China, Jemin And Bush 43
Anaylsis and Commentary
By Joseph Ehrlich
Sender, Berl & Sons Inc.
Position Paper
October 27, 2002

President Bush is very open and forceful telling Jiang Zemin and the rest of the world what he (the US) wants and expects from Iraq to Taiwan. Similar to his father, Bush 41, who misread the Japanese for years, Bush 43 seems to have this inability to read Jiang Zemin as a man we say already has declared war against the USA.
Bush and Zemin shook hands and spoke of the need to eliminate WMD from North Korea. Jiang Zemin does not come from a background where he openly explains to Bush 43 that he is looking for a mutuality of understanding quid pro quo regarding North Korea and Iraq. Zemin expects Bush to offer that he will not attack Iraq if Zemin takes care of North Korea, thereafter both parties jointly committed to no WMD in either country.
What Bush 43 does do is insult Zemin by acting as though Zemin should appreciate his saying that the US does not oppose the Chinese one China precept. This makes Zemin think that Bush believes Zemin cannot perceive that once Bush captures Iraqi oil and oil reserves, he will treat Zemin as though he runs the Chinese laundry in Crawford. What riles up Zemin more than anything, which Bush does not seem to appreciate, is that Zemin sees Bush looking at him with those stereotypes in mind; the reason for the intentional slights routinely offered Bush by Zemin.
Zemin sees that Bush simply expects China to cooperate in every facet of what Bush wants without any real or genuine interest in what China might want whether justified or not. This really angers Zemin and behold Zemin to our surprise de facto admitted to Bush in Crawford that he was keeping the reigns of power, as we all along predicted, because what we know, that Bush seems not to know, is that the Chinese don't want a change of leadership during times of war.
Zemin's opinion of Bush is so low as both a person and a man that Zemin knows that open conflict can't be too long in the making; to wit: Iraq. China must stop Bush from attacking Iraq or if Bush does attack Iraq, he must assure that Bush is not successful.
Simply put, this allowed us on October 3rd to interpret that China would send a message of terrorism domestically which China has done. We must interject that the news media is at a historical low point not even suggesting that it will convey anything of meaning, substance or intelligence to the American people. The questions concerning the two suspects are compelling; including the changed behavior in the sniper(s) post 9-11 to wit: killing nine the first eleven. Once they got to Ashland, all of a sudden the communications, the language, the interaction, the overall behavior patterns perceived and witnessed were inconsistent with the discipline and training we first noted and witnessed prior to Ashland. Moreover, the "duck in a noose" reference is a Chinese sponsored message, a metaphor seemingly deviant from the behavior and lifestyle of the two suspects, who conveniently, as though somehow staged, were asleep at the wheel of the car to allow police to surround and capture them (knowing that a massive manhunt was in operation) in compliance with the mandated metaphor (seemingly cast aside by the media from introspection and commentary).
Zemin kept the punctual Bush waiting for 30 minutes.
Caption of an AP photo not shown here:
Standing in front of a window, President Bush, straightening his collar, first lady Laura Bush and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, wait for Chinese President Jiang Zemin and his wife, to arrive at their ranch in Crawford, Texas., Friday, Oct. 25, 2002 But as Jiang held talks with Bush, they faced difficult decisions on how to cope with the disclosure that North Korea is developing nuclear weapons (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
During this very time, Senator Wellstone's plane crashed (Friday 10:00-10:30 AM). The Chinese of course can only look at this death the same way we do. First, how convenient and coincidental to its strategic importance regarding the elections. Second, as to how Bush may have sent his own message to not only Zemin but to others thinking of abandoning the new world order agenda. While it is sheer speculation, and as many like to say, putative paranoia, Zemin is probably saying that from all the Senators whom could have experienced airplane problems during the campaign period, it is odd who did and what day he did and moreover the time thereof.
Zemin would not shake Bush's hands when Bush offered it after speaking about Iraq. This confirms our firm belief that Zemin knows he will have to engage the US big time first through surrogates. Bush on the other hand knows that he needs control of Congress to do what he plans on doing when the UN doesn't give him the resolution he seeks, which we long interpreted would be the case, and this includes what he needs to do to his mind after attacking Iraq.
This is a truly worrisome time. While China was going to abstain from the US UN resolution, letting France and Russia do the dirty work, China keeping up its attempt to keep a neutral world image, it may join France and Russia in voting against it. This will signal that China is expecting to take an open conflict position with the US regarding Iraq.
If we see this then China may utilize the strategy we defined: to themselves move to replace Saddam and undertake to guarantee the removal of all WMD from Iraq (no doubt through Saudi efforts, Saudi Arabia not being foolish enough to exclude themselves from the Bush regime agenda). This is a winning strategy and we believe that Zemin has already taken steps in this regard since it avoids war, decreases Bush and the US, and thrusts forth China to the international stage (not to discount giving China a direct oil connection for its own growing domestic needs).
Otherwise, if China cannot accomplish it or is not willing or is otherwise unable to pursue this course and option, then we have to assume it is preparing for the US military attack on Iraq. In that case, we are fairly certain that there will be a devastating attack against US naval forces, one way or another, prior to the actual launch. This will allow the US another chance to assess what it is doing in the region, but again it will not in our opinion change the president's mind and that is why he is desperate to have control over the Congress (Which Senator would have been a major leader declaring Bush out of his mind (the media has really avoided comments made in such regard by the most recent Secretary of State) to the Senate -- Wellstone)?
To expound further, why do we believe the attack will be against naval ships? They represent dynamically the United States -- isolated -- between two bodies of water. Thus, our interpretation will be for a viral attack of some nature where all those on board are dead within hours (after all Saddam by the US's own argument has WMD including biological agents). If you think the Montgomery County sniper(s) immobilized the country, the message with such a deed will immobilize both the United States and Israel, who will find the message equally painful (just imagine the preparations to enter onto the naval vessels to contain the virus not knowing the breadth of its character). Who will the US blame? It will have by its own design no one to blame other than Saddam Hussein who it is ready to or will have initiated its attack against (it will be interesting to see which country first develops an antidote for it, however).
Of course, our purpose in detailing all this, as we have been doing, is that all roads lead to devastating death and destruction. No matter what the message, escalated or otherwise, our tainted and infirm leaderships, domestic and international, seem very far away from understanding that the key to stopping what lies ahead is the religious resolution.
As we said in coming back on board on September 14th to follow up the historical period between then and now, this was to prove on a deeper level by necessity that the only solution is the religious solution.
If President Bush moves against Iraq, then there is nothing more to say than that the world will dramatically change far more than it has done since 9-11; where the world did receive a message from the collapse of the two world trade center buildings: that it better seek a leadership that truly knows the road to peace, because otherwise the leaderships moving the peoples away from G-d would certainly lead the world to war with a shift of the paradigm of world power from those under monotheism to the godless Chinese, who will, without any doubt whatsoever, prove to be harsh taskmasters as a biblical punishment for failing to appreciate all that has been bestowed upon us including the basis to learn and understand the correct course which should have been undertaken.
With all due humility, we believe that what we have conveyed has represented what should have been learned and understood for appropriate action. Look around you. If you don't see that we are at the precipice of an irreversible course turning the future from light to darkness, then you are blind and no doubt live each day by carrying the statistical hope that tomorrow will be more or less like today.
Major Macro Secular Picture
The new world order, one world government, leadership, infiltrated major countries, installing their own controlled puppets and pawns in former sovereign states and infrastructures, an ambitious agenda realizable post the collapse of the former Soviet Union when the United States held singular superpower status.
On entering the new millennium, the new world order was ready to proceed against one of the last major obstacles to obtaining world domination and control: the Islamic countries controlling critical oil assets. The only defense these countries could singularly or jointly forge against the dominant US military machine was terrorist connected because any open declaration of any sovereign state against the U.S. (itself under new world order control) would be futile and result in a swift defeat.
Once the new world order colonized and controlled the Islamic nations, it could complete final levels of infiltration of the only truly remaining threat: China, which it deemed under control by offering it gifts of major economic and military growth to instill trust and confidence. However, China accepted the benefits of the new world order game plan, but in 1999 after its Embassy was bombed, its own leadership formally recognized the dangers of the one world order government agenda, and concluded that it had to prepare its own defense.
The Emperor and the Assassin was released in 1999 (with WNV) to explain in metaphor its opposition to unipolar world government. For reasons we have explained to you, we are certain that during the Clinton tenure China turned a very high level operative within US government, and thus knew that the US , with Bush 43 capturing the Presidency, was going to move ahead to colonize the Islamic world, which was made evident through the cloak of moral outrage generated by 9-11.
Bush 43's initial strategies to gain needed footholds post 9-11 did not materialize and moreover Bush 43 was given every reason to understand that China is now no longer a player in the new world order agenda and is against unipolar world government.
Faced with the collapse of its 30 year investment in China and its material gains during the 90s, the oil cartel faction aligned with Bush 43 has pushed ahead to capture Middle Eastern oil, refusing the face the new realities it must accept: China in opposition to its plan, with the new reality that despite its massive military complex and control thereof, it no longer is perceived as a threat to China or anyone else since the US is vulnerable to offsetting equally devastating consequences from biotoxin attacks. However, it is apparent that the oil cartel faction of the new world order facing the consequences, especially to it, of the collapse of the new world order is willing to take the risks involved, because they believe that once they capture and control Middle East oil, effectively controlling OPEC, that it has the leverage to cause China to bow and bend to the new world order agenda.
China understands this, and moreover, quietly during the Clinton tenure reached strong relationships with those very same Middle East oil producers. Moreover, it understands the consequences of allowing the new world order to colonize the Middle East (well knowing that Israel has been successfully infiltrated and colonized and in effective control of the new world order already).
Thereby, the major battle converges upon Iraq and since the US is aware of China's new posture and power in the Middle East, Bush 43 allowed the issuance of the National Security Strategy declaring the new world order agenda openly to the world, formalizing its unipolar dynamic.
This incredible error of historic and global proportion has unified China, the Islamic nations, and all other countries and peoples opposed to it. It, however, has identified any pockets in the European arena still opposed to it and the intent now is to prevail over all those opposed. In recent weeks it has become apparent that infiltration by the new world order includes the Congress, and thus the American people must face the dire consequences of this battle, little knowing that those who bring death and destruction to them, will sit watching it unfold from the safety of their bunkers, these elitists (aristocrats, new and old) subconsciously rationalizing the consequences with the thought that a reduction to the world population serves the natural order.
Major Macro Religious Picture
After W.W.II there was a world affinity with religion and G-d, many in the world responding the dire consequences of a world war and the understanding that with G-d's intervention the US and its allies ultimately succeeded, when the truth was that without it, Germany and Japan could have prevailed and the world would have turned into the soot and ash seen about the World Trade Center buildings after their collapse.
The United States was steeped in religious tenets and after W.W.II passed on those tenets as embodied in the American form of government and society. The United States assumed a world leadership position, with the Soviet Union, keeping those values in check, as the opposing godless offset to the American way of life and beliefs.
During the post world war period Israel was created and made whole per biblical decree in 1967. What did the world expect to see from the Jewish State and Jewish people in Israel under this declared miracle? Did the rest of the world expect to see a Jewish State with people who did not believe in G-d? Did the rest of the world expect to see a Jewish State which did not only defend but defamed G-d's name before the other nations of the world?
The path to the future became clear to us when we saw the religious leadership in Israel serving themselves and standing passive to their failure to indoctrinate love for G-d in the people and its children. Thereafter this was further confirmed by the reality of Arafat in front of them, without effective opposition, indoctrinating the Palestinian people and children with hate for Israel.
The next sign was Oslo with the Jewish people standing passive to an agenda aiming to permanently separate the Jewish State from G-d; ultimately seen with Barak's secularization plan defaming G-d's Name before the nations of the world as the Jewish leadership sat on their hands with tape over their mouths as this new world order pawn and poodle stood willing to give up the Holy City and the West Bank while at the same time announcing that he planned to have Israel's airline fly on the Sabbath and encouraged businesses to operate on the Sabbath as well. The truths behind many deaths and injustices taking place in Israel were willingly overlooked as though payment and punishment therefor were not forthcoming.
During this period of defamation to G-d's Name, the new world order, which is anti-G-d by its inherent design, enmeshed itself first in the United States seen clearly by a government which stood silent to the abuse of its children, desensitized as children by television programming and a culture the antithesis to everything the United States represented by its constitutional design. Thus, the drug epidemic, the failure of the educational system, were only indicative that the American people themselves would be put on the block as they have been to further the new world order design. Thus the erosion and dilution of religious beliefs in both nations are manifest, where the governments are moving the peoples away from G-d.
Now, we have explained in full detail the forthcoming battle and war with Islam. Not to be avoided is the reality that notwithstanding anything else, the Islamic countries openly honor G-d, Allah, before all the other nations of the world. Thus, we have painstakingly explained why nations in battle with leaderships moving their peoples away from G-d cannot expect G-d's intervention, and now the battle will be with nations who move their people to G-d, Allah.
As a result, to us, it was clear per the historical and biblical mandates that China would emerge from the shadows to be come a superpower or country able to refute the new world order agenda; that they would never be part of it but against it; and that their alignment with the Islamic nations was a consequence to be anticipated.
Of course, the main dynamic to our efforts has been to explain why historical and biblical dynamics attest that they will win the war regardless of how many aspersions of "evil" anyone wants to cast against them. For sure, they will be perceived as evil because they are intended to oppress us all as taskmasters in punishment for our failings, which will certainly become crystal clear after the new reality unravels and sets in. Thus, our effort, to show how easy it can be to recognize our failings, undertake the correct course, and preclude this dire future which will be paid in the blood and suffering of our children.
We have spent enormous time bickering and fighting with each other over who is right, who is smarter, more clever, more fashionable, more successful, when it is all to no avail when after being given the gifts of time and understanding, the best of all pasts, where we enjoy wealth and education never before realized in history, that we have moved again on a path assuring death and devastation and hardships for not only ourselves but our children.
We have been expected to grow up as a species, but instead of doing so, we platform policies which destroy all other species, pollute the planet including the minds and hearts of our children, and thus act as sheer and unbridled ingrates for the prayers and sacrifices made on our behalf by prior generations. We must step up one entire dimensional plane and stop acting to serve our own self interests at every turn, and first and foremost simply say, how can we serve G-d to in a small way to repay His favors to us? If we can conclude that Israel should simply stop, pause, and assess that perhaps it is on the brink of extinction because it has not honored G-d correctly, it might trigger G-d's intervention again.
This possibility, repeatedly, is dissipated by the reality that in bowing to man (the new world order forces), it carries the belief, now weakened to be hope, that the new world order forces will conquer Iraq, capture the oil, and platform as a first step a new prosperity and time for the State of Israel. The irony, as we have expressed, is that Israel's destruction may be one of those deeply hidden elements in the new world order (allowing equivalent moral outrage to support undermine all Middle East regimes to capture and control all the Middle East oil), proving yet again that when Israel puts its reliance in man, not G-d, moreover distancing itself affirmatively from G-d, that G-d doesn't stay where He is not wanted, and thus a state associated with His Name is not allowed to continue on as a living defamation and desecration to His Name. This is the certainty we have tried to convey and address, as we now await what we fear we will soon see.
May G-d bless and protect you and your familles in the forthcoming days and times ahead for us all.
Joseph Ehrlich
Sender, Berl & Sons Inc.
October 27, 2002
SenderBerl: Read this report (on ABC World News Tonight) and weep because what it says is that if you are not in a bunker you have to understand that despite over a year after 9-11 with billions spent, the American public in essence has no protection from what the government itself is telling you, to its convenience, as interpreted, is terrorism far worse than 9-11!
Note the reference to the Council of Foreign Relations. If we had an open and aggressive media they would interview these members as to what plans they have prepared in case of major terrorism in the US.
You can see from this story alone that Bush will attack Iraq and that in doing so the administration and its friends are willing to face the consequences as long as they are not at risk. What will happen to the 9-11 investigation and the host of issues never addressed to the distress of the families of the 9-11 victims whom the media distances itself from? It will become a distant memory as America addresses it new major wounds which will solidify its commitment to undermine all regimes which oppose us.
Very sad. Especially when you factor in our position that we may be hit with a form of bioterrorism without antidote. The breadth and character of the virus or disease precludes prevention unless as stated one isolates himself or herself (with their families) in a bunker environment. While we do not see this type of attack forthcoming domestically before an attack is lodged against the US military overseas, it suggests that the American public should be more than passive in allowing President Bush to pursue an attack on Iraq when he has failed by the admissions below to have done anything meaningful to protect the country, but on the other hand, by the NSS report, has done everything imaginable to cause such an attack to take place.
Unprepared for Terror
Also: FBI Warns of Transportation Threat; Iraq-Al Qaeda Link Probed; Airport Screeners Fired
Report: U.S. 'Dangerously Unprepared' for Attack
WASHINGTON (AP) Oct. 25 -- The United States remains "dangerously unprepared" to deal with another major terrorist attack, said a report by former top government officials, academics and business leaders.
"In all likelihood, the next attack will result in even greater casualties and widespread disruption to American lives and the economy" than the Sept. 11 attacks, said the task force chaired by former Sens. Gary Hart and Warren Rudman. The report was released late Thursday.
The report comes a week after CIA Director George Tenet warned that Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network is likely to strike against the United States sometime soon and that the current situation is similar to what existed before the Sept. 11 attacks. Tenet previously said a terrorist attack would be more likely if the United States takes military action against Iraq.
Because a year has passed without a major terrorist attack against the United States, the report says, "there are already signs that Americans are lapsing back into complacency.
"Few of the ships, trucks and trains that enter the United States each day are searched, the report said. Emergency personnel are unprepared for chemical or biological attacks. Oil refineries and energy distribution lines could be sabotaged. State and local police still lack access to State Department terrorist watch lists.
"When it comes to combating terrorism, the police officers on the beat are effectively operating deaf, dumb and blind," it said.Rudman and Hart had led a previous commission whose warnings in January 2001 of the likelihood of catastrophic terrorist attacks seemed prophetic eight months later.
That commission, created by Congress, said the threat of international terrorism was growing and recommended creating a domestic security agency.President George W. Bush created a Homeland Security office shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks and has proposed creating a full Cabinet department, but Congress has not yet approved it.Hart and Rudman's latest panel was formed by the Council on Foreign Relations.
Its 17 members included former Secretaries of State Warren Christopher and George Shultz, former FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster and retired Adm. William J. Crowe, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The Office of Homeland Security is reviewing the council's report, said spokesman Gordon Johndroe. He said many of its suggestions are similar to what Bush has proposed.Among the panel's recommendations:
* Establish 24-hour operations centers in all states to provide terror watch list information.
* Provide federal funds to clear the backlog of state and local government requests for protective gear, training and communications equipment.
* Strengthen security for sea and land transportation.
* Evaluate areas of vulnerability for energy supplies and develop a stockpile of backup components so energy operations could be restored if damaged.
* Strengthen health agencies' ability to detect disease outbreaks.


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