree that we think Bush can pull it off from this strategic platform.
However, again, we are primarily influenced by the overlaid dynamics taking place in the Middle East, where we saw this course ultimately evolving years ago, but knew then what we apply now: that Bush cannot succeed in this phase of the new world order agenda. This being something we concluded many years ago for the reasons detailed heretofore, we fear that a regional conflict will erupt with Israel as its main victim.
Israel: While President Bush has to be deemed successful in neutralizing Saddam and whatever danger he heretofore represented in WMD development, he has created in Iraq the focal point for a unified front against Israel and the US.
The first casualty has already been Israel, who has placed its reliance on the new world order leadership and allowed its agents to run Israel into the ground by giving legitimacy to the Palestinians who since day one taught their children that their primary mission was to eliminate the Jewish people from Palestine. Thus, if anyone today is wondering how the current condition arose, they better go back in time when they read that Arafat was teaching children to hate to the degree of giving their lives for the liberation of their country. They have done so, invoking from our perspective, the biblical perspective, that Israel cannot continue as a country if it bows and bends to the new world order leadership who seeks to remove people from G-d, arguing that G-d is the platform for regional war and conflict and that true peace can only be achieved by the NWO gaining complete control of the region and imposing global commerce as the global solution to the world's problems.
Israel and the Palestinians are just where the new world order group want them: at its mercy. Israel is between a rock and a hard place, with Sharon waiting for the dance he must perform to obtain the favor of President Bush. He followed instructions and he sits with a country at the edge of a financial calamity, allowing children to be killed and murdered on a routine basis without protection from the very state secularly created to protect Jews, especially their children, from wanton and reckless loss of life.
The Palestinians sit in total despair with the only thing keeping them alive and going is the success of the campaign against Israel, seeing the Israeli people starting to bleed and suffer as they do. Arafat is passing around the message about the major success in the war against Israel, bringing down the arrogant Israelis to their knees, making them live in fear and frustration.
While Israel and the Palestinians have been losers for years under Oslo, the big winner now is Bush who has them just where he wants them. Israel is weak and needs to bow and bend to Bush as they never needed to do before to any US President. If they dare do anything independent, the US will separate from them quicker than you can say "Israel never had a better friend than President Bush."
Bush has promised Israel the elimination of Arab/Islamic regimes against their existence. Israel dares not openly question Bush about it, however, well knowing, that Bush could use Israel as a major tool to implement its need to recapture the Middle East, with those within the Bush cartel who could not care whatsoever whether Israel survives or not. The Arabs Bush wants to please, are told that the Middle East conflict between the Palestinians and Israel will resolve to the favor of the Palestinians, and guaranteeing what the US has guaranteed Jordan for a very long time: repossession of the Old City. From our perspective, once Israel losses in any manner the Old City, Israel is doomed.
Thus, Bush has been successful with Israel in that he has them in a fully weakened position totally dependent on him and their living in total fear about not doing anything but following Bush's "road map." Thus, Israel's failings as a country occupied by caretaker governments since Bush 41 has given Bush 43 total open and unopposed control of Israel in his Middle East agenda. They will attack who they are told to attack when Bush orders it.
Thus Bush has been extremely successful in Israel, while of course again nothing to cheer about at all for the people of Israel.
Saudi Arabia: The question here is whether President Bush has been successful in neutralizing the Saudis recent agreement to get the US out of Saudi Arabia and other areas of the Middle East, the Saudis gaining a growing sense of the danger of the new world order agenda against their interests.
The further question of course is how committed they are to opposing the new world order agenda, and whether or not they can do it. The answer of course rests with the willingness of China to openly involve themselves in Bush's war. Here the Saudis are sensing that Bush has the edge and China is playing possum since it does not wish to openly oppose the US but to do it through surrogates such as Osama bin-Laden and other terrorists networks. After all, the US admits that China is the supplier of nuclear weapons and other such forbidden armaments to the axis of evil, making it the parent of the axis of evil and by all logic and reason the primary target of US interest.
Our assessment here is that China must put up or shut up. Bush is reveling in the belief that China will prove itself to be the paper tiger, and the man who has made Time Magazine's cover as TOP GUN will jump for joy in seeing Jiang Zemin and his cohorts in China face the reality of who is really the paper tiger. Of course, the truth of this dynamic in play only suggests that China has to respond or face the reality that it is the paper tiger and the US will prevail. Of course, under our long held perspective and attendant fears, China is expected to respond.
Bush as we seemingly alone said from the first faced the reality of a Middle East lost to China during the Clinton tenure. The consequences of this reality were major, and Bush at the urging, to put it mildly, of the oil cartel segment of the NWO, forged ahead to get it back. Will it be a victory or open the gate to a dark future? That is something which we will find out soon enough and really adjust all the answers as to whether Bush has been successful or not. However, the price of not being successful is something which history may question the sanity of this country allowing Bush to follow a course admitting to an intent of world domination and control.
United States: It is important to remember that the US is another victim of the new world order leadership. With the Constitution thrown in the garbage, and a police state in de facto existence, and the US citizen having been officially designated as irrelevant, the new world order's major success through Bush has been the United States. Incredibly, the very same dupes who stood passive as President Clinton demeaned the presidency, wave the flag and argue that the price we pay to support our President's campaign and war against terrorism is completely patriotic, standing dumb and blind to the growing realities of a totally controlled press and media.
Bush greatest achievement and success for the NWO has been in bringing down the underpinnings of this country with near complete support of its citizenry unless of course as some have argued the electronic voting mechanisms have been rigged to make control of the House and Senate a sure thing for Bush 43 who obviously has less resistance in listening to James Baker today than his father did in 1991, resulting in Clinton's presidential victory.
With Bush's powers amounting to that of a Caesar in gaining access to any information he wishes, even those of future opponents, the country is in the same dynamic it is in when J. Edgar had all the dirt against the House and Senate members from illegal bugging: everyone bowed to J. Edgar and you couldn't remove him from office.
Bush's greatest success has been against the citizens of the United States of America. Thus, Bush overall to date has been successful. Whether the US, Israel, and the rest of world have been victimized, is a result which history will soon resolve.
When the people of Israel were set free from Egypt, the majority of them wanted to return to Egypt, to a life and lifestyle they became accustomed to, albeit one of slavery. The same reality applies to us today. We are accustomed to the economic realities of daily life, the concepts of freedoms hard fought by those founding this nation seem less important to those no longer able to see the forest from the trees.
The consequences of turning our backs to G-d after being given everything we have gained through the prayers and sacrifices of prior generations is about to be taken away, one way or the other. We have learned again to bow to men, to stand blind to their agendas, put our reliance in man not G-d, and thereby obtain the punishment for doing so. When you see a President of this country ram through laws removing basic protective rights, and see a Congress obsequious to its President, thereby losing the checks and balance system, then don't cry tomorrow when there is nothing to do about it. President Bush will now stack the last remaining vehicle of check and balance: the Supreme Court of the United States. After doing so, control is complete. Bush, assuming victory in the Middle East, and capturing the oil, will then let us know how our future will look. Believe us, if he succeeds in all this, the future generations of Americans will rue this generation for its failings.
Joseph Ehrlich
Sender, Berl & Sons Inc.
November 22, 2002 Early AM
PS We neglected to cover North Korea, whose significance at this point of time may become major (we include latest news below). Without question, North Korea is a surrogate for China, and no doubt aside from Osama may become the chief surrogate to engage the US on behalf of China. A US warship will be visiting China, and North Korea who from its perspective only seeks a non aggression pact from the US to give up its nuclear program, may wind up attacking South Korea. What does it accomplish? Many things. First, it takes control over the time table away from the US. Second, it brings the conflict into China's region of the world, where China will tell the US what it will allow the US to do or not to do in its region of the world. This no doubt will escalate conflict between Bush and Zemin, now through Hu. Third, it immediately calls for the US to move its military into the Pacific, and makes problematic the pursuit of the Bush NWO agenda in the Middle East. Next, it allows China to assume a major interventionary role and no doubt if successful (destined), then China will have a better platform to intercede in the Middle East. While highly speculative at this point of time, Sender, Berl & Sons Inc. has no doubt that North Korea's surprise admission was pursuant to Chinese direction. As Israel follows Bush's instructions, so does North Korea China's.
Israeli Options Have Become Limited
.c The Associated Press
JERUSALEM (AP) - Throughout its history, Israel has lived by an ironclad rule: when attacked, hit back harder.
But confronted with successive waves of Palestinian bombings and shootings, Israel has largely exhausted its traditional responses without halting the attacks. With its options limited by U.S. pressure and other factors, Israel's recent military actions have been comparatively restrained following several major Palestinian attacks.
After a Thursday morning suicide bombing on a Jerusalem bus that killed 11 people and wounded dozens, Israeli troops turned to now-familiar actions - blowing up the house of a Hamas militant, shelling a police post south of Gaza City and returning to Bethlehem, the town south of Jerusalem where the bomber came from.
Israel's military faces a classic problem encountered by many large armies attempting to track down a small number of militants who operate in the shadows: its overwhelming firepower is of limited use as the army searches for individual militants or small cells.
``This is an ongoing war of attrition, and Israel cannot stop all the attacks with a single military operation,'' said Boaz Ganor, head of Israel's International Policy Institute of Counter-Terrorism.
``It's conflict management and it's a daily battle. I think we'll see a lot of the tactics we have been seeing,'' said Ganor. ``Israel has had a lot of successes. Today, we lost a round.''
Sharon's Cabinet has held multiple debates on taking even tougher measures, such as expelling Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
Some hardliners are calling for an invasion of the Gaza Strip, where the political leadership of Hamas is located and operates freely.
But such moves have been discouraged by the United States, which is calling for Israeli restraint as it attempts to build Arab support for a possible attack against Iraq.
All this has left Sharon and his hardline government with a pared-down range of military options.
The new leader of the Labor Party, Amran Mitzna, is calling for an immediate resumption of peace negotiations that collapsed shortly after the fighting began. But the Labor Party is expected to fare poorly in Israel's Jan. 28 general elections, and a majority of Israelis has consistently favored the tough military approach that Sharon has pursued.
Sharon has refrained from taking additional steps that could ratchet up the level of the conflict.
Last Friday, Palestinian militants ambushed Israeli troops and security guards in the West Bank city of Hebron, killing 12 in one of the deadliest attacks on the security forces during the fighting.
Israel's army returned to Hebron and reimposed a curfew, as it had done many times before, and soldiers also knocked down several Palestinian homes near the site of the attack.
Similarly, after a Nov. 10 Palestinian shooting attack on an Israeli collective farm killed five, including a mother and her two young sons, Israel's response was limited. The army returned to the West Bank town of Tulkarem, arresting a Palestinian militant suspected of ordering the attack.
Israel holds Arafat and the Palestinian security forces ultimately responsible for failing to prevent attacks against Israelis.
Israel launched its first large-scale invasion into Palestinian territory at the end of March - the month when Palestinian suicide bombings peaked at 16.
11/22/02 02:42 EST
North Korea, Accusing U.S., Says Nuclear Pact Has Collapsed
TOKYO, Nov. 21 - Invoking a decision last week by countries including the United States to cut off fuel supplies, North Korea said today that a 1994 agreement intended to prevent it from producing nuclear weapons had collapsed, and accused Washington of destroying it.
N. Korea says U.S. oil cut-off ends nuclear pact
By Paul Eckert
SEOUL, South Korea (Reuters) - North Korea said Thursday the United States had nullified a landmark nuclear pact with the decision last week to cut oil supplies to Pyongyang over its atomic weapons program.
On Nov. 14, Washington and its allies decided to stop vital fuel oil aid to penalize North Korea for breaking a series of nuclear nonproliferation pledges, including the 1994 Agreed Framework, with a covert uranium enrichment program which Pyongyang confessed last month to operating.
The isolated communist state's first response to the decision said the oil cut-off meant "it is high time to decide upon who is to blame for the collapse of the Framework."
You may also want to look at the following site not only for a horrible photo but for the story and a listing of recent attacks against Americans overseas.,,3-488755,00.html
From the Jerusalem Post, the victims including children, who did not even warrant a Cabinet meeting since Sharon was aware of the threat under which they died and had already prepared a response as to which building he would attack in response to the attack.
This desensitization foreshadows what lies ahead for the world.
If Sharon really cared, really felt for the death of each victim, each child, and not become like all the other world power brokers totally desensitized to death, including those of children, he would not sleep, and do everything in his power to reach a true peace. In other words, he would understand that the course he is on and which Israel followed being lead by the pawns and poodles of the NWO has resulted in this tragedy. The NWO is no friend of the US, of Israel, or to the Arab/Islamic nations and states. Time is running out for people to understand what is going on and what must be done.
The dead were Hodaya Asraf, 13; Marina Bezersky, 46; Dikla Zino, 20; Sima Novak, 56; Ella Sharshevsky, 44, and her son Michael, 16; Kira Perlman, 67, and her grandson Ilan, eight; Yafit Ravivo, 13; Hadassah (Helena) Ben-David, 32; and Yirga Mersa, 25, a Romanian worker who arrived here five weeks ago.
All 11 resided in Ir Ganim, adjacent to Kiryat Menahem. As of Thursday night, 28 victims remained hospitalized, including seven who were listed in serious but stable condition at Hadassah-University Hospital, Ein Kerem.


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