Roswell - The Final Declassification
By Bill Hamilton Executive Director Skywatch International, Inc

Well, finally, we will probably learn the extent to which the government can refute eyewitness accounts and use the media to prove that the Roswell UFO incident was just a big error in our perception...
"Roswell: Final Declassification"
Date: Thursday , June 13
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
"In 1947, a strange object fell from the sky near Roswell, New Mexico and controversy brewed over what it really was. In November 2001, we convened a team of experts at the National Archives for an exclusive first look at the top-secret government files of the UFO incident. We unveil the remaining classified files--11 boxes with 17 notebooks of declassified files, photos, transcripts and audiotapes of dozens of witnesses, and 22 films and videos--in a definitive statement on the 50-year-old mystery." -TV G
Now how is it that the General Accounting Office never found these records and came up empty handed...
In 1994 the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO), an investigative agency that works at the request of Congress, began a quest to obtain government documents regarding an event that took place half a century ago, but which still remains clouded by suspicion: the July 1947 retrieval of an object in the New Mexico desert.
The first official statement on the case came from the public affairs office at a nearby military facility, Roswell Army Air Field, which announced that a wrecked "flying disc" had been recovered. A day later, Army Air Force officials offered a different description of the object that fell from the sky -- it was not a disc or other form of unidentified flying object, but rather a giant weather balloon used for radar tracking.
This discrepancy of explanations sparked decades of fascination with Roswell, and today the event is viewed as a major historical landmark in the study of UFOs. Many UFO researchers believe that the military did in fact find an alien craft and the bodies of the creatures that traveled inside. They allege that a long-standing government cover-up has shielded the purported close encounter from the public.
Public interest in Roswell has skyrocketed in recent years, and as a result, at least one member of Congress made an effort to track down government records on the incident. In response to queries from his constituents, New Mexico Representative Steven Schiff began digging for documents in 1993. (Schiff also had a personal connection to one of the more popular UFO researchers, Karl Pflock, whose wife worked on Schiff's staff.) Schiff says that "most Americans don't believe they were told the full story [about Roswell] by their government."
Unsatisfied with the Defense Department's response to his request for information (he later told Larry King that "I was pretty clearly getting the run-around"), Schiff turned to the GAO, the "investigative arm" of Congress, and asked them to prepare a report on the status of government records related to the Roswell incident.
Some eighteen months in the making, the GAO report, "Results of a Search for Records Concerning the 1947 Crash Near Roswell, New Mexico," was issued in July 1995. In it, the GAO summarizes its investigation and reproduces the small number of documents it unearthed.
Among the records that did turn up, there was little mention of extraterrestrials. A previously released FBI teletype message included in the report did state that "DISC AND BALLOON BEING TRANSFERRED TO WRIGHT FIELD BY SPECIAL PLANE FOR EXAMINAT [sic]." And a declassified history of the 509th Bomb group, which was stationed at RAAF, mentions briefly that the "Office of Public Information was kept quite busy during the month answering inquiries on the 'flying disc,' which was reported to be in the possession of the 509th Bomb Group. The object turned out to be a radar tracking balloon."
That was the story that the military gave the public in 1947, but recent Air Force research conducted in response to the GAO inquiry suggests that this was no ordinary balloon assembly. The object that came down near Roswell, according to the Air Force's 1995 publication, "The Roswell Report: Fact Versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert," was most likely the remains of a top secret research program named Project MOGUL. The aim of the project was to determine the ability of balloon-carried acoustic sensors to detect Soviet nuclear tests.
For thousands of Americans, this explanation remains unconvincing. Speculation about what happened at Roswell will not be dampened by the GAO report, which notes that key Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) records from the relevant period have been inexplicably destroyed. These include "RAAF administrative records (from Mar. 1945 through Dec. 1949) and RAAF outgoing messages (from Oct. 1946 through Dec. 1949)." In a press release announcing the GAO's findings, Representative Schiff noted that the "missing records leave unanswered questions."
UFO author Stanton Friedman is one of many ufologists who have pointed out shortcomings of the GAO's investigation. In his most recent book, TOP SECRET/MAGIC, Friedman writes:
"[T]he GAO reviewed only the FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] files of the CIA, FBI, and NSA [National Security Agency], rather than the entire files, as is borne out by one of the tables in the report. Surely the documents the GAO saw wouldn't have included highly classified materials! Based on my own past experiences, these agencies should not be trusted to do their own searches. The GAO should have demanded that their staff gain access to the potentially useful files of these agencies."
Representative Schiff says that even in light of the GAO's findings, he doubts the Roswell controversy will die down any time soon. As he told Larry King: "After fifty years, even though some people are still living from that situation, I don't see enough evidence now to resolve it to everyone's satisfaction. I think there will continue to be a debate. I think the GAO report will go further to fuel the debate."
The GAO researchers who delved into the Roswell controversy would probably agree. Having come up essentially empty-handed after its "extensive search for government records," the GAO can at least state with certainty, as it did in the report, that "the debate on what crashed at Roswell continues."
In this era of tightened security, the government debunkers are pulling out the stops and will make one final attempt to squash the Roswell case and put us back on its own agenda.
With sincere regrets for the death of truth...
P.S. Please view this program and write the History Channel your opinion and knowledge of the GAO findings. We still have a voice left, at least, for a little while longer.
Bill Hamilton
Executive Director
Skywatch International, Inc.
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