- The following scientific, non-Propaganda report details
the health effects of NATO electronic warfare and Uranium bombing during
the recent war. Please read and reflect, scientifically and morally. War
remains humanity's most destructive activity. No matter how much people
on this list may object, the effects of electronic warfare and environmental
warfare, along with the boy-toys - must be confronted if they are to be
avoided in the future.
- Alfred Webre,
Vancouver, BC
- From Dr. Janet M. Eaton, NB, Canada:
Dear All:
- The following contains two e-mails from Dr. Aleksandra
Veljovic of the Cancer Foundation , Yugoslavia, sent to me in response
to my requests for 1] information on the health consequences of NATO
Bombings and 2] specific information on the recent conference held in
April in Yugloslavia on "Consequences of Ecological Catastrophe on
the Health of the Balkan Population."
- Dr. Aleksandra Veljovic also forwarded by attachment
to her first e-mail : "A Report of Current Cancer Epidemiology in
Serbia based on Available Data " December 1999 which is not yet available
on their website which is still under construction. In the section of
this report entitled "Projection of Malignant Diseases", the
authors note that "when the bombing of Yugoslavia started, the environment
of the population of Serbia was greatly altered. The destruction of petrochemical
and fertilizer factories, refineries and electro-energetic systems released
cancerogens in the air: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen hydroxide, hydrocarbons,
pyralene, vinyl-chloride-monomer, lead and other. Many cancerogens have
polluted water flows. Excessive radiation is present in the form of uranium
oxide from impoverished uranium. ..... It is hard to predict what kind
of chemical reactions will take place in the air, soil or water. As a consequence
of decreased quality of life and a life style in deprivation, it is reasonable
to expect a much higher trend of increase of malignant diseases, both in
terms of incidence and mortality."
- They also note that long term effects will be visible
in 5 to 15 years while suggesting: " It is our job to warn the population
of the possible consequences in the future." [See also #3 below for
- The enclosed information may be useful for those attempting
to determine the health consequences for the civilian population of Yugoslavia
of NATO's aggressive and illegal bombings of petrochemical and chemical
installations and their use of depleted uranium weapons.. Dr. Veljovic's
e-mails also shed light on the on-going economic sanctions against Yugoslavia
and the NATO bombings of medical and health care infrastructure [some
147 building in all ] and the deprivation these actions have caused in
regard to basic medical and health care services and in depriving a whole
people of the right to be healthy and to live to anticipated old age.
- All the best, janet
- 1] Message #1 from Dr. Aleksandra Veljovic
- ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
- From: "Fondacija protiv raka" <kbcbkosa@ptt.yu>
To: "Janet M Eaton" <jeaton@fox.nstn.ca> Subject:
Need for information on cancer increase etc for IAC Trib Date:
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 14:11:07 +0200
- Dear Ms Janet Eaton,
- I would like to thank you, on behalf of Cancer Foundation
and my country, for your engagement in fighting for justice and peace in
this world, which is not such a grateful task nowadays.
- Since last year, almost immediately after the bombing,
during which 147 objects (buildings) functioning as health care institutions
were totally or partially destroyed and were unusable for the diagnostics
and treatment of patients, most of our hospitals and primary health care
institutions lack most of the basic and essential medicaments, infusion
solutions, sutures, and 70% of the drugs normally provided in our pharmacies
are nowhere to be found, especially citostatics. Obtaining a simple blood
count has become almost impossible in more than a half of our otherwise
relatively modern and advanced health centers. Surgeons are using linen
for sutures as they did 80 years ago, since the regular catgut is far too
expensive and this leads to additional problems with respect to postoperative
patient care and rehabilitation. Old people have no means to buy medication
with their very small pensions. Only in January, in a very short time,
almost 2000 people died from the flu pandemic and corpses waited to be
buried for 10 or more days since there was not enough room to bury them
--people died in numbers in a very short time from pneumonia and the consequences
of a severe flu, which the doctors in other non-sanctioned countries were
able to treat.
- The WHO UN charter guarantees the availability of basic
health care needs to all, hopefully by year 2000, and here they are in
a position of depriving a whole people of the right to be healthy and to
live to be at least 74. Not to mention the high level of stress to which
people in this country were exposed during all period of sanction and especially
during the NATO bombing. Considering all above, we are faced with a severe
cancer problem since the incidence of cancer is doubled! I am sending you,
as an attachment, our Cancer Epidemiology Report with the projection for
malignant diseases to year 2020, which will provide you, I hope, with useful
information for your paper. This report has evaluated our present cancer
epidemiology situation, based on available data, which are currently incomplete
due to difficulties in a proper registration of malignant diseases, so
we can expect that the true numbers are much more higher.
- Once again, thank you for your consideration and please,
feel free to contact me should you be needing any other data.
- Best regards and best of luck in your further activities,
Aleksandra Veljovic, MD
- Cancer Foundation Yugoslavia 11080 Belgrade Serbia, Yugoslavia
Tel: (+381) 11 3010-721 Fax: (+381) 11 606-520
- <><><><><><><<><><><><><><><><>
- 2] From: "Fondacija protiv raka"
<kbcbkosa@ptt.yu> To: "Janet M Eaton" <jeaton@fox.nstn.ca>
Subject: Re: Thank you again! Date sent: Thu, 22 Jun 2000
11:51:26 +0200
- Dear Ms Janet Eaton,
- Once again we will try to help you.
- First of all , I want to give you more information about
the Conference which Mr Radoje Lausevic has told you about and was organized
by Cancer Foundation Yugoslavia. We forget how important our health is
until we are in situation to seek for medical help.
- Economic crisis in our country has provoked crisis in
health care as well (as I wrote to you yesterday). Hospitals are unable
to fulfill the needs of all patients seeking for advice, check up or treatment.
- Also, it limits the actions of prevention services. Nowadays
it is very hard to make sure that all patients get adequate hospital care,
to perform all the necessary diagnostic procedures and to provide necessary
treatment. Series of new diagnostic procedures have been developed to enable
early detection of malignant diseases, but still number of early detected
cases of cancer does not increase as expected. That is why Cancer Foundation
has been established.
- The opening of Cancer Foundation Yugoslavia was promoted
by Medical Center "Bezanijska kosa", one of the most eminent
health centers in Yugoslavia, in which our office is situated. Our team
consists of physicians, molecular biologists, oncologists and health
care and prevention proffesionals and we all participate in the actions
of Cancer Foundation, as well as people of good will, ready to help the
ones who need help.
- One of our actions was the organization of the first
international symposium with the topic: Consequences of Ecological Catastrophe
on the Health of the Balkan Population. Most eminent physicians, biologists
and nuclear scientists took part in it. We are preparing the book which
will include all their reports, and we hope that it will be published in
the autumn, so I think that this will be something you are looking for.
Till then, I am sending you, as an attachment, the address book of all
participants, so that you can make individual contacts due to your interests.
We still do not have our web site but we are working on it, so be sure
that I will contact you the very moment it is completed. Be free to quote
our Cancer Epidemiology Report, hoping that this will help your philanthropic
struggle. Best regards and feel free to contact me for any other data,
- Aleksandra Veljovic, MD
- Cancer Foundation Yugoslavia Bezanijska kosa bb 11080
Belgrade Serbia, Yugoslavia Tel: (+381) 11 3010-721 Fax: (+381) 11 606-520
----- Original Message -----
- 3] A Report of Current Cancer Epidemiology in Serbia
Based on Available Data Belgrade, December 1999
- Introduction
- This is a Report on cancer epidemiology based on available
data in Serbia today put together on the basis of separate reports given
by some of most renowned Serbian oncology professionals. The report contains
data on the current status of health care institutions in Serbia dealing
with cancer patients, the epidemiological situation of malignant diseases
in Serbia based on the mortality and morbidity statistics, the survival
rate and the regional variations of malignancies on this territory.
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