Wars Have Long Echoes...
By Judith Moriarty

We are marching towards war there is no doubt about it. Once more with Iraq...the same Iraq that had Saddam as evil incarnate back in 90-91....with 500,000 troops sent to supposedly come to the aid of Kuwait. Kuwait who was slant drilling into Iraq's oil fields. Kuwait an oil rich empire where slave labor is brought in to do the menial labor while the rich Kuwaiti's shop the world's malls.
Kuwait hired a top notch marketing firm in Virginia to yes, market war. All the stories of babies being thrown out of incubators, rape, mayhem....all lies as was shown much later in Senate Hearings. Too late for the hundreds of thousands of dead and those still dying.
When Reservists were called from their homes and jobs, I remember living in Ct. at the time, that Helping Hand in New York, helped pay the fuel bills of families left behind with minimal income. When Reservists came home with Gulf War Syndrome, and started having limbless babies they had to go on welfare for medical care. Thousands have died or have been permanently disabled from Gulf War Syndrome a combination of many factors including anthrax (untested) shots given the soldiers, depleted uranium that was used on the battlefield, unbeknownst by the military personnel etc. To date the Pentagon is still ignoring those who left home and family going off to war for OIL! And it's no different today.....poor men's sons, minorities, sent off for what? For political reasons? For oil fields? For a free passage for future oil lines from the Caspian Sea area? To keep the moneyed military complex and buddies supplied with billions of dollars that will not be available for schools, infra-structure, medical care, prescriptions or our environment.
When soldiers came home from Vietnam they were given the cheapest of prosthesis!! An official remarked on the nightly news that this was to "save tax payer dollars!!" So much for "Support the troops, all the flag waving, and parades". Agent Orange victims, sprayed with dioxin gave birth to terribly deformed children and many of those exposed developed cancer. Years and years of battle here at home to get help. This is all a colossal joke and citizens need to speak up and put an end to this madness that is killing off hundreds of thousands in foreign lands and our own impoverished youth sent off to war because there are no jobs at home. Everyone needs to stop and send a brief note to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by Sen, Joe Biden (D) who is helping the war drums beat louder by the day. There is no such thing as a just war or peace through the murder of hundreds of thousands maybe millions of innocent civilians. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld told Europeans against going to war that, "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence!" People should die for NEWSPEAK??? HUH?
Below the article...once more timely as war looms ever closer. The only paper that would print my articles at the time was The Greenwich Times of Greenwich CT. They titled the article: NOTHING CREATES WORRY, CONFUSION AND PURE DREAD LIKE A WAR....JAN, 1991, BY J. MORIARTY
"I know somehow that only when it's dark enough can you see the stars". Rev. Martin Luther King
Jan 16, 91....6:40pm. Supper is over, and the tune of "Come to Jamaica" fades from the television. Abruptly the world changes. World War III. Operation Desert Stom, or whatever you prefer to call it, has begun. Planes take off from Saudi Arabia to bomb Baghdad. Everything in the household stops.....we watch, the children and their friends from school. My God, a war, and we're watching it live! The president speaks, then the Pentagon: massive strike, a success! Israel is told danger is over; the missile bases have been destroyed. I'm worried. It's all so clean, so successful. Why do I feel such dread?
Jan 16, 11:50pm. Saddam Hussein is on the radio: "The Mother of all Battles has begun; we will never surrender." I worry about Israel. I wonder about Jordan, Syria, Iran....what have we unleashed? They call it an operation, but it's a war, not a takeover of a crack house. Why can't we use the right words? Why don't I believe the news?
Jan 17. Bombs hit Baghdad again. Some planes have been hit. Gallup Poll already available; the majority supports the war. It's like a Nintendo game! it is announced that casualties are minimal. It's never minimal when it's your's catastrophic. Seems bizarre that people are going to work and school while this is going on.
10:00pm. Interview with middle Americans. They're upset over the burning of the flag, like everyone out there protesting is doing it. Well, you see un-American acts everyday that are equally shocking. Congressional leaders constantly before the Ethics Committee, ripping off their constituents, sunning in the islands with lobbyists. Religious leaders fleece their flocks, American businessmen sell arms to dangerous madmen, mayors of cities take crack....there are kooks on every level of society. The symbolism of the flag---honor, courage, valor, freedom, liberty and democracy---is living. I saw the flag desecrated when a World War II Naval photographer, homeless and handicapped was viciously beaten to death in his wheelchair one dark night in an alleyway where he slept. I saw the flag desecrated when a highly decorated Korean War veteran, also homeless was beaten to death in an abandoned car for a bit of change. I saw the flag desecrated as rats scampered around a homeless crippled Korean War Veteran living under a bridge.
The flag is desecrated in more ways than burning. One difference is, there was no outcry of patriotism for these men, no phone calls, no letters to the editor. The flag was desecrated when the VA budget was cut 54 percent. The flag is desecrated daily in understaffed VA hospitals. The flag is desecrated in Agent Orange victims and their families. Visit Potter's Field, where you'll see rusted markers of veterans and flags ground into the mud. Desecration goes on, and we only see the burning!
Jan 17....Missiles have hit Israel, and they're thought to be chemical. Reporters have gas masks on. I can't believe we're watching this. Reporters then say that the warheads are conventional, whatever that means. Reporters in Jerusalem in full gear, streets empty---it's frightening, like the end of the world. Had Channel 4 on: Commercials in the middle of a war! How can a person's mind make the adjustment from horror to a cruise on Carnival!!
Jan 17, 9:50pm...I wonder what's really going on? It's all so packaged and proper, so made for TV by the new news station---PNN. Pentagon National News.
11:00pm. Film of attack on Baghdad has a weird green glow, with bombs, tracer bullets. It looks like War of the Worlds.
Jan 18, 9:30am Gold and oil move up on the stock exchange, and two more pilots are missing. According to Gen. Kelly, everything is going, "stunningly well, exceptionally wonderful". President Bush (Sr) says so far so good, war is not cheap or easy." In Tel Aviv, 12 people are injured.
Jan 18,8:00pm. Depressing. People talk like the war is some Rambo movie. Maybe people are confused by the Super Bowl?
Jan 18, 10:00pm. "War in the Gulf" complete with drum roll, is like a never-ending mini-series. The media becomes the reality instead of reality itself.
Jan 19, 12:30am...Three missile attacks on Israel. Patriot missiles sent. Richard Murphy, former secretary of state says, "We have to ask ourselves how did this area get so crammed with all this high technology weaponry?" Drum roll, commercial, "No one can guarantee a perfect world, but in an imperfect world you're in good hands with Allstate."
Jan 19, 5:00pm....Orthodox Jewish Rabbis have a ceremony to put a curse on Saddham.
Jan 20....People in Georgia buy gas masks. Stanley Cloud, Washington Bureau Chief for Time says, "People are not getting the real story, we're getting what the Pentagon wants us to get. Military censors make sure no one says the wrong thing." Pete Williams from the Pentagon reports that five Patriots were fired, and Scud missiles were destroyed. Various questions were asked by reporters. Pete answered them all with; "No report, no evidence, no information." Well, that was enlightening!! Carl Sagan says we face a global catastrophe if oil wells are mined in Kuwait. Pentagon adviser says it'll never happen!!
Jan 22..Reporter states the Scud missiles are more of an annoyance than anything; no injuries, no casualties. Goes on to say we're giving them too much attention. A few hours after this report missiles hit Tel Aviv, leaving three dead, hundreds injured. The global community remained silent when Iran charged Iraq with atrocities of using chemical warfare against its civilian population. Graphic pictures showed the horror. Though the UN sent an investigative team every year, there was no action taken, no sanctions. One drop of VX nerve gas will kill in minutes. Soldiers if wounded have to first be meticulously decontaminated before treatment. It takes 200,000 gallons of wash water to decontaminate one division, according to the Congressional Research Service.
Col. David Hackworth states, "Taking out Saddam's army will not be a quick massive and decisive fight, as Dan Quayle promised in a PR blitz in the Gulf. Conflict casualties won't be 200 American dead a week like Vietnam, but more like 200 dead an hour, more if chemical weapons are fired." Note: The Col. didn't know at this time that they never planned to go to Baghdad.
Then there's the cost element. The Congressional Budget Office estimates a short war will cost $40 billion and a longer one could cost $98 billion. Every Tomahawk missile fired (216 to date) costs $1.35 million. Japan gets two-thirds of its oil from the Mideast. They have pledged $9 billion toward costs. Saudi Arabia pledged $4 billion, despite a windfall of oil profits estimated at $40 billion this year. As of Dec. the Saudis had provided $760 million in cash. Nearly one-half of Germany's early $1 billion pledge consisted of East Germany military equipment. Kuwait, whose government in exile control $100 billion in assets has pledged $2.5 billion. For their cooperation, we forgave Egypt its $7 billion debt.
There are conflicting reasons as to why we're over there. There's the fight against tyranny, killing the evil monsters in our midst, freedom, liberation of Kuwait, and protecting our vital interests. It's been stated over and over that this in NOT about oil!! Well, maybe, maybe not. The oil companies are not hesitant in realizing some pretty hefty profits. Amoco Corp, net income surged 69% in the fourth quarter of 1990. Its revenues rose by 34.6% to $9.18 billion, from $6.82 billion. Texaco's net income was up $ 399 million in the fourth quarter of 90. They had $85 million in clean-up costs, or they would have realized 65% gain. Mobil's net income rose 46%. Raytheon Co (maker of the Patriot) realized profits of $557 million. Meanwhile, Helping Hands of New York area is taking up collections to pay the fuel bills of reservists suddenly sent over.
People protest. I remember the patriotic outpouring in '68. Thousands of thousands marched in Washington waving flags and carrying signs reading "Nixon's the Man". "Support Nixon, Support War", "Commies Love it or Leave it." Four students were shot by soldiers at Kent State because they protested what they believed was an immoral war. Polls taken shortly after showed that most agreed they deserved to be shot!! Today it's agreed that Vietnam was a failure. The "Wall" in Washington bears the names of 58,000 dead. Now we see an orchestrated effort to polarize the citizens of this country against each other. If you can get the masses stirred up and pit them against one another, you can keep them distracted from the real issues, keep them from honest questioning. To be for war is American; if you're against it you're a faggot or a Commie. No middle ground.
We've created a Frankenstein monster. We supported and obliged him with aid and the most modern weaponry. When he poisoned the Iranians, we looked the other way. When he poisoned his own people we merely shook our heads in disbelief. When he killed our men by blowing up the Stark, we accepted his apology. Now he's threatening some big money interests. Now he's a monster, an outlaw. What was he before?
"Why is it that recent presidents fail to convince on the scale of a Washington or a Lincoln? Both these leaders felt that they had to articulate for the broad mass of people the reasons for their government's action. That democratic attitude has been weakened by the claim that major decisions are now to be made by experts, based on information denied to the average voter. Over and over modern presidents have assured us that if we only knew that they and their staff do, we would agree with them. Unfortunately, we can never know what they do, since we lack security clearance. Those who may use the weapons or vote for their use, are not to be privy to their secrets! Any blood shed will be that of citizens, but the decisions are beyond the information of those actually dying, or sending others to their death." Garry Wills, February issue Life magazine (91). forward 2002. Another century and another Bush and war again with evil Saddam, still alive and kicking. Those of military age in Kuwait lounged around in exclusive hotels on the French Rivera while the commoners, simple folks sent their kids to die for OIL! Thousands of Iraqi civilians died and continue to die due to Draconian sanctions. After the War, Kuwaiti peoples lounging around on vacation returned home. They (citizens) each got an immediate $25,000 bonus for their trauma (of running). Later a grand party was held for Bush Sr., friends and family who - ta-dah - all got gifts and lucrative contracts to clean up the mess. Oops, the Kuwaitis forgot who deserved the real thanks and who were now stateside dying and taking care of their deformed children!! Here we are, two million in jail for mostly non-violent crimes in our nation (for corporate industry business), and no jobs for the others due to manufacturing, ship building, steel industry, textile etc. all shipped to Third World slave labor. We have 45 million without medical insurance, prescription drugs, due to the protected thieves in the pharmaceutical business are unaffordable; but we have an approximate 450 billion defense budget and growing, and lots of people well-placed (once again) set to make a killing in monies by the blood of others. When will people awake and see who's doing the dying? Who end up in shelters and under bridges, the refuse of war.....wars have long echoes.


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