- Three days before he died, Rehavam Zeevi attacked Shimon
Peres viciously in the government's cabinet meeting. He told PM Sharon
that if Peres wasn't sacked, he would resign from the government and take
seven Knesset members from Moledet and Yisrael Beiteinu with him. Sharon
refused to fire Peres, so Zeevi wrote his last essay, for the Arutz Sheva
website. It read in part:
- "But what is understood in Washington is apparently
not understood here. Prime Minister Sharon, who himself fought for many
years against Arab terrorism, is not strong or consistent enough in this
fight during his tenure as Prime Minister. In order to keep Shimon Peres
in the national unity government, he gives in to Peres' dictates and allows
him to continue talking with the top brass of the evil Palestinian
which is a terrorist headquarters in every sense.
- Peres conducts diplomatic negotiations, while the
continue to shoot at our communities and on Jews - and he is doing all
this just in order to revive the Oslo process, which brought catastrophe
upon us and could, in the end, lead to the collapse of the State of the
Jews. Peres is doing this possibly because he believes in it - or possibly
because he wants to save his place and reputation in history."
- Zeevi went on the warpath against Peres, not a wise
Others have tried and others have died. See:
- www.senderberl.com/peres.pdf (Peres Personified 15 pages)
- www.senderberl.com/wtc.pdf (World Trade Center and prophet Zephaniah 3 pages)
- www.senderberl.com/truths.pdf (Irrefutable Truths 1 page)
- In numerous previous articles, this author has shown
the many connections between Peres and the French connection to the Rabin
murder. The same connections are emerging with the Zeevi murder and those
claiming responsibility for it, the Front For The Liberation Of Palestine
(PFLP). Recall that it was French President Mitterand who had PFLP founder
George Habash cared for in France during his last days.
- "The George Habash affair is closed, or so Francois
Mitterrand decreed in a pugnacious television interview on February 4th.
The presidential aide and three top civil servants who failed to inform
Mr Mitterrand about the Palestinian leader's admission into France for
supposedly urgent medical treatment had been "sanctioned", he
said, which means sacked.
- "The ministers involved would not resign, the
went on, because the affair was "not serious enough". it involved
an "error of judgment" about a "retired terrorist"
grossly overblown by press and television. There would be no change of
prime minister, no government reshuffle, no early general election and
no parliamentary inquiry. The opposition would have a chance to propose
a motion of no confidence in the government at a special session of
on February 7th. That was it.
- "Edith Cresson's government will not fall, not yet
anyway. Socialists (including a former prime minister and likely
candidate, Michel Rocard) who joined the critics asking for ministerial
heads must now toe the line. The Communists, who dread an early general
election almost as much as the Socialists, have announced that their
of parliament will not vote with the opposition to bring the government
down. As the conservatives have not the votes to do this on their own,
a censure motion is doomed to fail.
- "Though contained, the damage has further weakened
the government and added to an impression of muddle or worse at the top.
Mr. Mitterrand claims he was not told about Mr. Habash's visit until almost
12 hours after the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of
had arrived in Paris on January 29th. That may well be true. Unfortunately
for him, less than half of French voters, according to one poll, believe
- It would have been no trouble for Peres and the French
to order the PFLP to knock off Zeevi. All we have to do is prove it. Given
enough time, that will prove doable. Just look at the emerging
- Just like, in the aftermath of the Rabin assassination,
Israel's Shabak has ordered its own investigation of the Zeevi murder.
So who is sitting on this commission of inquiry? According to Maariv, there
is SH, who was responsible for Peres' personal security on the night of
the Rabin murder, I believe that would be Yuval Schwartz, and there is
A, who is currently head of the Shabak's Jewish Department, the very gang
led by Eli Barak, who ran the provocateur Avishai Raviv previous to Rabin's
murder and had a central role in the assassination itself.
- The Rabin murderers are back, this time covering up
assassination. And just look how they are doing it.
- First, they are spreading the word that Zeevi was
for his own demise by refusing Shabak protection. Unfortunately for them,
a 1997 Supreme Court decision ruled that even if a cabinet minister rejects
Shabak protection, he must get it anyway. But that's just the beginning
because Zeevi was not the only sensitive figure who stayed on the eighth,
VIP, floor of the Hyatt Hotel. Joining him were Shas MK Yair Peretz, not
a likely candidate for assassination and Deputy Internal Security Affairs
Minister Gideon Ezra, a former Deputy Head of the Shabak, a very likely
candidate for kidnapping or assassination.
- The Shabak can howl all they want that Zeevi's eighth
floor was unguarded because he wanted it that way, but let them explain
away Ezra's lack of protection. Good luck to them.
- And better luck to them explaining why a group of
tourists shared that eighth floor with Zeevi and Ezra on that fateful
Maariv, once again, noted that the assassin must have also shared a room
on the eighth floor, thus explaining how he went unnoticed and uncaught.
The first person to discover Zeevi after he was shot was one Dr. David
Hocking, an American tourist staying in the room opposite him. Naturally,
he was an original suspect but I've been assured that he is a pastor with
close ties to Israel, an unlikely candidate for murder. However, since
the Zeevi murder resembled CIA tactics more than PFLP, we wonder if someone
attached to his group, or appearing to be so affiliated, was the murder
liaison or the trigger puller himself.
- Then there is the business of hotel security. The word
being spread is that all guests staying on the eighth floor had a special
card which opened the elevator door to the floor. That, of course, does
not explain how the murderer supposedly entered and escaped down the fire
exit stairs, but more important, this explanation is a lie. Yaacov Verker,
who recently visited Zeevi in his room told me, "Nonsense. I pushed
the eighth floor button and the elevator opened. There was no need for
a card at all."
- From the newspaper Kol Ha'ir: "There were only maybe
six of us in the breakfast room with Zeevi that morning. How come after
two days, no one has questioned us?"
- Now, let's discuss the hospital procedures for a moment.
Zeevi was shot at the Hyatt - Mount Scopus Hotel, a minute from Hadassah
Hospital, Mount Scopus. Yet he was taken to Hadassah - Ein Kerem, for
a half hour away. The wife of an Arutz Sheva website editor, who works
at Hadassah, explained that Hadassah - Mount Scopus, lacks a head trauma
unit and that is the explanation. But another health care worker denies
the explanation: "Zeevi needed immediate care. The procedure should
have been that he was taken to Mount Scopus and a head trauma expert would
be called from Ein Kerem. He may have lost his life in the half hour drive
to Ein Kerem."
- Now the Peres connection. From the Jerusalem Post:
- "Prime Minister Ariel Sharon promised slain tourism
minister Rehavam Zeevi that he would not permit any future meetings between
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat, Zeevi told his faction
shortly before his death. Zeevi showed the seven MKs a handwritten note
from Sharon with the promise...The promise came about after Zeevi wrote
to Sharon, via cabinet secretary Gideon Saar, asking him about reports
that Peres intended to meet with Arafat at a Socialist Party conference
in Greece."
- Let's turn to Haaretz for a report of Peres' coverup
after the murder:
- "Peres warned against making extreme moves that
would lead to a loss of control. In response to the idea of preventing
Arafat from returning from Egypt, the foreign minister asked whether Israel
was really interested in a confrontation with Mubarak and in seeing the
Egyptian army enter the Sinai...Peres reminded those present that the
agreements with the PA do not require it to extradite suspects to
- Until more facts are gathered, let us ask why Peres did
all in his power, to prevent any retaliation for Zeevi's murder. The answer
ultimately, will lead to the same organization which murdered Yitzhak
- end
- I will be in Toronto beginning Nov. 26 for a series of
seminars. I will be in New York beginning Nov. 15.
- I'd be delighted to meet my correspondents. Meanwhile,
don't forget the Rabin Conference in Jerusalem, and do show up at the
municipal courthouse, Russian Compound, on the morning of Nov. 4 to demand
that Avishai Raviv finally face justice.
- (Sunday, October 28, 2001, 4:00-9:00
- DATE: Sunday, October 28,
- TIME: 4:00-9:00 P.M.
- PLACE: Windmill Hotel
- 3 Mendele Street
- (just off Keren HaYesod Street)
- Jerusalem
- LANGUAGE: English (except
where specified)
- [www.rb.org.il]
- PROGRAM: in formation
- NOTE: Yom HaZikaron
- (Yitzchak Rabin Remembrance Day)
- is observed this year on
- 12 Cheshvan, 5762 (Monday, October 29)
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