- Dear Jeff,
- I have written to you in the past with a few praises
and comments in regard to the website and radio shows. It is only at this
time, (I'll be 30 years old in 2 weeks), that I am finally ready to do
some serious work and to contribute to 'the amassing irrefutable truth'
that is continually growing and educating your listening audience, and
slowly, the unaware public as well.
- I have been very aware of the Chemtrail presence here
in New Jersey for quite sometime now. I recall the first time pointing
them out to neighbors and friends, before the term "chemtrail"
was even realized. The popular consensus was, of course, that it was nothing
more than simple jet contrails from high flying military jets. My reply
to them was, "Ok, very possible, except for one thing...why are these
jets randomly flying around now, ALL THE TIME? Do you know how much it
costs to keep those things flying, without really going anywhere except
back and forth?" Yeah, I got looked at with that look, you know, "What
do you think, it's a conspiracy or something?" Not much I could
say without looking like a fool...but that was then. It's 2002 and alot
has happened, so my answer now would have to be, "YES, I DO!"
- I have spoken with Clifford E. Carnicom and poured over
much of the info on his website. I told him that I was too lazy to record
the phenomena here in New Jersey, until now. Clear blue skies turning
into streaming clouds, followed by haze, cotton candy wispy haze. Attached
with this letter are 3 photos I took with my NEW Kodak DX3700 Camera (for
those of you who like to scrutinize every detail) and they were shot, 1
outside before leaving for work, the other 2 while moving on the way to
work (pretty good and steady if you ask me).
- I just want to add one more thing, more for the fellow
listeners that I feel connected to even though we all have never met or
spoken. The mere fact that YOU are listening to Jeff Rense and reading
his website, including this post now if so published, the truth is out
there, and WE are not alone. WE are searching for the truth, questioning
that which doesn't make sense, some of us using more scientific methods
to come to these conclusions, others simply being open minded enough to
allow the truth to be revealed and learned the way it was intended.
- Sincerely, John Macedo, Jr.