Mental Fragmentation Now
In Epidemic Proportions
By Dr. J S Chiappalone, MD
c. 2001 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Of the Mental Fragmentation
It is obvious, is it not, that there is very gross and very disrupting fragmentation in many spheres of human existence. Mental disease is ubiquitous and has reached epidemic proportions everywhere. Depression and suicide are serious problems confronted by all governing bodies, and Terminal Madness is creating havoc with the planet.
That one section of the human race can terrorize another is itself evidence of disease, of a destructive mental process which does not auger well for the future of the race. This interactive animosity betweeen groups, races, nations, clans, tribes, etc., is of course nothing new. History is all about the conflict amongst humans which seems to never end.
There is no doubt that the basis of this bellicosity, this maliciousness, this thrust for terror with all its energy exploitation of others, is evil! And yet, in their mocking manner, in an attempt to remove the spiritual significance of such Evil, some scientists have tried to explain such evil away by saying it is due to a "selfish gene", an "evil gene", which has developed in our genetic code which is needed in the fight for survival of the fittest, which serves the most evil well, for it allows survival of s/he who has it most strongly manifesting, to the detriment of others. What nonsense!
In other books I have discussed the spiritual reasons for conflicts, for wars, for the never-ending exploitation, for the abuse of the meek at the hands of the so-called strong, for the presence of so much wickedness in the world, etc. I have clearly explained that these things are due to the conflict of the two creations, the War of Essences between the Evil Counterfeit Creation which has been illegally imposed as a parasite on a section of the True Creation. This parasite is an energy-sucking one, for that is the only way it can exist. This fact is important in understanding how the end for it shall come.
The points I want to make here are about the Mental Fragmentation that is occurring in the majority of people as well as in other levels of consciousness such as in the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms. This fragmentation is now reflected in the ever-increasing incidents of depression, hopelessness and suicide in many populations, and the explicitly aberrant behaviour of many individuals and groups anywhere. It appears that all restraints have been removed, and minds are expressing overt madness, even as they are engulfed by clouds of internally generated destructive depression.
The occurrence of these things in any given population is inversely proportional to the degree of its spiritual sophistication.
That is, the less spiritually orientated, and therefore by inference, the more materially orientated any given population is, the more the fears of all things are in this time of tumultuous change. These fears include the fear of physical death. Thus it is that the more materialistic societies have more depression, hopelessness, and suicides, in the evolving, terrorizing scene of today's fragmenting world.
The depression, hopelessness and the thoughts of suicide are due to a number of more specific factors producing fears.
The first is the fear of the inability to cope in a fast changing and threatening world which is forcing upon minds a new definition for the meaning of life. Those who have fooled themselves completely into accepting the notion that the material world, the Virtual Reality in which we are forced to live, is the sum of all things, are being mentally fractured by the thought of Physical Finality looming in their psyche. It is being brought to them by the possibilities of Nuclear War, by the threats of Chemical and Biological Warfare, by the possibility of Asteroid strikes upon the Earth, etc.
They feel vulnerable, and having invested heavily in the physical perspective of existence, to the exclusion in most cases of even the thoughts of a spiritual component, they are unwilling to now squarely face the possibility of a Physical Termination and what next may occur if that eventuates.
This then leads to the second Fear - the fear of being accountable for one's actions.
Again, this fear arises because of an individual having accepted the Virtual Reality of this Plane as the sum total of existence. In spite of countless reminders, many have forgotten the Truth of a Superior Consciousness. Of a judging Superior Consciousness, a Superior Consciousness to which we are all accountable. This scenario has arisen as a result of the evolvement of the Celestial Error, and readers are referred to my earlier books for further details.
And as the possibility of a physical end impinges on their minds, this thought of a spiritual perspective in which they, like everyone else, will be truly judged in Divine Justice, seeps into their outer minds and they are terrorized by it. Again, for a discussion of the outer and inner minds, readers are referred to earlier writings.
This process that occurs in any one individual has nothing to do with anyone else. This process is an internal, personal process which minds, thinking or unthinking, consciously or unconsciously, are beginning to question what is going on, questioning the meaning of all that is occurring, finally!
This process has nothing to do with others. It has nothing to do with me as I explain it in essays such as this and in books. The process would be, and will be, there within individuals whether I write about it or not!
Now, why should the thought of accountability, of True Divine Justice, of being judged for one's true worth, bring some so much mental anguish and fear?
The answer is simple. Those who have the fear have chosen Evil over Good. And they know they have done so. They have this knowledge deep within their being. We all know deep within our psyche exactly what we are, what we have done, and what we deserve in a spiritual analysis of our true worth.
I repeat, this internal process within any other individual has nothing to do with me or you. My words don't really matter. The process would occur whether I wrote about it, or whether you had heard about it.
People in Russia, Japan, China, Micronesia, Australia, Europe, South Africa, Iceland, Nepal, etc., etc., in fact, people everywhere, are undergoing this same mental process, and they, almost certainly have never heard of me or you.
One's mental health is a reflection of one's spiritual worth!
Certainly many have some anxiety and some fear when first they consider what is going on and when they contemplate the possibility of a devastating war and the possibility of their death, and perhaps the thought of them being accountable to a Superior Being.
But individuals of Truth, of Love and Justice, trust in a loving, merciful Higher Consciousness, a God of Peace, and they in reality are happy to be rescued out of this corrupt, degenerating mess.
It is the individuals who have embraced Evil, inspite of countless chances to reject it, who feel the greatest fear, for they know, deep within their being, what Judgement for them means.
You or I do not need to tell anyone about this process. We do not need to remind others. Each knows in the depth of its being. Each "soul" knows!
And this is why the physical fragmentation, the overt physical breakdown is causing some so much mental anguish, so much fear, depression, hopelessness and despair.
Some cannot stand this process which is automatically occurring in all beings, and they seek an escape via physical self immolation. But, that is no answer.
Be aware that even as I write this lengthy explanation, the process is far more complicated. For example, evil programming can influence the lower mind of the evil-created physical body to entertain thoughts of suicide, and many other things, contrary to the true nature of the consciousness.
Again I repeat that the mental decay will occur in some people regardless of whether they hear my words, or yours, or do not hear them.
Their inexorable mental decay reflects the inexorable decay of the Evil-imposed Virtual Reality of this Plane which sustained them.
Conversely, no amount of Falsehood will now appease them. No matter how often and no matter how forcefully others tell them that all will be well, they will NOT escape their evolving mental state, for they truly know the score. This is a time of finality. The time for self-indulgent self-deception is truly over! All beings truly know now what is in store.
The lies of this Evil system will no longer work, no matter in which scheme they are manifested. The falsehood that people have been fed from time immemorial by the Archons of Evil are now worthless. All their trickery will be exposed. And the discovery of this tricking falsehood which has kept them in a destructive illusion will make those who are awakening very angry. And they will lash out at those who had deceived them and who are attempting to fool them now, and attempting to still keep them in a cocoon of ignorance and Darkness.
Each individual mind must now face the emerging True Reality; each must accept its fate. There is no escaping this process, not just because I say so, but because that is the truth of it.
False words cannot soothe the spirit. The Truth must be accepted. And each must stand in the Essence of Truth and admit automatically that which he or she has chosen. There can be no deception. God, the True God Consciousness, cannot be mocked. It never could be. It appeared that it could be only while minds operated in the illusion of the Evil-created Virtual Reality whichis now collapsing rapidly.
If a consciousness has chosen Darkness, Darkness will reflect in its mind. And minds in this category will be engulfed by a sense of Doom and Perdition. And these will reflect externally as the psychiatric symptoms of depression, hopelessness, despair and abandonment.
If a consciousness has remained in the Light, or if created by evil as a counterfeit consciousness, and actively chose Love, Light, and Justice, then these qualities will be reflected in its mind. And the end will not be seen by such consciousnesses as a tragedy, but rather as a miraculous Liberation from Darkness, from a world which has turned into a despicable hell.
This world was always a hell for those of Love, Light and Justice. It is now that it is being seen by more and more people for what it has always been, now as the mechanisms of the illusional Virtual Reality which camouflaged its true evil nature are destroyed. These mechanisms are the ones which inebriated minds with the distorting parody those of Falsehood employed so cunningly.
But now, with the fragmentation of the Virtual Reality and the loss of its intoxicating mechanisms, each must stand in the Light of the True Day.
This is what makes those who know they have chosen evil so fearful. Their fear is great, very great. And it reflects in them more and more, as with each passing day they become more anxious, more depressed, more hopeless. They know they are without spiritual hope. That is why so many are becoming increasingly suicidal all over the world.
And yet, in contrast, those who can stand in the Light and be nurtured by it are experiencing a joy welling in their hearts as they look to an Evil-free future.
I repeat, this is an automatic process occurring in each unit of consciousness in all classes of consciousness. It is a spontaneous process and the effect on any individual is a reflection of its spiritual worth. The response is automatic. A false reaction cannot be feigned. And the process will occur whether I wrote about it or not.
By Dr. J. S. Chiappalone, MD
The Annwn Journal
October 30th 2001
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From Sheryl Jackson
Sir, I have read your prattlings for the last two years. I do not accept that which you babble about, because you do not ever offer any goodness or other constructive advice for those who might wish to have spirituality as an alternative to your prophecies of Doom.
Like the fundamentalist preacher you torture yourself and others with your blatherings of "the EndTimes", and you do not bother with any conscious means to alleviate the stress of the NewWorldOrder. Your presentation of fear is little comfort to those who would read what you have written. Beating people into the ground is not the work of Goodness or Greatness. Stomping on people when they are down is not gentlemanly nor is it in the best interests of the spectators.
Suicide is the mosrt vile and vicious form of revenge on the planet. Most people who attempt suicide are trying to manipulate someone else into accepting more responsibility than they need to accept. So people check out. Or try to. What is the purpose of your torment? What do you hope to accomplish with your venom and hate? Why do you know all of this and no one else seems to? You are hardly a bearer of truth, light and God. But indeed, your writing perpetuates the hopelessness of those who really just want to end their lives as they are tired.
You mention vague generalities without ever making a commitment as to who you think the evil are. This leaves people to read what you write and incorporate your insanity with their own. You are NOT the Bearer of a message of God. You are not the one that God tells all of this to. And you certainly are not the way to achieve the light and love that we all need so much. Indeed, sir, I perceive you to be a harbinger of the same evil you rag against. You write your own hopelessness and despair and share it with others who may need to have counseling or ourside help.
There is a war of Spirituality that is rearing its Head like the Beast, and it is happeining right here in America. Most especially in America, as this is where the Evil One rules from. And yes there is great evil in Washington, DC, at this time, but there will be intervention that will expose all that needs to be exposed. But as the Sacred writings of the Bible, state, Vengeance belongs to God, and so do we. We are the perfect children of God and all that is created. We are just trying to find our place in the cosmos and the things that cause so much pain and turmoil will be replaced with the Harmony and Peace that most people believe in.
We will emerge from all of this unscathed in the True Spirit of Creation, yes there are those who will kill themselves and others, but we will emerge victorious and glorious in the Light of God. The question is never what kind of God would allow all of this, but, the question is always what kind of people would allow this? America is peopled by some of the most wonderful, gracious, generous people on the planet. We just need to remember that more often.
Have a nice day, sir.
Sheryl Jackson
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