China's Threat Grows As
Everyone Watches Iraq

By Lev Navrozov

Those watching the mainstream media in the past weeks, months or even years may conclude that either China does not exist and has never existed, or it is so small (say, its population is 25 million) and technologically backward (it doesn,t have even nuclear weapons) that it is simply not worth mentioning, because the world is being endangered by the super-superpower named Iraq, which the U.S. mainstream media have been mentioning millions of times a day if we add up all periodicals and electronic networks.
An extraterrestrial visitor would imagine that on the Earth of today there is only one big country, named Iraq, occupying most of the world,s land, dominating the oceans, and being superior in the air and in space. Scattered over the globe there are small weaklings, mentioned by the U.S. mainstream media occasionally, such as Western Europe or Russia.
As for the United States, it would seem to the extraterrestrial to be the last country challenging (with Tony Blair) the super-superpower Iraq " to be the last heroic desperado, ready, in a kind of last-ditch despair, to attack that mightiest Leviathan before the latter has crushed, as it might a bed bug, the defiant United States.
Yet, as NewsMax readers might have noticed, I have been contending that China exists! Nay, as the biggest dictatorship or absolutist rulership in world history, it is, predictably, after world domination and fears the Western democracies subverting dictatorship and absolutism by their very existence (recall the Western-democracy-inspired Tiananmen Square students in 1989).
From 1945 to 1949 the United States had a monopoly on nuclear weapons and could establish world domination. Then these weapons became weapons of mutual assured destruction. Neither the United States, nor Soviet Russia, could use them against each other, because even after the nuclear blow, the other side would have its means of retaliation intact (such as bombers in the air carrying nuclear bombs or submarines carrying nuclear missiles), and these intact means of retaliation would destroy the attacker.
Thus the geostrategy became the search for new unconventional superweapons able to destroy the enemy means of retaliation. The Soviet rulers understood this no later than in the 1970s, and the Chinese rulers no later than the 1980s.
As for the United States, it has been (watch the mainstream media!) mortally endangered by Iraq, and so there is neither time nor mental space to think of today,s post-nuclear geostrategy.
Not that China ignores conventional weapons. Once upon a time I devoted my regular New York City Tribune column to the defense of Taiwan, a country of émigrés from post-1949 China. Since then they have been inviting me for their celebration of the Chinese New Year.
Well, China is thought to have existed for 5,000 years, and so the celebration of a New Year has been well elaborated. At one of the celebrations, they gave me an article by professor Holms S. Liao in the Taiwan News of March 2000. The article is titled "China's Military Technology Modernization" and said in part:
The volume of Russian arms sales to China involves Russia,s most advanced aircraft (Su-27, Su30MKK, MiG-31, Tu22M), air-defense systems (S300PMU), missiles (3M80, R77, Kh-31), submarines (Project 636-series Kilo-ll), and destroyers (Project 956A/E Sovramennij). In addition to sales and licensing agreements, thousands of Russian scientists and engineers work under Chinese contracts. Russia,s sales to China account for roughly 40% of all Russia,s arms exports. In the case of Kilo-class submarines, Russians operate the yards only for the Chinese.
Russia, Israel, Italy, Britain Arm Beijing
Russia is not alone:
Israel is Beijing,s second-largest defense technology provider. In addition, Italy is helping with avionics and ship-borne systems, and the United Kingdom is assisting with airborne surveillance platforms.
But all this is conventional stuff, old hat. What China is really after is the superweapon, able to destroy the enemy means of retaliation (with nuclear weapons, for example) and give the Chinese rulers world domination. On a silver platter? Oh, no! How Western! On one of those exquisite China platters of the Ming Dynasty on which a dinner of 50 courses is served!
This is why Project 863 was established in 1986. How did I learn about it? >From my contact in China!
If I were a really practical and enterprising person, I would hint that my contact is my secret intelligence agent (my spy) at the top of the power structure in China. I am sure that the management would give me a 10 percent raise. But alas, I confess that my "contact in China sent me " no, not a top-secret Chinese government document, but a four-page article from the Wuhann TV station magazine, which every American could buy (as a tourist in China, for example) and have translated.
The article described the establishment of Project 863, a kind of academy of science and technologies necessary for the development of post-nuclear superweapons. I will quote just the opening sentence:
In early 1986 two famous Chinese scientists, Wang Da Ian and Chen Fong Uan, came up with a proposal for the development of new advanced technologies for defensive and offensive [!] warfare [the italics and the exclamation mark are mine " L.N.]
Note that China is the only country in world history that has the Ministry of Science and Technology. It registers all scientists and engineers of all countries. On the other hand, I bet that no one in the United States has ever heard of the "famous Chinese scientists the article mentions. The rationale of the ministry in the establishment of Project 863 may be summed up as follows:
The preoccupation of the West in the past half millennium has been the production of machines out of metal and the machine production of goods and services. Hence the military power of the West has been based on machines able to ride, swim and fly, as well as to fire bullets and shells, launch missiles and drop bombs. The ship of Christopher Columbus carried cannons. The war machines enabled England to "gain a territory that exceeded that of England itself 90 times.
Source of Today's Military Might
Now, today's global military power comes not from machine-building plants, but from labs studying genes, chromosomes, genomes, as well as waves, able to kill, for example, only non-Chinese, and hence incapacitate the crews of all bombers, space vehicles and submarines as long as they are non-Chinese.
Project 863 can freely buy in any country anything for its research. The United States may refuse to sell to China any machine-like weapons such as a bomber or a submarine. But who can refuse to sell something connected with genic research or genetic engineering or electromagnetic waves? My God! This is medicine, microbiology, physics or another field of science.
What Western scientist would refuse to work in such a peaceful scientific field in China if he is paid more than he can hope for in any other country?
Thus Project 863 has at its disposal not only everything necessary for its development of non-machine post-nuclear superweapons, but also the scientific manpower of the entire world. Except for Iraq, perhaps. That global villain Saddam Hussein may refuse to let go of that Iraqi scientist who is in charge of mustard gas as it was produced in 1915.
This piece is a variation on one of the themes of my book in progress: "Out of Moscow and Into New York: A Life in the Geostrategically Lobotomized West in the Age of Terrorism and Post-Nuclear Superweapons." Publishers: the 27-page proposal and the first 130-page part of the book can be mailed to you if you apply to me (<>, tel. 001 718 796 6038).
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