- UFOs ARE REPORTED AROUND THE WORLD -- Large 'motherships'
and smaller UFOs are being reported from almost every state
including Connecticut,
New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Louisiana, Texas,
plus Columbia,
England, Germany, Brunei, and Australia. Intense solar flare
activity blasting
radiation millions of miles into space has created speculation that the
UFOs are coming into Earth's atmosphere for protection. The US Air Force
investigated UFOs for twenty years admitting to more than ten thousand
sightings. Despite intensive investigation almost ten percent
remain unexplained.
Congressman Gerald Ford asked Congress to investigate UFOs in 1966, is
now the time?.
- KENSINGTON -- On April 13, 2001, the witness was out
walking about 10:45 PM when she saw a glowing object that looked like a
diamond shooting star, only it wasn't shooting. The witness started to
look more closely. She said, it kind of spooked me out a first, because
it wasn't making a noise and it was flying low. Then I walked onto another
street when it started coming closer going towards the center of town,
(Berlin). As it flew in that direction I saw that it was sort of a cigar
shaped object with no blinking lights, just solid red and white lights.
I continued walking towards my house and then I noticed another one coming
from the same direction. I saw this person in a car and I asked them to
stop. The girl was kind of freaked out that I was stopping her at night.
"Look at that!" She said, "Its a plane." and I said
"NO! Its something else, I just saw another one." She was very
skeptical. I watched it go towards the same direction as the first. The
second object had the same description as the first. 1.) At first it looked
like a glowing Diamond sort of thing. 2.) It had solid red and
white lights.
3.) The craft were kind of cigar shaped. 4.) Both flew very low about the
altitude of a helicopter. 5.) They weren't making a sound. The lady who
stopped asked to use my cell phone to call her friend that lived in the
area. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National Reporting
Center - NUFORC.
- WEST BERLIN -- Mrs. D'Imperio writes, at 9:30
PM on September
12, 2000, our family saw a very huge lighted disc up in the sky. My brother
in-law shouted for the family to come out on the deck. We all looked up
and saw a lighted wheel with what looked like bicycle spokes coming out
of it. Another ring was on the outside. What amazed me was lights were
coming down the spokes going around the outside of the other ring coming
back to where they started and coming together all of them in the center
of the ring. They kept repeating this action. Then from another direction
of the sky came a second object that joined going around the circle but
making another spoke. As we watched for some time two helicopters came
overhead. One was bigger then the other and went straight for what we were
watching. They were flying around for a while. If I attempted to draw the
UFO, it would look like a wheel within a wheel with lights going around
and coming together in the middle. I posted this information on the web.
Thanks to Mrs. D'Imperio at alian 10094@aol.com
- ROANOKE -- Andy and Robin Hodge report seeing flying
yellowish white round orb like objects? We saw two together while out on
my deck April 23, 2001. They were close together and moving so
fast I barely
caught a glimpse before they were behind the clouds. They were definitely
not conventional aircraft. They could have been meteors but do they travel
together in twos? I saw no tail, just round fast moving yellowish white
lights that looked like orb shapes. There were many airplanes out during
this time, but none could move that fast! Thanks to Robin at
- CADIZ - The witness was coming home from work on April
19, 2001, when he noticed a white light globe off in the distance over
my house at 11:55 PM. He states, it is very unusual for craft to fly low
over my small town residence. As I got closer to my home the globe started
moving very quickly across the sky. It would move east then stop on a dime
and move west, stop again and go straight up and east. I pulled in my drive
way and the white light globe lowered itself to three miles away.
It hovered
again and the white light turned red. It stood there for a few seconds
then started west, the red light began flashing fast like a strobe light,
and it just vanished. I live outside of town with few lights and I could
hear dogs all over town barking. When the light vanished all the
dogs stopped
barking. Two days ago at midnight I was watching TV when my entire house
started shaking very faintly though enough that my candles were vibrating
off the window." The witness is a very respected person in
his community
with a degree in law enforcement. He ran inside grabbed his camcorder and
drove to the top of the hill where you can see for miles, but the light
never came back.
field investigator
reports that on April 24, and 25, 2001, on paltalk.com an Internet chatroom
a gentleman who runs that sight that had a UFO fly over his car. The UFO
stopped his car. He observed a F-15 at full throttle with wings back and
afterburners on, break sound barrier and pull up along side of the UFO
that suddenly made a quick left hand turn in front of the F-15, and the
pilot almost lost it. His dad observed a UFO the night before and
got pictures
of it. He needs help investigating this sighting. The control towers in
a couple of cities around him have told him that the information is none
of his business. Stop by on paltalk.com and join the group. The gentleman's
name is nighthawk. Thanks to James Greenen MUFON FI iufoc@zoomph.net
- MIDDLETOWN -- We noticed an orange colored light in the
sky straight ahead on April 19, 2001, so we watched it for about twenty
minutes at 4:30 AM. The light appeared to be in a triangular formation.
A plane flew underneath the UFO and as it went under the red
lights appeared
on the UFO as if it were giving a warning. The UFO started moving slowly
at first gaining speed toward the right and then it came to a stop and
hovered for about five minutes. Then a small star shaped object branched
off of it and started flying straight up and around as if it were in orbit
with the earth, but still in the atmosphere. The star shaped
light disappeared,
but we continued to watch the other object as it started moving further
away and disappeared. It was neither a plane nor a star and I have never
seen any thing like this before.
- CLOSE TO ILLINOIS STATE LINE -- The witness on April
18, 2001, was traveling on Interstate 90 in Indiana, and noticed a cross
like or star like object in the sky. It was very bright opaque white and
larger than surrounding stars. The object was above horizon as we traveled
late in the night. The object rose vertically and moved in the opposite
direction we were traveling. I moved forward in my seat, turned my head
upward and to the left as it passed over the roof of the vehicle. When
the object was passing I got a good side view and a bit of the back of
the object. The witness stated, "There were many small red lights
curved around the base and the lights flashed on either side of
the craft."
The flashes possibly obscured more red lights on the far side. The red
lights curving gave the impression that the object was circular or at least
the base was circular. I viewed a bright, white cross like or star like
object with many smaller red lights. I will confirm time with my spouse.
Peter Davenport of NUFORC spoke with this witness, and found her to be
quite lucid and serious-minded in her description of the event.
<A HREF="http://www.ufocenter.com/"NUFORC</A
- SCHAUMBURG -- I was outside on my roof at 2:18 AM on
April 15, 2001, because that is the time the ship Titanic sank 89 years
ago. Well, I was looking up at the stars wondering how those people felt
when I saw a flash of light come from behind me. I got scared because I
thought it was lightning, and I turned north to see for sure. There were
no clouds or anything, so I turned around. Maybe 30 seconds later
it happened
again and this time I felt a gust of wind also from the North. I looked
up towards the sky and saw a bright shiny object moving very slightly in
the sky. It was almost diamond/tear shaped and definitely not a planet,
star or satellite. I'm in an astronomy class and I know the difference
between the three objects. Therefore, I was a little scared and curious.
I stood up and waved at it, and then it disappeared. Peter Davenport notes
that, if this event occurred, we question whether it had anything to do
with the sinking of the Titanic.
- On April 25, 2001, at 9: 02 PM Carol sighted an object
coming from the west. The object appeared red and white kind of blended
together flying fairly high at a pretty fast speed, and faster than most
planes. It got behind the many trees in the front yard and I walked to
the other side of the yard and saw it again. Carol states, "It was
a larger solid round white light moving at the same speed gliding smoothly
along as they usually do." Before leaving my sight flying southeast,
it again turned to the red mixed with white color. It became smaller and
continued on the same flight path. Sighting lasted approximately
two minutes.
Thanks to Carolncbuckallew@cp-tel.net skyopen@yahoogroups.com
- GRAHAM -- Donna B. writes that on April 24, 2001, at
approximately 10:30 AM, I observed a large oval object in the southeastern
sky; it was silver in color and was hovering. Cannot determine how high
it was. It "faded" instead of blinking out this time.
There wasn't
time to grab binoculars and camera, unfortunately. Have observed this type
of UFO before, but have never seen them just fade. Thanks to
Donna B. djb0898@wf.net
- BOGOTÁ -- William Chavez reports that on April
23, 2001, at 4:15 p.m., three objects of unknown origin were seen flying
over Bogotá where more than 3,000 people in the city's business
district witnessed them. The objects were in the vicinity of Cerro El Cable
Hill where they remained motionless for four minutes. Radio broadcaster
"Radiodifusora Nacional" and Todelar phoned Contacto OVNI, our
research organization, to discuss this sighting live, and because in recent
years this type of phenomenon has become increasingly common. Last March,
a "mothership" was captured on video over Barrio Santa Isabel.
When the video was analyzed it was possible to see a large tubular object
at an altitude of 10,000 feet. This object also headed toward
Cerro El Cable Hill. On April 15th, Mr. Oscar Berrio filmed a disc-shaped
object in the vicinity of El Dorado Airport, and we are investigating this
sighting. Thanks to SHnSASSY1 and Contacto OVNI Translation (C)
2001. William
Chavez www.epagos.com/contacto-ovni
- DERBYSHIRE, ENGLAND -- Andy Darlington of the Matlock
Mercury Newspaper writes, "The mystery of UFO sightings over the Peaks
and Dales shows no signs of abating after the 23rd reported sighting in
the last eight months." Since September, locals have spoken of strange
lights, flying saucers, and huge triangular craft in the skies. One was
even caught on video. Now a 34-year-old Wirksworth man, who asked not to
be named, says he saw a giant disk-shaped craft over Idridgehay. He was
driving to market in Derby at 3:00 AM when he saw the UFO hovering near
the road. In addition, he was the first person who'd seen the UFOs to admit
feeling afraid by what he saw. "It did frighten me because I couldn't
explain what it was," he remarked. "I've never seen anything
like this before and logic couldn't explain it. It was shocking. I've never
been believer in UFOs and sightings but I believe in them now." The
man said the craft was hovering above woods and seemed to rotate. It had
blue, red, and white lights. The incident follows another sighting of three
flying saucers above Youlgrave last Wednesday. Thanks to Gerry @
- MANNHEIM -- Christian Siedenbiedel reports that
the German
UFO Registration Office run by Werner Walter has been stressed out since
the beginning of February. "A new UFO craze has started in
groans the 43-year-old man who has headed the Office for the past 10 years.
"Forty unidentified flying objects in six weeks -- that's more than
in 1999 and 2000 put together." Mr. Walter puts some of the blame
for this latest wave of UFO hysteria on increased television coverage of
the crash of the Russian Mir space station, the planet Venus, and disco
searchlights. Even the police called on one occasion; claim they
had pursued
a UFO in their patrol car. These were most likely the searchlights. A woman
in the town of KONSTANZ, claimed she had seen a cylindrical object that
was several hundred meters (yards) long above her on the market square
in broad daylight.
- GADONG -- On April 26, 2001, a husband and wife claimed
that they had seen an unknown flying object in Gadong's airspace at around
12:30 AM. They were on their way home from a dinner occasion when Philip
Chua, 33, and wife, Silvia Goh Mei Ling, 28, were shocked by the bright
object in the skies. They had earlier seen the UFO around the area of
Jalan Tungku Link. Coincidentally, he had a camera with him. He stopped
his car and took pictures of the object, but the object vanished as if
'it' knew someone was taking pictures of 'it'. He said when interviewed
by Media Permata. Upon passing a bridge near Emperor's Court, the wife
claimed that they saw an object that appeared again near Rimba, The next
day; Chua sent the film to his friend's shop to be developed. Strangely,
while his friend was processing the film, the shop's power was cut off
for an hour. However, Chua felt relief as the object was captured on the
film. He spread the word around his friends. Translated via
Thanks to Gerry Farshores
- SALT ASH, NSW -- Darryyll Jones writes that he holds
an ultra light pilots license and a yachtsman so he is more aware of the
sky. On April 26, 2001, 15 miles north of Newcastle. I was looking at
the sky with a friend at 8:00 PM when a huge triangular outlined shape
formed by white lights, mostly on the leading edge, but enough on
the trailing
edge to define this boomerang outline, flew directly over head. It had
to be massive. My first impression was that it was between
10,000 to 30,000
feet high. It was 5 degrees wide, silent and flew straight with
no ionization
trail. Suddenly it was gone like the lights went out. Only minute's later
single lights began scribing perfect arc's between 40 to 80 degrees south,
first in one direction then the other in exactly the same circuit, then
they too were gone. They were making a crescent shape as they too were
fading out in the western portion of their arc. I have wracked my brain
for an explanation such birds, aircraft, or asteroids. My friend and I
sat down and made notes that were near identical. We concluded the most
likely explanation was a mother ship and the single orbs somehow came from
- I am still far from satisfied with that
explanation though.
As the military aircraft from a nearby RAAF base were out in larger than
normal numbers, the three helicopters and possibly five F18's might have
been a laser type focused display. The triangle was "flying"
in the direction of the base. My friend was looking the other way when
I spotted the triangle approaching. He got two and a half
seconds to observe
it, while I got five. We agreed on what we saw. The orbs were around
for 13 passes for three minutes at very high speed. They dimmed out as
they headed west for the sun now over the horizon, suggesting again deep
space objects. The main group and then fractured and returned to earth
much like fighter pilots peel off. There was a small storm in the distance
with heavy lightning that continued all night. Others claim to regularly
see the big triangle inland at Bathurs. Thanks to Darryyll
Jones vital.earth@hunterlink.net.au.
Editor's Note: Two well qualified witnesses observed a UFO. The craft
may be stationed at the nearby air base or pulling into our atmosphere
for protection from unusually heavy solar flares emanating from
our sun.
- US businessman Dennis Tito paid the Russians $20 million
to go into space. He blasted off successfully in the Soyuz TM-32 spacecraft
and became the first space tourist when. He and his two
cosmonaut crewmates
successfully docked with the international space station on April 30, as
the two vehicles sailed 240 miles above central Asia. Tito says, "I
love space." The 60 year-old apparently had no problems adjusting
to space. "It was a great trip here." The US strongly opposed
the trip by an American civilian. It will be interesting to find out what
he sees in space. Thanks to Space Flight
- On Sunday night April 29, 2001, Regis Philbin the host
of the most popular game show on television "Who Wants to be
a Millionaire"
asked the contestant to tell about her UFO sighting. The
contestant mentioned
briefly her UFO encounter near Pine Bush, New York. The audience chuckled,
so she pointed out that she wasn't a kook!
- To hold open, secrecy-free hearings on the
presence on and around Earth. To hold open hearings on advanced energy
and propulsion systems that, when publicly released, will provide solutions
to global environmental challenges. To enact comprehensive legislation
to research, develop and explore space peacefully and cooperatively with
all cultures on Earth and in space. The recorded testimony of scores of
military, government, and other witnesses to Unidentified Flying Objects
and Extraterrestrial events and projects from around the world establishes
the existence of an UFO/Extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth.
This recorded testimony consists of dozens of firsthand, often top-secret
witnesses to UFO and Extraterrestrial events, internal
UFO-related government
projects and covert activities, space-based weapons programs,
Intelligence, and covert, reverse-engineered energy and propulsion system
- The technologies that are of an Extraterrestrial origin,
when publicly released within a planned transition period, will provide
solutions to global environmental and security challenges. These numerous
recorded witnesses constitute only a small portion of a vast pool
of identified
present or former military, intelligence, corporate, aviator,
flight control,
law enforcement officers, scientists and other witnesses, who will come
forward when subpoenaed to testify at US Congressional hearings. Without
a grant of immunity releasing them from their security oaths, many such
unimpeachable witnesses fear to speak out. This will provide unprecedented
benefits and opportunities to all on Earth and in space. Contact: Alfred
Webre 604-733-8134 or Dr. Steven Greer 540-456-8302
- This is a translation of a Taiwan Daily Gazette article.
"In a heroic dogfight fought over international waters off
the mainland
China coast, a 60s era American-built Lockheed Electra propeller airliner
with 24 US Navy passengers/observers aboard chewed up one of China's best
state-of-the-art supersonic fighter aircraft. The Americans, utilizing
the infrequently seen combat tactic of straight and level flight, often
accomplished by relying solely on autopilot, engaged the unfortunate single
seat combat jet and knocked it out of the air using only one of its four
formidable rotating air mass propellers. After the action, the crew and
passengers/observers dropped in on China's Hainan Island Resort, for some
much-deserved R&R as guests of the Chinese government. Reprinted from
the Taiwan Daily Gazette by staff writer One Wing Lo, Ray (WA4RLB) and
Brenda Burt
- David E. Twichell writes, "The ancient astronaut
and Biblical UFO hypotheses are not new. However, no one seems to want
to take the matter to the next logical step. If Ezekiel's, "wheel
within a wheel," and Moses', "pillar of fire and cloud,"
were forerunners of today's UFOs, then the Star of Bethlehem and
the brilliant
cloud to which Jesus ascended must be treated in the same vein.
When Biblical
descriptions of anomalous aerial phenomena are overlaid on that
of modern-day
UFO reports, the picture seems to meld as one. Once the evidence has been
presented, the reader is led to a conclusion that is at best convincing
and at least thought provoking. Are you willing to risk having
your worldview
shaken? Read the preface free at:
To order your copy of THE UFO - JESUS CONNECTION, go to:
Or Save the shipping charges and order your autographed copy by sending
a check or money order for $13.95 (US) per copy to: David Twichell, P.O.
Box 511, Trenton MI. 48183-0511
- PHOTOGRAPH BOOKLET of some of the best UFO photographs
available and data on their propulsion systems by US Navy Commander Graham
Bethune. $10.00. Send check or money order to G. Filer 222 Jackson Road,
Medford, New Jersey 08055. CD OF FILER'S FILES for the last four years
1997 through 2000 is available for $25.00. Both for $30.00.
- Jeff Challender has prepared a new tape of various UFOs
that were caught on recent Shuttle video footage. Jeff has over
an hour-long
tape of UFOs shot in space. Jeff spends hundreds of hours watching the
shuttle broadcasts from space and is now an expert on NASA missions and
even those onboard the shuttle are unlikely to see what Jeff does. Using
Jeff's directions you will be able to learn the difference between space
junk, ice crystals and real UFOs. One segment has 24 UFOs watching the
shuttle from space. I feel confident we could go into a court of law and
convince any jury, UFOs are moving around our Earth. Send $25 to: Jeff
Challender 2768 Mendel Way - Sacramento, California 95833-2011.
- MUFON UFO JOURNAL -- For more detailed monthly
reports subscribe to the MUFON JOURNAL that costs only $30 per year by
contacting MUFONHQ@Aol.com. Mention that I recommended you for membership.
Filer's Files is copyrighted 2001 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved.
Readers may post items from the files on their Web Sites provided they
credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue
that the item appeared. Caution: Most of these are initial reports and
require further investigation. These reports and comments are
not necessarily
the official MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar@Aol.com.
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use
your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name, address, or story
- Editor's Note: I will be one of the speakers on May 9
in Washington, DC to request hearings. Former President Ford told me that
he was never provided information on UFOs despite his requests as Speaker
of the House, Vice President and as President of the United States.
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