- Oroville Daily Register December 3, 1896
- Is It Used in the Newly Discovered Air Ship.
- It will be remembered that some years ago a man discovered
a wonderful metal in Pine Nut, Nevada. This peculiar metal was contained
in clay and the man discovered it by using some of the clay for a back
to his stove. Some hours after building a fire in the stove he found that
the back had disappeared and in place of it was a clear white metal with
scarcely any weight to it.
- Now the man who discovered and used that metal was in
Oroville yesterday. In fact he has been here a number of days. He does
not want his name published but we met him and talked with him for fifteen
or twenty minutes. We do not know of course whether he has anything to
do with this mysterious air ship or not, but if there was any truth in
the report of the wonderful metal discovery it is possible that he has
kept the secret and used the new metal in contructing this wonderful floating