The Shocking Menace Of
Satellite Surveillance
By John Fleming in The US

Unknown to most of the world, satellites can perform astonishing and often menacing feats.
This should come as no surprise when one reflects on the massive effort poured into satellite technology since the Soviet satellite Sputnik, launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A spy satellite can monitor a person,'s every movement, even when the "target" is indoors or deep in the interior of a building or traveling rapidly down the highway in a car, in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy).
There is no place to hide on the face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to blanket the world with detection capacity.
Besides tracking a person,'s every action and relaying the data to a computer screen on earth, amazing powers of satellites include reading a person,'s mind, monitoring conversations, manipulating electronic instruments and physically assaulting someone with a laser beam.
Remote reading of someone,'s mind through satellite technology is quite bizarre, yet it is being done; it is a reality at present, not a chimera from a futuristic dystopia!
To those who might disbelieve my description of satellite surveillance, I,'d simply cite a tried-and-true Roman proverb: Time reveals all things (tempus omnia revelat).
Probably the most sinister aspect of satellite surveillance, certainly its most stunning, is mind-reading. As early as 1981, G. Harry Stine (in his book Confrontation in Space), could write that computers have "read" human minds by means of deciphering the outputs of electroencephalographs (EEGs).
Early work in this area was reported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1978. EEG,'s are now known to be crude sensors of neural activity in the human brain, depending as they do upon induced electrical currents in the skin.
Magnetoencephalographs (MEGs) have since been developed using highly sensitive electromagnetic sensors that can directly map brain neural activity even through even through the bones of the skull.
The responses of the visual areas of the brain have now been mapped by Kaufman and others at Vanderbilt University.
Work may already be under way in mapping the neural activity of other portions of the human brain using the new MEG techniques. It does not require a great deal of prognostication to forecast that the neural electromagnetic activity of the human brain will be totally mapped within a decade or so and that crystalline computers can be programmed to decipher the electromagnetic neural signals.
In 1992, Newsweek reported that "with powerful new devices that peer through the skull and see the brain at work, neuroscientists seek the wellsprings of thoughts and emotions, the genesis of intelligence and language. They hope, in short, to read your mind."
In 1994, a scientist noted that "current imaging techniques can depict physiological events in the brain which accompany sensory perception and motor activity, as well as cognition and speech."
In order to give a satellite mind-reading capability, it only remains to put some type of EEG-like-device on a satellite and link it with a computer that has a data bank of brain-mapping research.
I believe that surveillance satellites began reading minds--or rather, began allowing the minds of targets to be read--sometime in the early 1990s. Some satellites in fact can read a person,'s mind from space.
John Fleming is the author of a book called
'The War of All Against All: An Analysis of Conflict in Society,'
which can be ordered by calling toll free 800-462-6420.
Paperback, 120 pp., $24, Univ. Press of America



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