Disney Will Fake
Crop Circles For 'Signs'?


Disney company Touchstone Pictures is planning to create crop circles around the world as part of its marketing campaign for its sci-fi movie Signs, starring Mel Gibson. In the M Night Shyamalan-directed film, Gibson plays farmer Graham Hess who discovers a "message" in one of his fields - an intricate pattern of circles and lines in his crops. A source at Disney's Buena Vista told Teletext: "We will carve out crop circles at unnamed sites."
Most circles appear in July and August - but this year, some will have been created by Signs' film-makers. How Touchstone proposes to alert the world to its landscaped crop circles is not known, but it's thought images of the crop patterns will be posted on the net and used on posters. Signs examines the effect crop circles have on a family.
The UK release date is September 13.
Movie website: (6-17-02)

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