Now They Are Trying To Kill Me
By Barry Chamish <>
Two days ago I drove my car to Tel Aviv. I took a sharp curve in the city and I lost all electrical power in my car. If this had happened while turning on the highway I would have been killed. My car was towed to a garage and checked. Someone had opened the box below the steering wheel, disengaged the airbag and wrapped the electrical wires around the steering column. When I turned the wheel, the wires ripped out cutting off all control of the vehicle. The mechanics had never seen this kind of damage.
Tonight I gave a lecture in Bet Shemesh. On the way, this time on the highway, my back wheel collapsed and my brakes and handbrakes ceased functioning. I managed, just barely, to regain control of the car. I almost was in a fatal accident. I pulled the car into a nearby service station and hitched a ride to my lecture.
This time I was prepared. When the lecture ended, I returned to the car with my host David Morris and his friend Yaacov Kirschenbaum, an insurance adjuster. We were followed all the way by a government jeep. The giveway was the 77 in the license plate, the number given to official vehicles.
Yaacov looked at the wheel, filmed and photographed the brakes, while David called the police. Officer Dror of the Bet Shemesh police force saw that someone had cut the back axle of the car, confirmed that it was sabotaged and filed a report saying so. In this report I charged the Shabak with being the most likely suspect. He recommended I seek police protection.
I could only think, what if my family was in the car?
Note - To see the video, clip, please contact Barry or visit his website
The Rabin expose has now turned deadly for me, so I'll react by releasing essential proof while I can. Take a good look at the short mpeg. Barely a fortnight before Rabin's assassination, Yigal Amir attacked him so vociferously, he had to be dragged away by a policeman. Look at the show Amir puts on but notice he is not wearing a kippa. Note that Rabin's bodyguards HAD to have observed this display of fury, had to have registered Amir's face, and would NEVER have allowed him near Rabin again...unless he was supposed to be there. Look at this clip again and realize that Amir WAS known to the Shabak, especially to Rabin's security detail. That no one from the Shabak recognized him in the "sterile zone" before the assassination is now a proven impossibility.

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