Patricia Doyle To Bow Out Of Radio
Tonight Due To Worsening HCV


I am deeply concerned about Patty's health and would ask all of you to take a moment to send your prayers and good thoughts to this heroic public servant and human being. Patty's contributions to our understanding of the biological weapons threat facing America and the general mechanics of disease spread and transmission are irreplaceable. Her investigations of Mad Cow, the Foot and Mouth catastrophe, Plum Island, Ft. Detrick, and numerous secret projects and matters are milestones in contemporary insight and journalism. Her superior research into the recent, egregiously suspicious deaths of a number of the worlds pre-eminent microbiologists and scientists is unequalled. I am hopeful Patty's goodbye will be of short duration and that she will regain good health to the extent that she might quickly return to doing what she does so well: helping all of us walk through these dangerous and terribly troubled times. God Bless, Patty Doyle... -Jeff
Thanks For The Memories!
From Patricia Doyle, PhD
Hello Jeff...
I want to take this opportunity to sincerely THANK YOU for all of your kindness to me over the years.
You provided me with valuable air time to vocalize my research and theories, but, more then air time, I value your friendship.
It had become quite obvious to me over the past few months that I would no longer be physically able to do major radio show interviews due to the progression of both Lyme Disease and HCV.
Neurological damage has progressed to the point where I have noticeable aphasia and the liver damage has progressed to kidney damage as well as depressed white cells, high liver enzymes, platelet count of only 80 as well as extreme fatigue.
I have always believed that a person "arguing for their limitations will inevitably get to keep them" so I am going to contiue as long as possible with my message board/website and also the ongoing investigations into Emerging Diseases, Nuclear/Chemical and Biological terrorism preparedness including the origin of the anthrax attacks, and the mysterious deaths of microbiologists. In other word, LIMITATION is not in my vocabulary.
Jeff, I will never forget my very first radio show interview which took place on Oct. 25, 1999 in which Will Thomas, yourself and I discussed the emergence of West Nile Virus in New York as well as Plum Island.
Again, tonight will be my last major radio show interview and I am so pleased that it will take place on the Jeff Rense Program, where it all began.
Your kindness and that of your audience will never be forgotten. God Bless you for your effort to save humanity and the planet.
I proudly say...
Patricia Doyle
Summary of some of my theories:
I cannot help but wonder if BSE (mad cow disease) and nvCJD could be triggered by genetic mutations. Perhaps, we should not only be looking at prion mutation but also genetic predisposition in humans and animals for prion disease.
Cases of BSE (Mad Cow Disease) as well as vCJD in humans and Chronic Wasting Disease in deer and elk are increasing in alarming numbers around the world.
The US has seen a dramatic rise in the incidence of CWD throughout the Mountain States and now the Mid West.
Perhaps, science should look into a possible link between vaccinations and predisposition to prion disease.
The genetic predispostion to prion or "mutated" prion disease may affect subsequent generations of vaccinated livestock and people.
The mid 20th century saw a major effort to vaccinate the worlds livestock and population and vaccination has increased exponentially with the most increase after the 1950s.
Even wildlife, such as deer and elk have not escaped the vaccination push. Deer and Elk are vaccinated with Rabies vaccine as vaccine laden food is dropped down into the wild via aircraft.
Quite possibly the vaccines cause a genetic "mutation" or defect in the proceeding generations of those vaccinated.
This is only a theory, but, could explain why variant forms of prion diseases have exploded in the past 20 years.
FMD type O outbreak in the UK.
A small vaccine company, United Biomedical Inc. with headquarters on Long Island, New York developed a synthetic FMD vaccine.
This vaccine was tested in summer of 2000 concluding September 2000. The trials took place in the US at Plum Island, in Taiwan, China and in the UK.
China and the UK signed a "secrecy contract" or non disclosure clause which prevented divulging any information of the "pig trials."
The pig trials consisted of 3 control groups. One group of pigs were vaccinated with UBI synthetic vaccine then challenged with live type O FMD virus. Another group was vaccinated with conventional vaccine then challenged with type O FMD virus. The third group of pigs was NOT vaccinated and was challenged with live type O FMD virus.
All of the pigs in the non vaccinated group became infected with FMD type O virus. (This in a country that was FMD free.)
There has been much documentation provided that proved the FMD outbreak in the UK actually began many months before the government reported date in February. Indications that the virus was actually active in October and MAFF/DEFRA officials as well as some vets knew about it. MAFF/DEFRA in October and November and early December had made purchases of lumber that was used in the pyres as well as purchases of sleeping cars, lorees and FMD warning signs used to block walking paths.
UK officials are still blaming Bob Waugh for the outbreak. Martin Coutts, who was one of the animal sanctuary employees who visited Bob Waugh's farm on December 19th, said that the farm had been fully engulfed in FMD at that time.
Bob Waugh's farm is within a few miles of one of the UK Government test animal farms.
Do I belive that Bob Waugh started the FMD outbreak by feeding his pigs Chinese Take out? No.
It is, however, easier for the Government to say that day one of the FMD outbreak was in February and to blame Bob Waugh for the outbreak then to look closely and investigate the UBI pig trials of FMD vaccine.
Death of Microbiologists
In looking at only the 5 dead microbiologists, we see a commonality. Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Dr. Don C Wiley had worked at the Howard Hughes Medical Institue Lab at Harvard University.
A few weeks ago, I made the discovery that Dr. Robert M. Schwartz had entered into affialation with Howard Hughes Medical Institue about one year ago. Dr. Schwartz was found murdered at his secluded Leesberg, Loudon County, Virginia farmhouse in December 2001.
Dr. Schwartz was murdered "cult style" with an X carved into his neck. A couple of weeks after the murder three youths were arrested outside a home in Manassas Virginia. The youths were friends of Dr. Schwartz' daughter.
Three weeks ago, Dr. Schwartz' daughter was arrested and charged as being the mastermind in her father's murder. She attended James Madison University, which some lab affialiation with HHMI.
Around the time that Dr. Schwartz' company, Virginia Center For Innovative Technology, affialiated with HHMI, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute purchased an almost 300 acre, secluded Leesberg, Loudon County, Virginia farmhouse known as the Janelia Farm. HHMI has been in the process of setting up the Janelia farm as "The Bell Labs of Biotech."
Preliminary reports indicate that Benito Que and Vladimir Pasechnik had collaborated on some HHMI research re Genetic Mutations as well as Phage Research.
The 5 microbiologists murdered from around the world are: Dr. Benito Que, Cell Biologist of the Miami Medical School Dr. Don C Wiley, microbiologist HHMI Harvard Lab. Dr. Wiley has expertise in immunity and infectivity of viruses, mycoplasmas and bacterias. He had researched HIV, Ebola, Smallpox, Anthrax etal Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, Founded Regma Bio Technologies Ltd and maintained a lab in Porton Downs in the UK.
Dr. Pasechnik defected to the UK in 1989 from the Soviet Union. Dr. Pasechnik developed a polymer coating which enabled aerosolizing and weaponizing of Plague. He also helped develop "binary" weapons known as Novochok.
Dr. Pasechnik's death was not announced for one week. After a week, a UK Intelligence Officer announced that Dr. Pasechnik was dead and had died from a stroke. No autopsy.
Dr. Robert M. Schwartz, founded Virginia Center for Innovative Technology and was associated with Virginia Biotechnology Association. He was responsible for making decisions on where grant money was spent.
Dr. Schwartz was a DNA Sequencing expert and worked on the human genome project as well as nanotechnology.
Dr. Set Nguyen, CSIRO Australia Animal Lab. Dr. Nguyen was killed in the air lock of his lab. He entered the airlock not knowing that a nitrogen cylinder had leaked and the airlock was filled with nitrogen.
Why the deaths? This is my theory:
* I believe that the scientists were all given specific research to complete.
* I believe that each scientist had a piece of research to complete, that when it would be added together would be a DNA target specific bioweapon. In other words, a pathogen, such as Ebola/Pox etal that would only infect a targeted ethnic group.
* I also believe that the individual scientists did not know of the sinister purpose of the research.
After completing an assigned research, they became a liability.
I had been informed of a clandestine and covert group of microbiologists, but at this time have no hard evidence to support the following information.
The informant told me that the group is known as The DE. Scientists are identified by a number that begins DE157 plus two other numbers. The organization is worldwide and only a small elite group of worldclass scientists belong to it. I am told that the major research area is "Genetic Mutations."
As mentioned previously, I have no hard evidence to support the information and, at this time, cannot verify the validity of the data.
There have been other deaths of microbiologists in addition to the five mentioned above.
I will keep investigating.
Theory on Anthrax Attacker
I believe that the Government will probably name a lone bioterrorist in the near future. Do I believe that the loner is really the terrorist who sent Anthrax via the mail? No.
In all probability, the anthrax plot was probably a combined effort. A major WELL respected and famous bioweaponeer and an accomplice who is situated in a high Government position. More then likely this accomplice had worked for many years in Biotech. He would also have connections to the CIA. I am sure that the Famous Bioweaponeer had been contacted and the plot hatched.
In 1999, William Patrick III released a very highly classified report. This was a risk assessment of sending anthrax through the mail. There were only a handful of scientists, military and government elite who viewed the report.
The report was remiss in predicting the possibility that anthrax would leak from the envelopes due to puncture from the mail sorting machines.
I believe that the attackers did not want to kill people, only to sufficiently scare the public and congress thus making them aware of the threat of a bioterrorist in the US.
I think that the bioweaponeer once courted by the high ranking government official had access to an already milled and weaponized anthrax. I also believe that the scientist was guaranteed that he would not be caught or prosecuted.
I do have a theory as to who both culprits are, but, at this time, do not have hard evidence and am prohibited from naming them. I believe that the bioweaponeer's company was losing money and going into financial hardship.
Thus, the anthax attacks were implemented for profit, and to insure a major influx of funding for bioterroist preparedness and bioweapons defense. I also believe that a more clandestine purpose was to quietly reenter the US in offensive bioweapons projects.
This investigation will continue.
Thank you,
Patricia Doyle

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