- Coca-Cola's reputed spies and the corrupt Federal Witness
Protection Program
- First, a short lesson in court corruption.
- How do a series of secretly related court cases get onto
the docket of one Judge? As a case is in the process of being filed in
the federal district court clerk's office, the case, under the rules, is
supposed to be assigned by random selection, "blindman's buff"
they used to call it. But, after studying and investigating court corruption
for over 40 years, I know the term to be used is RANDOM MAGIC.
- One of the first things we probe when we are on the trail
of a tainted or suspicious case is: How did THIS particular case get on
THAT judge's docket? We know from long experience, corruption starts with
the assignment of cases. Another tell-tale sign is when THAT judge uses
JUDICIAL PERJURY to "fix" the case in favor of a certain litigant.
A judge under a malign if not corrupt influence inserts false so-called
"facts" plucked out of the sky and not in the court evidence
to justify their decision. In simplistic terms, the undisputed court evidence
shows it is DAY. Operating under a corrupt influence, the judge proclaims
it is NIGHT, and applies case law regarding NIGHT to support her decision.
Judges operate by case law, that is, by prior landmark rulings or statutes
which cannot obviously be changed or sidestepped that easily. So the corrupted
judge changes the "facts" and applies case law to fraudulent
facts. That in essence is judicial perjury. Not every case is the subject
of malign influence. But, often the important ones are. Over the years,
when we suspected a judge was corrupt, we examined their rulings to see
if there are judicial perjuries. An honest judge, mis-stating the undisputed
facts, would quickly correct wrong statements. A crooked judge, even when
confronted (cowardly lawyers are chicken), refuses.
- Of the more than two dozen judges sitting in Chicago's
U.S. District Court, one judge, by some witchcraft, has assigned to her
a string of cases with apparent concealed links. That is Judge Blanche
M. Manning [(312)435-7608]. Among these, she has assigned to her, by apparent
RANDOM MAGIC, the case of Robert E. Kolody vs. Simon Marketing and The
Coca-Cola Company, No. 97 C 190. For a number of years Kolody planned to
sue Coke for stealing his intellectual property, designs he made for them.
Kolody's confidant, who befriended him over the years and insinuated himself
into the matter for some 10 years has been a local lawyer who was always
sympathetic to Kolody's grievances against Coca-Cola and their adjunct,
Simon Marketing. When Kolody retained an out-of-state attorney from Arkansas
to represent him in 1998, the rules required the designation of an additional
lawyer as "local counsel". That trusted "local counsel"
was Kolody's long-time confidant Daniel V. Hanley, [(708)474-6633], of
the Chicago suburb of Lansing, Illinois.
- All of Kolody's legal strategies and plans and those
of his Arkansas lawyer, Dan Ivy, were discussed in confidence with Daniel
V. Hanley. But strange things were happening. Coke's lawyers seemed to
be able to "beat to the punch" Kolody and Dan Ivy, that is, heading
off Kolody and Ivy's legal strategies which, of course, are confidential
and not to be divulged by his "local counsel" Daniel V. Hanley.
- And Judge Blanche M. Manning arrogantly committed judicial
perjuries, which some common people call straight out lies about what this
copyright case was all about. The Judge evidently knew that she did not
have to be careful. She refused to wipe out her judicial perjuries when
confronted by Dan Ivy.
- As an electronic journalist, on May 18,2000, I attended
a hearing before Judge Manning when she failed to do anything about her
judicial perjuries in the Coca-Cola case. Afterwards elsewhere in the
courthouse in the presence of Ivy, I interviewed Daniel V. Hanley:
- "Skolnick: What sort of law work do you do, Mr.
- Daniel V. Hanley: General.
- Skolnick: As you know I do for many years now a Cable
TV Show each week.
- Hanley: Yes, I know.
- Skolnick: Do Coca-Cola and their attorneys know the legal
strategy of Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here?
- Hanley: Yes.
- Skolnick: Really? How could they know?
- Hanley: My sister is the media buyer for Coca-Cola.
- Skolnick: What does she do?
- Hanley: She has been with a New York firm and now is
in Chicago.
- Skolnick: What firm is she with?
- Hanley: (looked at Skolnick but did not answer.)
- Skolnick: Do you think putting Bob here on my TV program
about Coca-Cola would do any good?
- Hanley: No.
- Skolnick: So your sister understands all about this case?
- Hanley: Yes.
- Whereupon, Daniel V. Hanley left and Skolnick spoke to
Dan Ivy:
- Skolnick: Did you hear what Hanley volunteered as a statement?
(Kolody had come over to the table and heard the portion, he said, of the
colloquy where Daniel V. Hanley said his sister is media buyer for Coca-Cola.)
- Dan Ivy: Yes, and we are shocked.
- Skolnick: Well, this needs further investigation now
that he volunteered this statement."
- After another court hearing on July 6, 2000, when again
Judge Manning failed to take back her judicial perjuries, I attended in
court and interviewed Hanley again in the presence of Dan Ivy.
- "Skolnick: So, do you think putting Bob on my TV
Show will do some good?
- Hanley: No. The time to put him on would have been two
years ago at the time of the summary judgment. It's too late now.
- Skolnick: So Coca-Cola understands all about this case,
through your sister.
- Hanley: Yes.
- Whereupon, Hanley left."
- The foregoing transcripts are contained in my signed
Declaration attached to Kolody's Motion for the Judge to wipe out all her
rulings of substance because of the Fraud Upon the Court by the Judge and
Coca-Cola's spy in Kolody's camp for ten years. [Motion filed 8/9/2000,
in No. 97 C 190.]
- As I later discovered, Daniel V. Hanley's sister, Mary
Hanley, is Associate Media Director [(312) 552-6368] of the huge, worldwide
advertising firm, DDB. [Visit their website:http://www.ddb.com and click
on their world directory of personnel for Chicago and Mary Hanley.]
- As I put in my Declaration in Court: "The long-term
custom, practice, and usage, in certain parts of the U.S. to purportedly
purchase federal judgeships, has been a subject of investigations and commentaries
by Skolnick and his closest associates, from 1966 to the present date.
Skolnick has such a commentary on his website, http://www.skolnicksreport.com...Knowledgeable
sources have informed Skolnick that the upwards of one million dollars
to purportedly purchase the judgeship for Blanche M. Manning came from
William F. Cellini via U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun. Law enforcement
personnel contend to Skolnick that Cellini, heavily active in gambling
casinos, is reporrtedly a key player in the crime cartel."
- More details from my court
- Declaration:
- "Skolnick jointly with some of his associates in
court reform, have been investigating the circumstances of a case pending
before Judge Manning: USA vs. Joseph Jerome Miedzianowski, et al., defendants,
No. 98 CR 923, U.S. District Court,Northern District of Illinois, Eastern
Division. The circumstances show: (a) Judge Manning, many times without
notice conducted closed door and secret proceedings in the case; (b) ordered
the censoring, by redacting of court and other transcripts; (c) Chicago
Tribune Company petitioned, to intervene in the case as of right, for among
other purposes, for access to sealed judicial records and transcripts of
proceedings; (d) Chicago Tribune apparently never publicly disclosed their
objections to the secret proceedings in the case. Some references to this
situjation are contained in the case in No.98 CR 923, among other items,
docket items No. 174, 175, 176 , 180, 182, 186, 192."
- More: "Informed sources contend that this situation
is due, in part, to matters actually or bordering on so-called 'national
security', in that involved in the trafficking of dope into Chicago from
Florida and elsewhere was the use of dope couriers or 'mules' as they are
known, of persons, some of them women, who also did work for the espionage
- More: "Daniel V. Hanley has also been the attorney
for Danny Harkenrider, who owns and operates Shannon's Landing, an Irish
Pub, located with the property of the Chicago suburban airport in Lansing,
Illinois. The place has been a reputed center for dope trafficking, inclujding
through airplanes. Nothing is done about this by the usual dope enforcement
authorities. FBI Division Five, Counter-Intelligence, has informed the
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and other state and federal agencies,
to take no action against the dope traffice. The excuse being that the
FBI purportedly is tracking clandestine IRS activities through the airport
and the said Pub; activities to raise funds for the IRS and gun-smuggling
through the dope traffic. Harkenrider has had purported immunity in these
acts and doings in thast his sister, Mary Yokich, was at one time on the
third level from the top of the U.S. Justice Department, engaged in special
investigations including involved in the Oklahoma City bombings. Some contend
the Justice Department and the FBI, to avoid embarassing details coming
out, suppressed details of the tragedy. Mary Yokich's father-in-law is
head of the powerful United Auto Workers union which in the past has throu9gh
international affiliates, assisted the American CIA in covert operations
against unions deemed unfriendly to American corporate interests worldwide."
- It is clear that Judge Manning is busy covering up high-level
corrupt government officials implicated in the dope traffic through the
Chicago Police as in the Miedzianowski case. Another case assigned to Judge
Manning by RANDOM MAGIC, is the case of USA vs. John Serpico, et al., No.99
CR 570. The defendants are labor bosses charged with racketeering, frauds
and swindles, bank fraud, among other things. Through her apparent cover-ups,
Judge Manning is keeping out of the federal court record that Serpico has
a business partner who is a top official of the Federal Witness Protection
Program. Some claim that these gangster-like connections have caused several
supposedly protected witnesses to be murdered by inside complicity. Thus
high-level corrupt federal officials, including IRS officials in Chicago,
are kept from being fingered because the witnesses against them are being
- Well-informed sources contend that one of the reasons
Daniel V. Hanley volunteered the statement mentioned is that Hanley and
his client, Harkenrider, are reportedly in the Federal Witness Prortection
Program, or being considered to be taken in under the criteria set forth
in the U.S. Justice Department Manual under the Witness Security Reform
Act of 1984 jointly with other laws. Sources contend that Hanley and Harkenrider,
because of their activities at the Irish Pub, at the Lansing, Illinois
Airport, are being threatened from all sides: (a) by the IRA not to co-operate
with FBI Counter-Intelligence, Division Five, as protected witnesses; (b)
by their knowledge that Judge Manning is keeping out of the federal court
record in several of her cases, the corrupt operation of the Federal Witness
Protection Program, and that Hanley and Harkenrider cannot expect to be
actually protected as witnesses; (c) By The Coca-Cola Company, in that
they have had an entrenched spy in the camp of a major copyright case,
where Robert E. Kolody is sueing Coca-Cola and their marketing adjunct
Simon Marketing now merged with a firm called Cryk; (d) by various corporate
interests whose planes apparently convey dope in and out of the Lansing,
Illinois airport with impunity, with stste and federal authorities playing
the part of the three monkeys; (e) and threatened by the Drug Enforcement
Administration agents who often occupy a table at Shannon's Landing and
also play the part of the three monkeys.
- It is perhaps ironic that the only non-threatening type
that Hanley could confess to is Sherman H. Skolnick, a long-known, independent-minded
court reformer and Cable TV Talk Show moderator/producer. Much more about
Chicago Federal District Judge Blanche M. Manning and the highly-corrupt
Federal Witness Protection Program involved in a string of cases she is
covering up.
- Stay tuned.
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