An Alien Artifact From The 1897
Aurora TX Spaceship Crash?

By Jim Marrs

AURORA,Texas --- Resident Robert L. Brown, now in his eighties, was using his metal detector around the Aurora baseball field back in the late 1960s when he made a surprising discovery.
Digging down about more than a foot, Brown found an odd medallion composed of two dish-shaped halves held together by heavy metal wire perhaps made of copper.
"At first I thought it was something made by the Indians," said Brown. But then he remembered that the location of his discovery was less than 150 feet from the reported site of a spaceship crash here on April 17, 1897.
"Because of the depth at which I found it, I think it must have come from that spaceship crash," offered Brown.
After his curiosity grew over the object, Brown took it to an area aerospace contractor for analysis. "They said the interior of the medallion is made of gold," Brown said. "But since I didn,t ask what the exterior was made from, they didn,t say. Actually, they said they didn,t know what it was."
After placing a small leather strap through the connecting wire, Brown wore the medallion for a while before storing it away at his home.
With renewed interest in the Aurora spaceship crash story, Brown retrieved the medallion and brought it to a recently-opened gift shop in Aurora to show visitors.
For photos and more on this developing story:


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